Haru Youth Services

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(Haru: Dra Ryni Ouidr Canjelac pronounced: "DE-raah RAaenee OHooee-de-ra KUahn-jaeeay-luah-ku"), often abbreviated as HYS, is the youth organisation of the Imperium and its territories. Its origins date back to 1901 and it received the name Haru Youth Regiment in August 1906. From 1906 until 1932 (Of which it would then become 'The Haru Youth Services'), it is the sole official youth organisation in the Imperium and its territories, and it is partially a paramilitary organisation; it is composed of the HYS proper for youths aged 12 to 18.

The Banner

In 1898, the Prathen-based Council of Nine established its official youth organisation called The Youth of the Bannner (Dra Ouidr uv Dra Pyhhan, pronounced: "DE-raah OHooee-de-ra oo-fu DE-raah PEae-ha-haahn"), abbreviated as YoB often. It was announced on 8 March 1900 in the Hall of the Nine, and its inaugural meeting took place on 13 May the same year.

Youth Services

Shortly after this, The Haru Youth Services, was established in 1901, within the Renor Elemmiire stronghold city-state of Tambov, it serves to train and recruit future members of the Ehdanhym Calinedo Canjelac (ECC, Internal Security Services). As time progressed it would over shadow the YoB, and merge the other service into itself, taking on its duties as well.


The members of The Haru Youth Services are viewed as ensuring the future of the Imperium and they are indoctrinated in the Haru ideology, including religion. The HYS includes many of the activities of the Boy Scouts, including camping and hiking. However over time it also became more of an academic institution, with both studies in the sciences, medicine, and other forays of interest, much like one might do at a college or some sort.

Many of those accepted into the HYS often get a chance at furthering education, and as such, the HYS is often times mutually exclusive to commoners as children from houses already have this access.

However, alongside this, many activities closely resemble military training, with weapons training, assault course circuits and basic tactics. The aim is to instill the motivation that would enable its members to fight faithfully for the Imperium as soldiers, if that was the path they so desire to endure.


The Haru Youth Services are organised into corps under adult leaders, and the general membership of the HYS consists of boys and girls aged 12 to 18. The HYS is organised into local cells on a community level. Such cells have weekly meetings at which various doctrines are taught by adult leaders. Regional leaders typically organise rallies and field exercises in which several dozen HYS cells will participate. The largest gathering usually take place annually at Prathen, where members from all over the Imperium will converge for the annual Imperium Victory Day Rally.

The HYS maintains training academies comparable to preparatory schools, which are designed to nurture future leaders. The HYS also maintains several corps designed to develop future officers for the Haru Imperial Legionary (Armed Forces). The corps offers specialised foundational training for each of the specific arms for which the member is ultimately destined. The Sea Haru Youth Services (Sea-HYS), for example, serves as an auxiliary to the HIN. Its symbol is a rising sun with over the national banner. A program entitled Ninym Ouidr Canjelac (Rural Youth Services, Pronounced: "Neenaem OHooee-de-ra KUahn-jaeeay-luah-ku") was designed to teach specifically chosen rural youths training for future labor leaders and technicians, its emblem is a hammer and a wrench over the national banner.

The Haru Youth Services has a number of monthly and weekly publications, internet service and a phone service, among them are the Ryni Ouidr Canjelac Hafc Sehida (Haru Youth News Minute), the Ouidr Makeuh (Youth Legion), Ouidr Hafcvaat (Young Newsfeed). Other services include Ouihk Esbaneis Had (Young Imperium Net), an internet service specifically designed for youths, and also ROC Damalus (HYS Telecom), a service that provides members of the HYS with access to phones and a government provided plan.