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The city's main street facing eastwards, away from the coast
The city's main street facing eastwards, away from the coast
Pakemā is located in Hytekia
 • Total39,785

Pakemā (Mitrusian: Pȯtkāmǭ) is a town and the largest municipality in the Mitrusian Endangered Language Zone in Hytekia. As of 2017, its population is 39,785. Home to the Global Mitrusian School, Pakemā attracts many tourists, students and linguists interested in Mitrusian language and culture, a minor culture secluded to a northwestern portion of Hytekia. It is the largest town of which a majority of residents speak fluent Mitrusian and is estimated to contain at least 85% of current living Mitrusian speakers, of which there are just under 50,000.

It sits roughly in between the Liidurian city of Anlaufhafen and the infamous border town of Grobina, and hugs the coastline of the Gulf of Alemannia, despite this, its beaches are stony and rarely visited by tourists. The name Pakemā is a Hytekification of the Mitrusian portmanteau Pȯtkāmǭ, meaning "(lightning) bolt town", after the early Mitrusian fable Tõmbõrõk - which details the foundation of the town as the centre of the Mitrusian peoples after the settlers witnessed a lightning strike atop a small hill. A monument marks the fabled location of the lightning strike in the Old Town.