List of Presidents of Silverdale

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United Pony States Flag.png President of Silverdale

  Silverdalean Democratic Front Party (1)   Rose Party (4)   Liberal Harmony Party (3)   Harmonic Celestial Party (2)   Green Party (2)   Freedom Party (1)   Radiant Dawn (1)   Gamer Party (1)

Portrait President of Silverdale
(length of term)
Term of office Prior Office Party
1 Lucina Penguincroft.png Lucina Penguincroft
(8 yr)
1946-1954 Militia Leader of the Congressional Army Silverdalean Democratic Front Party
2 Ruby Icecheer.jpeg Ruby Icecheer
(4 yr)
1954-1958 Senator of Chen Rose Party
3 Marco Peakie.jpg Marco Peakie
(7 yr)
1958-1965 Commander of the South Pole Front Radiant Dawn
4 Song Hui.jpg Song Hui
(1 yr)
1965-1966 Vice President of Silverdale Harmonic Celestial Party
5 Stronghoof Mossheart.png Stronghoof Mossheart
(4 yr)
1966-1970 Governor of Gallia Green Party
6 Gunter Griffon.png Gunter Featherwing
(4 yr)
1970-1974 Governor of Derpshire Liberal Harmony Party
7 Migaloo Oceanheart.jpg Migaloo Oceanheart
(4 yr)
1974-1978 Druid of the Ocean Green Party
8 Cynthia Luvgood.png Cynthia Luvgood
(12 yr)
1978-1990 University of Seasons Professor Rose Party
9 SnuggleKins.png SnuggleKins de Rose
4 yr)
1990-1994 Senator of Summer Isle Rose Party
10 Sharena Goldenheart.jpg Sharena Goldenheart
8 yr)
1994-2002 Archmage of Firearms Harmonic Celestial Party
11 Bobby Alex.png Bobby Alex
4 yr)
2002-2006 Movie Star Freedom Party
12 Aqua Crystal.png Aqua Crystal
4 yr)
2006-2010 Senator of Crystalia Liberal Harmony Party
13 Prez Pip.png Littlepip
4 yr)
2010-2014 General of the First Army Liberal Harmony Party
14 Fluffykins.png Fluffykins de Rose
4 yr)
2015-2019 Senator of Summer Isle Rose Party
15 El Presidentine Miranda Songbird.PNG Miranda Songbird
4 yr)
2020-Present Professional Esports Gamer and Pop-Star Gamer Party