RY Rocket Family

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Comparison of the three RY size classes

The RY Rocket Family (Rocket Inyursta) is a series of standardized bombs in use by various military forces of Inyursta, its allies and various client states.


A series of simple rockets developed by PAVCO Arms and Seratto Defense, the RY family is the ongoing result of Inyurstan plans to replace and reduce reliance on foreign rocket sales. Since their introduction, wide diversification of the rocket family has taken place.

All rocket variants come in 82mm, 130mm and 240mm classes. The most common platforms for the RY family are helicopters, such as the AH-1Y Spitting Cobra and AH-60Y2 Bushmaster II, but also jet aircraft such as the Amérifighter EF-20 and A-10Y Urutu.


Both 82mm and 130mm class rockets are designed to be fit into rocket pods carrying multiple units. Generally, albeit with a single exception, the rocket pods are all fit to carry a single size class of rocket.

UPD-11/82 is a lightweight x11 pod to carry the RY-82 series, and the UPD-23/82 is a larger, heavier version to fit x23 of the same series. Seratto Defense is purportedly undergoing flight testing for a potential x38 rocket pod dubbed the UPD-38/82 to make use of greater combat carrying capacity on certain attack jets. For the RY-130 series, the UPD-7/130, a x7 rocket pod, is typically deployed. For smaller drones and on occasional missions the MH-70 Naranínca carry the UPDL-1/130 or UPDL-2/130 canisters, which contain either a single or double RY-130. The single exception to the aforementioned rule is the UPDM-4-10 which carries x4 RY-130 in the center of the pod surrounded by x10 RY-82 around the sides.

The RDJM-70 is a dual-purpose rocket pod and 70 gallon fuel tank that carries x14 RY-82 series missiles.

RDJM-70 rocket pod-fuel tank


82mm Class

RY-82: Standard, unguided HE-frag version.

  • RY-82AP: Anti-personnel variant with airburst blast-fragmentation warhead.
  • RY-82FM: Metallic incendiary variant with a white-phosphorous/thermite mixed warhead.

RYG-82: Laser-guided HE-frag version.

  • RYG-82AP: Anti-personnel variant with laser-guidance.

130mm Class

RY-130: Standard, unguided HE-frag version.

  • RY-130: Anti-personnel variant with airburst blast-fragmentation warhead.
  • RY-130AT: Anti-tank variant with tandem-HEAT warhead.
  • RY-130FM: Metallic incendiary variant with a white-phosphorous/thermite mixed warhead.

RYG-130: Laser-guided HE-frag version.

  • RYG-130AP: Anti-personnel variant with laser-guidance.
  • RYG-130AT: Anti-tank variant with laser-guidance.
    • RYG-130AT-2: Anti-tank variant with lock-on-after-launch and multi-target software.
  • RYG-130PR: Anti-runway/road ordinance with delayed-fuse warhead.

197mm Class

197mm rockets are usually deployed individually on a single weapons pylon. However, Seratto Defense has developed a x3 pylon station, similar to the mount for CB-250 and Mark 81 bombs, for the A-10Y Urutu.
RY-197: Standard, unguided HE-frag version.

  • RY-197AT: Anti-tank variant with tandem-HEAT warhead.
  • RY-197F: Incendiary version with napalm warhead.
    • RY-197FM: Metal incendiary version with a thermite-white phosphorous cocktail.
  • RY-197Th: Anti-personnel & light vehicle with thermobaric warhead variant.
  • RY-197PR: Unguided anti-building/bunker version with a two-stage penetrator warhead.

RYG-197: Laser-guided HE-frag version.

  • RY-197AT: Laser-guided anti-tank version.
  • RYG-197PR: Anti-bunker version with two-stage penetrator warhead.

See Also