Order of precedence in Themiclesia

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The order of precedence in Themiclesia originates in the sequence in a which a person is greeted by the Sovereign when he or she holds a formal court. This order is extended to regulate individuals' order of listing or seating in certain situations. It is neither a representation of relative political power or even ranking in a formal sense, nor the order of succession to the throne.

Order Personage Announcer Emperor's
1 Chancellor of Themiclesia N/A Bow N/A
2 Dukes and Princes Palatine
3 Vice Chancellor of Themiclesia Chancellor of Themiclesia Rise and
Pray accept the sovereign's reverent gratitude
4 Provincial Viceroy
5 Assistant Vice Chancellor of Themiclesia Pray accept the sovereign's solemn gratitude
6 Chancellor of the Exchequer
7 Chancellor of Accounts Vice Chancellor of Themiclesia
8 Chancellor of the Household
9 Baron-Companion
10 Royal Chief Barons Baron-Companion Rise Accept the sovereign's gratitude
11 Royal Barons
12 Baronets
13 Tribune-general
14 Generals, not of baron rank
15 Other Companions, not of baron rank
16 Chief Justice of Appeals
17 Other officials of 2,000-bushel rank Companion Seated The sovereign has accepted your courtesy
18 Commissioner of the Waiting-Gentlemen
19 Grand Counsels of the Palace
20 Other Counsels of the Palace

See also