Gun laws in Hverland

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Gun laws in Hverland govern the possession, sale, and use of firearms and ammunition within the country. As a unitary state, all firearm legislation in Hverland is enacted at the national level and is uniformly applicable across the entire nation. The Firearms Control Act passed in 2022 serves as the primary legislation overseeing gun control, replacing a much older 1923 law. The regulations aim to balance public safety concerns with individuals' rights to own firearms for specific uses, such as hunting, sport shooting, and self-defense.


Firearms Control Act

The 2022 Firearms Control Act is the cornerstone of Hverland's gun control policy, replacing the outdated 1923 law. This legislation outlines the conditions under which civilians may own, carry, and use firearms. Specific provisions include:

  • Civilians are strictly prohibited from owning automatic firearms.
  • Semi-automatic firearms may be owned but require a special permit.
  • Legal firearms must be registered and licensed on a per-gun basis.
  • Individuals must be at least 21 years old to purchase a firearm.

Ammunition Control Regulation

As a supplement to the Firearms Control Act, the Ammunition Control Regulation sets forth the types of ammunition that are legally permissible for purchase, sale, and use. This includes restrictions on high-capacity magazines and armor-piercing rounds.

Licensing and registration

Initial application

For each firearm, applicants must:

  • Undergo a comprehensive background check.
  • Complete a government-approved firearms safety course.
  • Provide a justification for the need to own the specific firearm (e.g., self-defense, hunting, sport shooting).
  • Submit to a mental health evaluation.


Licenses are temporary and must be renewed every five years. The renewal process involves passing another background check and completing a refresher safety course.

Ownership statistics and public opinion

About 16% of Hverlanders own a firearm, placing the country slightly above nations like Sweden, France, Canada, and Germany in terms of legal gun ownership rates. Public opinion generally supports the existing laws, although advocacy groups exist that argue for both more stringent controls and relaxed regulations.

Law enforcement and exemptions

Law enforcement personnel are exempt from many civilian restrictions but are still required to undergo regular training and certification. Special permits exist for specific uses like research and antique collection but are tightly regulated.


Non-compliance with Hverland's firearm laws can result in harsh penalties such as imprisonment, substantial fines, and permanent revocation of firearm licenses.

See also

External links