Regions of Kamany

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Regions of Kamany
Also known as:
Regio de Kamania (Ladino)
Regio van Kamnijk Dutch
Regiona Kamninski Polish
Provinces of kamany.jpeg
Constituent entities of Kamany
  Region of O'Sur
  Region of Campina
  Region of Kama
  Region of Brandebao
  Region of Caroz
  Region of Galicia
CategoryFederal state
GovernmentRegional Governments
SubdivisionsProvinces of Kamany

In the administrative divisions of Kamany , the region (Ladino: regio, polish: regio, dutch: regio) is one of the three levels of government under the national level , above the provinces and the municipalities. Kamany is composed of 6 regions and each region has its own constitution and largely autonomous in regard to its organisation.


The Kamanian regions were founded in 1982 with the Kamanian Federalisation Law.


Map and tables

Coat of arms Region (local name) Location Population (2020) Pop density Average monthly income (EUR) capital city Area (Km²)
Arms of the Pyrénées-Orientales.svg Region of Kama (Regio Kama) K regio kam.jpg 4,317,442 820 2550 Kama 5268
Burgenland Wappen.svg Caroz C regio kam.jpg 4,261,083 93 1861 Kanoj 45,892
POL województwo łódzkie COA.svg Campina (Kampina) L regio kam.jpg 2,592,876 117 1538 Luanda 22,216
POL województwo lubuskie COA.svg O'Sur O regio kam.jpg 2,634,584 50 1219 Zemun 53,116
Png-clipart-yellow-heraldry-flemish-region-coat-of-arms-blue-others-blue-shield.png Brandebao BR regio kam.jpg 5,121,881 208 2399 Genoa 24,660
POL województwo małopolskie COA.svg Galicia (Galicja) B regio kam.jpg 3,419,247 96 1939 Krakow 35,775