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Parvorian Citizen's Republic
Pyhävuoren Kansantasavalta
Semper Supra
"Ever Upwards" (Latin)
Location of Parvoria in Euclea
Location of Parvoria in Euclea
and City
Official languagesParvic
Recognised national languagesGaullican, Althiran
Recognised regional languagesSee Languages section
Ethnic groups
GovernmentCooperativist Federal Technocratic Republic
• Council
Tero Hotakainen (Chairman; AT)
Taru Järvinen
LegislatureRevolutionary Convention (Parvoria)
Trade Unions' and Functionary Congress
Citizen's Plenum
• ???
• ???
• ???
• ???
• 2015 estimate
70 Million
• 2016 census
• Density
[convert: invalid number]
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Per capita
HDI (2016)0.890
very high
CurrencyStandards ($) (HSC)
Driving sideleft
Calling code+23
ISO 3166 codeHLG
Internet TLD.hg

The Parvorian Citizens' Republic, also known as Parvora (Pyhävuoret) is a Cooperativist Republic in northeastern Euclea, with sea borders to Althira in the north. It contains 5 Commonwealths and 3 Metropolitan Regions, populated by about 70 million people, two-thirds of it residing on the urban areas. It has a predominantly seasonal temperate and subarctic climate (with exceptions on the western coast, where an oceanic climate thrives), in turn making Parvoria mostly boreal forest and tundra, about a third of them reclaimed for agricultural purposes.

Hallegia is among the few polities in the World to work under an officially technocratic system, and has been regarded as one of the most successful applications of corporatism and cooperativism), with the great majority of the domestic economy supported mainly by cooperative or syndicated institutions. Parvoria has also been an ardent innovator for technological advancement since 1956.



Geography and Climate


Auks reside among the colder coasts of Hallegia.

Due to separation from the rest of the world, the continents of Vergina and Quilonia has a great number of fauna and flora endemic to the region. While this is much more pronounced in the equatorial and antarctic parts, Parvoria also has its fair share of unique biology.

Due to the mainly Boreal-Tundra configuration of the country, arctic animals such as the polar bear, the woolly elephant, the caribou and the reindeer thrive, migrating to the region through the Boreal Ice Sheet. Migratory birds such as seagulls come to the country, while endemic species of puffins and auks dominate the tundra regions. Hallegia also hosts a number of marsupial species, descended from species that migrated north during the Pliocene and Pleistocene periods, such as the pouch lion. The ocean, especially the western coast, shows most promise of diversity. Rich in fish and various aquatic plantlife, it is also a primary destination point for migrating M. Bilostris due to the anomalous warm temperatures in the region's waters during the fall season. Since the continent's discovery, there have been 800 discovered insects in the region, most of them concentrated in the Folkvale region.

There's also a kind of great diversity among plantlife in the country due to its unusual biome geography. The subarctic central region sports a Coniferous forest, while the southeast sports the broadleaf form due to its proximity with the warmer central Vergina and the winds from the *Atlantic. The tundra regions contain a great number and variety of smaller plants, with lichens, moss and algae numbering the highest in terms of species count. Particular specimens include Saxifraga, Salix borea. Fruits such as the R. boreus, the endemic A. rubra, and the V. membranaceum. In the sea, kelp—introduced very recently by local governments in to prevent sea acidification—has spread much to the northern coasts particularly in the Folkvale peninsula, much of the waters dotted with forests of kelp.


Prehistory and First Human Migrations

The Ekihi Confederacy

Contact and settlement

Colonial Era


Republican Era

Revolution of the Cooperativists



The Congress of Trade Unions in Session.

Parvora's variation on Cooperativism, known as Guided Cooperativism sets the foundation in which Parvora's government works. Similar to Althira, it maintains a pluralistic republican and democratic system, albeit tethered with a technocratic (and corporatist) framework made to "address problems of national magnitude". In some cases it is considered to be an overhaul of the preceding republican government. Officially it describes itself as a federal Cooperativist republic.

The constitution holds that the legislature is the primal authority in the government. The Revolutionary Convention (VKK, vallankumouskokous) is a tricameral two-tier assembly made up of the Functionary Congress and the Trade Unions' Congress (sharing power within kaksoisvoima grounds, representing the technocratic magistrates and syndicalist corporations respectively), and the secondary but larger Citizens' Plenum, made up of elected delegates, sectoral and civil organizations to represent the citizenry. Together they shape policy and

(Convocatory Council — executive, but more of oversight to the Convention)

The Council handles as well the various ministerial departments of the government (officially reublican commissions) tasked with the implementation of the projects and programs passed in consensus by the CCP, the FFC and the CTU, with the Convocators tasked to review the quality and manner of such programs. The VKK, through a Unions Decree can render the appointments of specific Republican Commissioners null. The Republican Commissioners work in coordination with their counterparts in the Commonwealths.

In comparison, Hallegia's federal jurisdictions have a more inclusive and democratic structure. The governments of the local and federal level utilize a mix of technocratic and direct democratic model, the people voting on particular legislation and electing their delegates to the Plenum. This is somewhat reflected in the central government's adherence to political corporatism, allowing civil society to organize in terms of associations to represent the interests of the varying social sectors of the Parvorian people.

Parvoran federalism can be described as a federated federation, a political order with basis to the commune and municipality.

Commune > "Local Conventions" (Commonwealth) > General Convention (National)

Administrative divisions

Like, 12 i think lmao

Foreign Relations



Officially, Hallegia maintains three separate Military forces: The Upemiqqun-controlled Hallegian Union Forces (HUF), the Commonwealth Unified Contingent (CUAF) of the Federal Commonwealths, and the [militia].



Sustainable apartments in Aurinkolahti.

Market Socialism, Corporatism, Syndicalism, free trade on foreign states, a bit of china here and there, planned sustainability...

Reaching post-industrial in the late 20th century, technology and design as driving factor of production and efficiency, etc. largest corporations syndicalistic, control relegated to federal jurisdictions...

"State promotion of socialist relations"

private enterprise deeply observed...

agriculture, industries, information technology


Ethnic Groups


Hallegia has a diverse range of languages owing mostly to the various ethnic groups that settled in the region. English is the sole official language, while Ekihi and Simut have been given a status at the national level. All three languages are taught in primary education. Other languages are given status on state-level.

(Note how Simut and Ekihi are "ancient lingua francae")

There are about 200 recorded languages within the Union.


Accompanying the Union's claims towards multiculturalism, they also claim that the country is a religiously diverse polity. Officially, the central and state governments do not take census of religious affiliation. However, third party statisticians agree that about 3/5 of the populace are irreligious, most of them concentrated towards the metropolitan areas. The remainder religious populace, while outnumbered, are vocal towards their expression. The religious population in the country is broken down towards ???, Elénism, ??? and ???. Recent influx of immigrants from *Asia and *Africa also gave way for ??? and ??? to pop up.

The central government officially instates a policy of separation from church and state, and officially pursues irreligiosity within government policy. In contrast, the Commonwealths and Metropolitan Regions have varying relationships with religious institutions, with Purvien having the most regulations on religious authority (to the point that even collective religious activities must be performed only in private) and Viltavat, Jorviksburg and Solaria having the most lax (Aurinkolahti having the largest concentration of Churches and Temples in the country). This official religious freedom is not without exception and limit, however. In 2013 the Directive Council issued a "closeful observation" policy towards religious institutions that are suspected to seek the undermining of Parvoria's system.

Culture and Society

Parvorian society is defined by its cosmopolitan and extreme modernism, fostered by Functionalist government.

Themes of egalitarianism, utility and progress are a common trend.


Conductor's Street in Aurinkolahti in Early Afternoon by Tuuri Hämäläinen, one of the most celebrated Expressionists in Parvoria.

More modern and avant-garde movements became more popular up to the Structural Revolt. Modernism was serving as a transition point for more minimalist and abstract form, and the development of the Art-Deco only heightened its rise of popularity. However, in the 40's and 50's, a pronounced shift to actual Minimalism heralded the social changes brought about by Functionalist rule. The Avant-garde became one of the premiere schools of high art within the country. The revival of the illustration craft, interest in graphic design and the continued rise of comic books (both Gepponese and Elystrian during the late 80's and 90's and the rise of digital software brought a new wave of visual arts, blending the abstract stylization, realist form and minimalistic expression. This trend, described by some as "blend art" became a common trend for Hallegian digital artists.

Postmodernism became popular during the 60's and 70's among East Verginan artists, seeking a real break from the "confines of tradition". Deconstruction of the form, even the nature of art itself was the subject of artists such as Michel Clairmont and Erik Strelling. The Hallegian take towards postmodernism, following the common trends of the day, was less extravagant than their international counterparts, preferring to purposefully obfuscate through as less message as possible. Typography was also a common The rise of the internet has furthered this, using code and algorithms to pronounce a particular conceptual message (Internet art).


Town in Sakari Commonwealth.
File:Rukal Athawan.jpg
A gymnasium in Vapaamies

Parvorian architecture today is heavily based around minimalist, modernist and critical regionalist principles, emphasizing structural simplicity, minimal impact on ecology and visual harmony with the environment. Most urbanities in the country (most particularly the Metropolitan Regions) have a distinctively cosmopolitan character, architecture in the rural and interior are more (culturally and environmentally) contextual and sometimes even more minimalist than their urban counterparts, giving at least aesthetic variety in the modernistic styles throughout the country. For example, structures in the coasts and tundra tend to have focus towards the ocean or water, while ones in the mountainous regions are more skeletal or organic. There is also a common trend towards the usage of plants in most structures as both aesthetic decor, cultivation and and/or temperature control. Urban planning in the country today, in alignment with Functionalism's emphasis towards sustainability, are created using synthetic materials and usually designed with human wellbeing in mind. More recent constructions has taken a more technological and synthetic style (in line with newer and more advanced building techniques) that have come to be known as Neo-Functionalism.

Even before the institution of Cooperativism in the country, Neoclassical and Stripped classical were the preferred styles of the Republican Era. Cities like Aurinkolahti and Sikojenlahti still show these old structures, most evidently the Great Congress Hall, the xxx Temple and the Aurinkolahti Capitol (formerly the Executive Building) in the capital are prominent examples of this. Since the 1980's, much of the country's historical vernacular architecture during the Colonial and Republican eras are well-preserved.



Parvoria has a rich literary history that goes far back to the pre-Elystrian era. Ancient epics of the Simut people such as Amaruq the Brave were among the landmarks within Hallegian cultural historiography. Ancient literature varies from culture to culture...

(A pan-ugric ancient epic)


Poetry and literature in the continental Euclean to the early Republican have been both Tasavaltist and Romanticist in theme. There have been a literary conflict between the two schools, the former firmly grounded in modernistic thought and the other towards conservative sensibilities.


With the prevalence of Functionalist ideology in the 20th century onwards, philosophical and avant-garde themes began to seep towards many literary works. Leon S.' The Cathedral of Chains, and Nicholas Mainen's Meta-Noumenon serve to be major influences. Most literature at the time were prose, touching on subjects such as magic and their philosophical relation to the modern reality.

Avant-Garde theaer.



Electronic music.

