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Serene Congress

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Serene Congress of Nastanovo
Coat of arms or logo
HousesMystoia Senatus
Asamblea de Portavoces
Ramon Gaos
since 5 November 2022
Elías Navarro
since 27 November 2022
Senate of Nastanovo.png
Mystoia Senatus political groups
Government (17)
  •   P.E.R (17)

Opposition (8)

Other (5)

Assembly of Nastanovo.png
Asamblea de Portavoces political groups
Government (227)

Opposition (152)

Other (5)

Mystoia Senatus last election
1 November 2018
Asamblea de Portavoces last election
1 November 2022
Meeting place
Palacio Legislativo - Ciudad Autónoma de Bs. As..jpg
National Palace of the Serene Congress of the Nation, Nostalta, Nastanovo

The Serene Congress, often referred to otherwise as the Serene Congress of Nastanovo, the Serene Congress of the Nation, or simply Congress, is the supreme legislative body in Nastanovo. It alone possesses legislative supremacy and thereby ultimate power over all other political bodies in Nastanovo. Its seat is the National Palace of the Serene Congress of the Nation in Nostalta. The legislature is bicameral, consisting of an upper house (The Mystoia Senatus) and a lower house (The Asamblea de Portavoces). In 1780, the upper and lower houses were established by the Sovereign's Constitution as a decree from the Sovereign of Nastanovo, Bernardo Freire, and the first national elections were held in the country that same year. Following the October Revolution in 1926 the Revolutionaries dissolved the body and declared it a device of Sovereigntist power, only for the Nastnovian Civil War to end in revolutionary defeat and exile while Benicio De Augusto restored the body under his Constitución de '37, the legislative body was enshrined during the 1997 National Salvation Congress Constitutional Convention which broke down the authoritarian process of De Augusto while transfering more power towards the Congress.

Name and Etymology



The Serene Congress is bicameral and has two chambers: the Mystoia Senatus and the Asamblea de Portavoces.

Mystic Senate

Spokespersons' Assembly


Senate Chamber
Assembly Chamber


During the the 2024 calendar year, the Serene Congress is scheduled to be in recess a total of five times.

In an election year, the legislature enters a General Election Recess from 12 May to the first Monday after the 12 June election. It goes into recces following the following the dissolution of the Comhthionól Náisiúnta on 12 May.

Name Dates Notes
Winter Recess 1 January - 7 January An extension of the Late Year Recess.
Liberation Day Holiday Recess 7 March The public holiday for Liberation day was observed on every seventh of March.
Summer Recess 1 July - 17 August
Remembrance Day Holiday Recess 1 September
Late Year Recess 14 December - 31 December