Secret Book of History

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The Secret Book of History (密史紀, mit-sre-ki) is a collection of some 80 short biographies, complete and incomplete, of people in Themiclesian Antiquity. Originally thought to be a 13th-century hoax on account of its vastly different narrative compared to canonical material, the 1990 hoard of 10th century Maracaibean wax tablets represting a partial translation of them has led most scholars now to assign it a date of composition no later than the late 7th century and a few to place it in the 6th century.


Selected entries


The prologue asserts that the following anthology of biographies are "things omitted and deleted by court scribes and should be known by all those who profess the study of history" (率使弗記及于饋者 列史家當知).

The identity of the author of the prologue is unknown.


See also