Sendai-class Scout Cruiser

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Sendai Class Scout Cruiser
Sendai class Scout Cruiser.png
Class Overview
Class name: Sendai-class Scout Cruiser
Namesake: Cities and Other Settlements
Builders: Deimos Steel Works, Enlis Drive Yards, and others
General characteristics
Type: Scout Cruiser
Displacement: 153,790 tonnes
Length: 655 m
Beam: 56.9 m
Height: 90 m (Superstructure)
222 m (Masts)
Complement: 1,264
Power Generation: 12x Beranek Mk V LP Furnaces
Twin bank Kampon-Wahl Coronatite Expansion Engine
Propulsion: 2x D-f2c Impellers
Maximum FTL Speed: 34.9 Kempes
Sensors Systems: 2x KW/SQ-12D Thor-II Integrated Electronics Array
Electronic Warfare Systems: 3x KW/SQ-10E Artemis-II Integrated EW Array
6x Flight 5C 'Dixie' Decoys
Armament: 21x 15cm SK/31 Kadwell Rifles (7x3)
12x Mk X 22 kg QF Reinhold Guns (6x2)
8x L/40 Torpedo Tubes (2x4)
76x 8.8 cm FlaK-80 (38x2)
2x 8 cell Point Defence Missile Launchers
Shielding: Mk XI-B Priwen Ravelin Array
Armor: Hull: 70 cm
Citadel: 90 cm
Small Craft Carried: 4x J.21 'Uhlan'; 2x S.19 'Leopard'

The Sendai-class Scout Cruiser is a cruiser sized vessel in service with the Imperial & Federal Navy, based on the design of the Victoria class line cruiser. Like the Victoria class, the Sendai class is a new design, made to supplement other patrol vessels in long range cruiser missions. Primarily, the Sendai class acts as a light carrier vessel, with a larger complement of small craft for extended scouting and reconnaissance missions.


Operational Record


Power Generation & Propulsion



Sensors & EW