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Gristol-Serkonos, officially the United Kingdom and Constitutional Union of the Kingdom of Gristol and the League of Serkonos is a multinational realm comprised of two countries: Gristol and Serkonos. The two countries have devolved administrations, each with varying powers, based in their capitals, Griswald and Donnacona, respectively. The union was a result of the Oath of Union. The country is jointly-ruled by the House Eist of Gristol and an elected monarch of Serkonos, currently from the Clan of Konwatsi'tsiaienn. Situated in the continent of Norumbia in the western hemisphere of Ajax, it is bordered by Elatia along its western border and Belfras to the south. Mniohuta and Alameda share the country's northern border. The country's proximity between neighbors has produced a long and complex relationship, with a significant impact on its economy and culture. Its economy is bolstered by its natural resources and well developed trade agreements. Its citizens enjoy high levels of government transparency, civil liberties, quality of life, economic freedom, and education. It is among the most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of immigration policy encouraged by successive governments. (See more...)