National Air Transit Authority (Radictistan)

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The National Air Transit Authority (NATA) (Radictistani: Nationalflugverkehrsamt, NFVA) is the national aviation authority of the Grand Duchy of Radictistan. Suboordinate to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, it is responsible for the regulation of civil aviation in Radictistan. The NATA sets airworthiness standards, licenses aircrew and maintenance personnel, maintains all air navigation aids except for those located within military installations and the orbiting GLONASS-R system. It also operates the national air traffic control system known as the Common Airspace Control System. In addition, NATA is responsible for investigating the cause of aircraft accidents. In the case of criminal incidents, such as the bombing of Radictistan Automotive Works Flight 241, this is done in conjunction with the Royal Security Police. However the NATA always has the lead role in any investigation.