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Typical valley in Shimlar
Typical valley in Shimlar
Country Shimlar and Pashmir

Shimlar (شملر), is a historical and cultural region in Central Ochran, encompassing southern Shimlar and Pashmir. Its close proximity to Ankat and the Ozereos ocean states to the south, means Shimlar is a multiethnic region with the indigenous Shimlanese occupying a small majority.

Shimlar is known for the scenery of its mountainous landscape, hills, valleys and its rich history. It also contains Shimlar and Pashmir's capital city, Mirshehar, and other iconic towns and villages.

It was under the rule of the Bayarid Empire, The Green Horde, and was a protectorate of the Mutul, before taking advantage of the First Shamabalese Great War to gain independence. Despite several raids from Pashmir, Shimlar prospered as an independent principality under the Mir, until Pashmiri Shazad-Pasha Ali and the tribes of Pashmiristan invaded the lands of Shimlar in 1919. With the capture of Mirshehar, Ali absorbed the valley's of Shimlar into the Pashmiri Realm, creating the modern nation of Shimlar and Pashmir. Pashmir continues to be the home of the Mir, Shimlar and Pashmir's official head of state.

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