States of Besmenia

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States of Besmenia
Besmenische Bundesländer
New Besmenian Map4.png
CategoryFederated state
GovernmentState government
SubdivisionsDistrict borough
District-level city
Borough (Only in Laitstadt)

Besmenia is a federal republic made up of 14 states (Besmenian: Länder or in general usage Bundesländer; literally federal states). According to the Basic Law, the states together form a sovereign federal state, not a loose confederation of states.


Political system

Politically, the Federal Republic of Besmenia has been divided into 14 federal states since 2022. In terms of form of government, all Besmenian states are currently parliamentary republics, which means that the government of each federal state (executive branch) is principally dependent on the trust of an appointing parliament (legislature) at the state level.

State governments

Each Besmenian federal state has its own state goverment with a head of government. The state governments consists alongside the governor of a certain number of ministers. The legal relationships of the members of a state government are regulated in the ministerial laws of the individual states. While in most federal states the head of government is officially called Landespräsident (governor), in the city-state of Laitstadt the head of government is officially called Bürgermeister und Landespräsident (mayor and governor).

List of Besmenian states

Subdivision of the Besmenian states

Counties and county-free cities in Besmenia