Our Indifference (Film)
Our indifference is a 2009 Alslandic Animated film produced by Mati Kivi and released by TBD. The film is based off Alana Blaauw's 1997 novel, Jõgeru: In leafdesferhaal which is based off the 1976 Jõgeru massacre where 8 people were shot and killed by Definsjemacht soldiers sent to Martiland to end the general strike which had lasted for 3 months beforehand.
Our indifference was written in 2003 and had a planned release date in 2007 although the initial plans were shelved due to financial issues at X studio. The film was picked up in 2005 by X studio and was animated and produced between 2005 and 2009. It was released on 20 October 2009 at the Montecara Film Festival.
The film became the first animated feature film to win the Montecara Film Festival.
Yntsen Roos is a 17 year old girl who has recently moved from Middewald to Jõgeru in Martiland. On her first day of school she strikes up a conversation with Villu Peetre who's father is a Union leader involved in the 1975-1976 Martish General strike. Yntsen develops a secret romantic interest in Villu and the two begin writing each other letters.
Shortly after this, a planned demonstration in the town turns violent and several Strikers are injured. The violence is enough for soldiers to be deployed to Jõgeru and Yntsen and Villu's school becomes guarded by soldiers. When arriving at school after the soldiers arrived, Villu is detained and searched by police despite Yntsen's protests. Yntsen is brought out of class that day and has to give an interview to the police about Villu and his supposed involvement in the strike which she denies and tells the police that she was with Villu at a park on the day of the strike. Yntsen's friend Ivika verifies Yntsen's claim.
Yntsen is later escorted back to class by a soldier named Steffan who she starts a conversation with. Steffan tells Yntsen that he sympathises with the strikers and their cause. Steffan tells Yntsen to be careful as she returns to class. Villu is released later that day and Villu's father files a complaint to the police over his arrest. A second strike is planned for the next week with demonstrators from across Martiland set to arrive.
As the day of the strike approaches tensions rise in Jõgeru with many leaving to avoid any potential violence, Yntsen invites Villu for dinner with her family on the day of the strike which he agrees to. Whilst walking home from school Yntsen is harassed by two school bullies, the bullies are scared off after Steffan approaches Yntsen and threatens to have the bullies detained for agitating. Steffan once again tells Yntsen to not get involved with the demonstrations as he thinks that violence will erupt at the protest. On the day of the strike Yntsen and Villu meet and Villu tells her that his house had been searched by police and his father had been arrested for his involvement in the strike.
That evening the couple begin to have Dinner with Yntsen's family when they learn on the news that the demonstration has turned into a riot and a curfew has been enacted. Villu leaves Yntsen's house to return home before the curfew.
At the riot, Steffan and several other soldiers are attacked by rioters. Steffan's group retreats to a barricade established by the Definsjemacht near Jõgeru town square. The rioters advance on the barricade and plan to occupy the town square.
Yntsen calls Villu's house phone however there is no answer and she grows worried. Shortly after this Villu calls her from a public phone and tells her that he is stuck in the riot. When pressed about his location the line goes dead. Yntsen sneaks out of her house and heads to the demonstration to find Villu.
After Yntsen's father learns that she has left he heads to the demonstration to find her. He meets Villu's father who is also looking for his son and the two resolve to find the pair. As they do bricks begin to be thrown at the soldiers and police in the town square. After several minutes of this the rioters storm the Town Square and injure several soldiers.
Yntsen finds Villu in the town square shortly before shots begin to be fired the panic ensues. Yntsen and Villu's fathers are both swept up in the chaos and begin running as more shots begin to be fired. Yntsen is injured by a horse mounted police officer and Villu tries to help her as the chaos ensues. The soldiers advance on the pair and Villu tries calling for help but his cries can't be heard over the chaos. Villu tries helping Yntsen to her feet and begins to help her out of the square. As they do Steffan appears from behind a corner and mistakenly shoots both of them and kills Villu. After realising what he did Steffan panics and tries helping Yntsen although she dies before he can find help.
At Yntsen's funeral, the letters between her and Villu are read out as Yntsen is buried. The names of all 8 victims are read out following their final letter.
Voice Cast
- Aivo Kass : Villu Peetre, a 17 year old Martish student.
- Tsjedsje Groeneveld : Yntsen Roos, a 17 year old who recently moved to Jõgeru.
- Leopold Blankenburg : Steffan, a Definsjemacht soldier.
- Dukke Ykema : Yntsen's father.
- Eedo Opik : Rauno Peetre, Villu's father and a union leader.
- Sjieuwke Walstra : Yntsen's mother.
- Mai Padar : Ivika, Yntsen's closest friend.