Structure of the Meridonian Air Forces

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Type Commands and Group Types

Type commands are organization Groupings rather than the operational Groupings of Air Sectors and Air Divisions and serve to provide standardization, logistical, administrative, doctrinal and supervisory support to subjunctive Groups.

Air Combat Command

Air Combat Command (ACC) provides the country and its combatant commanders with combat-capable aircraft squadrons capable of executing missions domestically or abroad in support of national defense and policy initiatives. Air Combat Command consists of the 5 following types of Groups:

Tactical Fighter Groups (TFGs) are generally comprised of 3 squadrons of 18-24 aircraft each, totalling 54-72 aircraft across a Group. Current Tactical Fighter Groups operate the F6M Wasp, F5M Lynx, or F7M Wedgetail fighter aircraft, and are capable of conducting offensive and defensive counter air, combat air patrol, interdiction, interception, escort, close and deep air support, standoff strikes, force projection, and suppression/destruction of enemy air defense missions.

Tactical Strike Groups (TSG) comprise of 3 squadrons with 16 to 18 aircraft each for a total of 48-54 aircraft per squadron. Tactical Strike Groups operate the A8M Gharial or A9M Strike Wedgetail. Tactical Strike Groups specialize in conducting close and deep air support and interdiction of enemy targets.

Strike Groups (STG) comprise of two squadrons of fourteen to sixteen aircraft each for a total of 28-32 aircraft per Group. Strike Groups operate the B6M Reaver or B7M Raven strategic bombers and are capable of conducting large-volume air-delivered munitions in support of ground troops or operational goals, conducting standoff strikes against targets at sea or on land, or conducting the delivery of nuclear weaponry.

Electronic Warfare Groups (EWG) or Tactical Electronic Warfare Groups (TEWG) comprise of three squadrons of 14 to 20 aircraft, for a total of 42-60 aircraft across a Group. Electronic Warfare Groups operate E5M3 Pelican or E7M2 Constellation aircraft while Tactical Electronic Warfare Groups operate E6M2 Backwave aircraft. Electronic Warfare Groups provide escort and stand-off electromagnetic and sensors manipulation and exploitation, electronic attack and jamming, and monitoring capabilities. Tactical Electronic Warfare Groups additionally are optimized in the Suppression of Enemy Air Defense missions and are capable of flying strike missions alongside and in support of combat aircraft.

Air Control and Intelligence Command

Air Control and Intelligence Command (ACIC) provides Meridon and its combatant commanders with mission-ready aircraft squadrons capable of both combat, surveillain

Air Control Groups (ACG) are composed of two squadrons of 12 to 15 aircraft for a total of 24-30 aircraft per Group. Air Control Groups operate S3M2 Beacon or S4M Watchtower aircraft. Air Control Groups provide long-range radar-based detection and identification of airborne targets as well as providing airspace and aircraft command and control.

Reconnaissance Groups (RCG) comprise of two or three squadrons of 14-18 aircraft of either manned E7M2 or unmanned Q6M or Q7M aircraft for a total of 28-54 aircraft. Reconnaissance Groups conduct surveillance, observation, and reconnaissance tasks to support national interests including in support of ecological, meteorological, strategic and tactical objectives.

Air Transport and Sustainment Command

Air Transport and Sustainment Command (ASTC) is responsible for facilitating the Air Force's ability to provide the movement of personnel and material in both combat and non-combat environments in order to facilitate both military, civil, and political assistance as is required by the Defense Forces, as well as providing for the sustainment and enhancement of organic air assets through in-air refueling capabilities. ASTC comprises of the following # types of Groups:

Strategic Airlift Groups (ASG)

Tactical Airlift Groups (TAG)

Transport Groups (TG)

Air Sustainment Groups (ASG) or Tactical Air Sustainment Groups (TASG)

Air Education and Training Command

Air Education and Training Command (AETC) consists solely of Training Groups (TRAG), which are organized into three types based on their subordinate squadron's purpose.

Primary Training Groups operate 3 or 4 Primary Training squadrons (PTRAS) each maintaining 20 T10M Mentor aircraft for a total of 60-80 aircraft per Group. Primary Training Groups provide entry-level training primarily to pilots, weapons systems officers, electronic warfare officers, navigators, bombardiers, and related flight crew before advancement to advanced training.

Advanced Training Groups consist of two to five Advanced Training squadrons (ATRAS) maintaining sixteen to twenty-two aircraft either of helicopters (T4M Canary), advanced multi-engine (T14M), or advanced strike trainer (T11M) aircraft. Advanced Training Groups serve to provide pipeline-specific training to flightcrew and aircrew to develop the requisite skills required in order to train and qualify more complicated operational aircraft.

The Operational Conversion Groups are a set of three pipeline-specific training Groups that exist primarily as an administrative Grouping of similarly-typed aircraft. Operational Conversion Groups provide airframe-specific training and final qualification before flight and aircrews are assigned to operational squadrons. Three such Groups exist- The Tactical Conversion Group (TCG) provides advanced training on operational combat aircraft, including all fighter, bomber, strike, and reconnaissance drone aircraft. The Rotor Conversion Group (RCG) provides training for rotor and tilt- Group aircraft excluding the C14M Kalua. The General Missions Conversion Group (GMCG) provides training on all fixed- wing

Air Special Missions Command

Air Strategic Forces Command

Air Sectors

Air Sector Northwest

Air Sector Northwest
Unit Squadron Name Aircraft Airfield Squadron Notes Group Notes
Tactical Fighter Group 7

(TFG 7)

Headquarters Squadron 7 Group N/A MAB TBD
44 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(44 TFS)

47 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(37 TFS)

11 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(11 TFS)

7 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
7 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Fighter Group 5

(TFG 5)

Headquarters Squadron 5 Group N/A MAB TBD
76 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(76 TFS)

F7M Wedgetail MAB TBD
16 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(16 TFS)

F7M Wedgetail MAB TBD
21 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(21 TFS)

F7M Wedgetail MAB TBD
5 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
5 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Fighter Group 68

(TFG 68)

Headquarters Squadron 68 Group N/A MAB TBD
84 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(84 TFS)

13 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(13 TFS)

55 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(55 TFS)

68 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
68 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strike Group 9

(STG 9)

Headquarters Squadron 9 Group N/A MAB TBD
52 Strike Squadron

(52 STS)

30 Strike Squadron

(30 STS)

9 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
9 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Reconnaissance Group 15

(RCG 15)

Headquarters Squadron 15 Group N/A MAB TBD
70 Reconnaissance Squadron

(70 RCS)

E5M4 Pelican MAB TBD
95 Reconnaissance Squadron

(95 RCS)

E5M4 Pelican MAB TBD
15 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
15 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strategic Airlift Group 9

(SAG 9)

Headquarters Squadron 9 Group N/A MAB TBD
42 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(42 SAS)

C10M3 Atlas MAB TBD
51 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(51 SAS)

C10M3 Atlas MAB TBD
9 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
9 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Airlift Group 14

(TAG 14)

Headquarters Squadron 14 Group N/A MAB TBD
12 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(12 TAS)

C13M Pegasus MAB TBD
22 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(22 TAS)

C13M Pegasus MAB TBD
14 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
14 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Air Sustainment Group 27

(ASTG 27)

Headquarters Squadron 27 Group N/A MAB TBD
3 Air Sustainment Squadron

(3 ASTS)

U10M2 Swanbird MAB TBD
65 Air Sustainment Squadron

(65 ASTS)

U10M2 Swanbird MAB TBD
27 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
27 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Transport Group 39

(TG 39)

Headquarters Squadron 39 Group N/A MAB TBD
5 Executive Airlift Squadron

(5 EAS)

V4M4 Kingbird MAB TBD
7 Executive Airlift Squadron

(7 EAS)

V7M Constellation MAB TBD
9 Executive Airlift Squadron "Mountaineers"

(9 EAS)

V10M Swanbird MAB TBD
39 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
39 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Training Group 65

(TRAG 39)

Headquarters Squadron 65 Group N/A MAB TBD
5 Advanced Training Squadron


T14M Traveller MAB TBD
10 Advanced Training Squadron

(10 ATRAS)

T14M Traveller MAB TBD
12 Advanced Training Squadron

(12 ATRAS)

T14M Traveller MAB TBD
26 Advanced Training Squadron

(26 ATRAS)

T14M Traveller MAB TBD
38 Advanced Training Squadron

(38 ATRAS)

T14M Traveller MAB TBD
65 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
65 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Rescue Group 137

(RXG 137)

Headquarters Squadron 137 Group N/A MAB TBD
19 Helicopter Rescue Squadron

(19 HRXS)

H62M3 Cataphract MAB TBD
25 Helicopter Rescue Squadron

(25 HRXS)

H50M4 Hawk MAB TBD
137 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
137 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Special Mission Group 97

(SMG 97)

Headquarters Squadron 97 Group N/A MAB TBD
44 Special Mission Squadron

(44 SMS)

H62M2 Cataphract MAB TBD
52 Special Mission Squadron

(52 SMS)

H62M2 Cataphract MAB TBD
97 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
97 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD

Air Sector North Central

Air Sector North Central
Unit Squadron Name Aircraft Airfield Squadron Notes Group Notes
Tactical Fighter Group 1

(TFG 1)

Headquarters Squadron 1 Group N/A MAB TBD
74 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(74 TFS)

14 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(14 TFS)

4 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(4 TFS)

1 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
1 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Fighter Group 3

(TFG 3)

Headquarters Squadron 3 Group N/A MAB TBD
5 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(5 TFS)

56 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(56 TFS)

61 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(61 TFS)

3 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
3 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Fighter Group 67

(TFG 67)

Headquarters Squadron 67 Group N/A MAB TBD
28 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(28 TFS)

F7M Wedgetail MAB TBD
15 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(15 TFS)

88 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(88 TFS)

67 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
67 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Electronic Warfare Group 11

(TEWG 11)

Headquarters Squadron 11 Group N/A MAB TBD
22 Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron

(22 TEWS)

E6M2 Backwave MAB TBD
60 Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron

(60 TEWS)

E6M2 Backwave MAB TBD
8 Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron

(8 TEWS)

E6M2 Backwave MAB TBD
11 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
11 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Air Control Group 13

(ACG 13)

Headquarters Squadron 13 Group N/A MAB TBD
7 Air Control Squadron

(7 ACS)

S4M Watchtower MAB TBD
88 Air Control Squadron

(88 ACS)

S4M Watchtower MAB TBD
13 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
13 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strike Group 2

(STG 2)

Headquarters Squadron 2 Group N/A MAB TBD
2 Strike Squadron

(2 STS)

B6M3 Reaver MAB TBD
44 Strike Squadron

(44 STS)

B6M3 Reaver MAB TBD
2 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
2 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strike Group 11

(STG 11)

Headquarters Squadron 11 Group N/A MAB TBD
84 Strike Squadron

(84 STS)

B6M3 Reaver MAB TBD
62 Strike Squadron

(62 STS)

B6M2 Reaver MAB TBD
11 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
11 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strategic Airlift Group 17

(SAG 17)

Headquarters Squadron 17 Group N/A MAB TBD
2 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(2 SAS)

C12M2 Kalua MAB TBD
47 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(47 SAS)

C12M2 Kalua MAB TBD
17 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
17 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strategic Airlift Group 19

(SAG 19)

Headquarters Squadron 19 Group N/A MAB TBD
67 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(67 SAS)

C12M2 Kalua MAB TBD
50 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(50 SAS)

C12M2 Kalua MAB TBD
19 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
19 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Airlift Group 34

(TAG 34)

Headquarters Squadron 34 Group N/A MAB TBD
19 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(34 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
88 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(88 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
34 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
34 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Air Sustainment Group 38

(ASTG 38)

Headquarters Squadron 38 Group N/A MAB TBD
5 Air Sustainment Squadron

(5 ASTS)

U10M2 Swanbird MAB TBD
23 Air Sustainment Squadron

(23 ASTS)

U10M2 Swanbird MAB TBD
53 Air Sustainment Squadron

(53 ASTS)

U10M2 Swanbird MAB TBD
38 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
38 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Joint Helicopter Group


Headquarters Squadron Joint Helicopter Group N/A MAB TBD Control organ for Air Forces helicopter squadrons-

squadrons are normally deployed throughout
Meridon and its air sectors.

12 Helicopter Squadron

(12 HCS)

H50M3 Hawk MAB TBD
24 Helicopter Squadron

(24 HCS)

H50M3 Hawk MAB TBD
43 Helicopter Squadron

(43 HCS)

H50M3 Hawk MAB TBD
28 Helicopter Squadron

(28 HCS)

H50M3 Hawk MAB TBD
4 Executive Helicopter Squadron

(4 EHCS)

H50M3 Hawk MAB TBD
Joint Helicopter Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Joint Helicopter Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Training Group 77

(TRAG 77)

Headquarters Squadron 38 Group N/A MAB TBD
4 Advanced Training Squadron


T4M Canary MAB TBD
7 Advanced Training Squadron


T4M Canary MAB TBD
77 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
77 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Rescue Group 134

(RXG 134)

Headquarters Squadron 134 Group N/A MAB TBD
1 Rescue Squadron

(1 RXS)

C13M Pegasus MAB TBD
34 Rescue Squadron

(34 RXS)

C13M Pegasus MAB TBD
55 Rescue Squadron

(55 RXS)

C11M Adjutant MAB TBD
134 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
134 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD

Air Sector Northeast

Air Sector Northeast
Unit Squadron Name Aircraft Airfield Squadron Notes Group Notes
Tactical Fighter Group 25

(TFG 25)

Headquarters Squadron 25 Group N/A MAB TBD
23 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(23 TFS)

30 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(30 TFS)

32 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(32 TFS)

25 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
25 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Fighter Group 12

(TFG 12)

Headquarters Squadron 12 Group N/A MAB TBD
29 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(29 TFS)

42 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(42 TFS)

54 Tactical Fighter Squadron "Blackpeaks"

(54 TFS)

12 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
12 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strike Group 5

(STG 5)

Headquarters Squadron 5 Group N/A MAB TBD
4 Strike Squadron

(4 STS)

38 Strike Squadron

(38 STS)

5 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
5 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strike Group 6

(STG 6)

Headquarters Squadron 6 Group N/A MAB TBD
10 Strike Squadron

(10 STS)

B6M3 Reaver MAB TBD
22 Strike Squadron

(22 STS)

B6M3 Reaver MAB TBD
6 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
6 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Air Control Group 30

(ACG 30)

Headquarters Squadron 30 Group N/A MAB TBD
4 Air Control Squadron "Bluejackets"

(4 ACS)

S4M Watchtower MAB TBD
5 Air Control Squadron

(5 ACS)

S4M Watchtower MAB TBD
30 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
30 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Reconnaissance Group 44

(RCG 44)

Headquarters Squadron 44 Group N/A MAB TBD
50 Unmanned Reconnaissance Squadron

(50 URCS)

52 Unmanned Reconnaissance Squadron

(52 URCS)

44 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
44 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strategic Airlift Group 44

(SAG 8)

Headquarters Squadron 8 Group N/A MAB TBD
10 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(10 SAS)

C10M3 Atlas MAB TBD
8 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(8 SAS)

C10M3 Atlas MAB TBD
8 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
8 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Airlift Group 51

(TAG 8)

Headquarters Squadron 51 Group N/A MAB TBD
43 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(43 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
61 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(61 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
51 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
51 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Air Sustainment Group 16

(ASTG 16)

Headquarters Squadron 16 Group N/A MAB TBD
11 Air Sustainment Squadron

(11 ASTS)

U10M2 Swanbird MAB TBD
66 Air Sustainment Squadron

(66 ASTS)

U10M2 Swanbird MAB TBD
16 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
16 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Transport Group 47

(TG 47)

Headquarters Squadron 47 Group N/A MAB TBD
8 Executive Airlift Squadron

(8 EAS)

V4M4 Kingbird MAB TBD
3 Executive Airlift Squadron

(3 EAS)

V7M Constellation MAB TBD
47 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
47 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Rescue Group 112

(RXG 112)

Headquarters Squadron 112 Group N/A MAB TBD
22 Rescue Squadron

(22 RXS)

C8M4 Pecheron MAB TBD
31 Rescue Squadron

(31 RXS)

C13M Pegasus MAB TBD
6 Rescue Squadron

(6 RXS)

C11M Adjutant MAB TBD
112 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
112 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD

Air Sector Southwest

Air Sector Southwest
Unit Squadron Name Aircraft Airfield Squadron Notes Group Notes
Tactical Fighter Group 33

(TFG 33)

Headquarters Squadron 33 Group N/A MAB TBD
1 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(1 TFS)

66 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(66 TFS)

87 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(87 TFS)

33 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
33 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Fighter Group 74

(TFG 74)

Headquarters Squadron 74 Group N/A MAB TBD
29 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(29 TFS)

F7M Wedgetail MAB TBD
86 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(86 TFS)

F7M Wedgetail MAB TBD
97 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(97 TFS)

F7M Wedgetail MAB TBD
74 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
74 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Fighter Group 61

(TFG 61)

Headquarters Squadron 61 Group N/A MAB TBD
51 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(51 TFS)

85 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(85 TFS)

92 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(92 TFS)

61 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
61 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strike Group 24

(STG 24)

Headquarters Squadron 24 Group N/A MAB TBD
26 Strike Squadron

(26 STS)

B6M2 Reaver MAB TBD
62 Strike Squadron

(62 STS)

B6M3 Reaver MAB TBD
24 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
24 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Reconnaissance Group 4

(RCG 4)

Headquarters Squadron 4 Group N/A MAB TBD
1 Reconnaissance Squadron

(1 RCS)

E7M2 Constellation MAB TBD
5 Reconnaissance Squadron

(5 RCS)

E7M2 Constellation MAB TBD
4 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
4 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strategic Airlift Group 31

(SAG 31)

Headquarters Squadron 31 Group N/A MAB TBD
35 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(35 SAS)

C12M2 Kalua MAB TBD
64 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(64 SAS)

C12M2 Kalua MAB TBD
31 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
31 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Airlift Group 62

(TAG 62)

Headquarters Squadron 62 Group N/A MAB TBD
54 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(54 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
71 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(71 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
62 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
62 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Airlift Group 90

(TAG 90)

Headquarters Squadron 90 Group N/A MAB TBD
57 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(57 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
76 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(76 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
90 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
90 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Air Sustainment Group 45

(TASG 45)

Headquarters Squadron 45 Group N/A MAB TBD
84 Tactical Air Sustainment Squadron

(84 TASS)

U8M3 Pecheron MAB TBD
92 Tactical Air Sustainment Squadron

(57 TASS)

U8M3 Pecheron MAB TBD
45 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
45 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Transport Group 20

(TG 20)

Headquarters Squadron 20 Group N/A MAB TBD
2 Executive Airlift Squadron

(2 EAS)

V4M4 Kingbird MAB TBD
6 Executive Airlift Squadron 'Sunrays'

(6 EAS)

V10M2 Swanbird MAB TBD
20 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
20 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Rescue Group 154

(RXG 154)

Headquarters Squadron 154 Group N/A MAB TBD
16 Helicopter Rescue Squadron

(16 HRXS)

H62M3 Cataphract MAB TBD
24 Helicopter Rescue Squadron

(24 HRXS)

H50M4 Hawk MAB TBD
41 Helicopter Rescue Squadron

(41 HRXS)

H50M4 Hawk MAB TBD
154 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
154 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Special Mission Group 41

(SMG 41)

Headquarters Squadron 41 Group N/A MAB TBD
111 Special Missions Squadron

(111 SMS)

C11M Adjutant MAB TBD
16 Special Missions Squadron

(16 SMS)

C11M Adjutant MAB TBD
108 Special Missions Squadron

(108 SMS)

C11M Adjutant MAB TBD
41 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
41 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD

Air Sector South Central

Air Sector South Central
Unit Squadron Name Aircraft Airfield Squadron Notes Group Notes
Tactical Fighter Group 10

(TFG 10)

Headquarters Squadron 10 Group N/A MAB TBD
12 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(12 TFS)

6 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(6 TFS)

99 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(99 TFS)

10 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
10 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Fighter Group 36

(TFG 36)

Headquarters Squadron 36 Group N/A MAB TBD
36 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(36 TFS)

Gruening F9M Osprey MAB TBD
8 Tactical Fighter Squadron "Edgerunners"

(8 TFS)

82 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(82 TFS)

Gruening F9M Osprey MAB TBD
36 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
36 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Strike Group 8

(TSG 8)

Headquarters Squadron 36 Group N/A MAB TBD
35 Tactical Strike Squadron

(35 TSS)

A8M3 Gharial MAB TBD
19 Tactical Strike Squadron

(19 TSS)

A8M3 Gharial MAB TBD
70 Tactical Strike Squadron

(70 TSS)

A9M2 Strike Wedgetail MAB TBD
8 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
8 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Electronic Warfare Group 5

(EWG 5)

Headquarters Squadron 36 Group N/A MAB TBD
14 Electronic Warfare Squadron

(14 EWS)

E7M2 Constellation MAB TBD
16 Electronic Warfare Squadron

(16 EWS)

E7M2 Constellation MAB TBD
3 Electronic Warfare Squadron

(3 EWS)

E5M2 Pelican MAB TBD
5 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
5 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Air Control Group 32

(ACG 32)

Headquarters Squadron 32 Group N/A MAB TBD
16 Air Control Squadron

(16 ACS)

S4M Watchtower MAB TBD
20 Air Control Squadron "Redfeathers"

(20 ACS)

S4M Watchtower MAB TBD
32 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
32 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Strategic Airlift Group 8

(SAG 8)

Headquarters Squadron 8 Group N/A MAB TBD
10 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(10 SAS)

C10M3 Atlas MAB TBD
8 Strategic Airlift Squadron

(8 SAS)

C10M3 Atlas MAB TBD
8 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
8 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Airlift Group 22

(TAG 22)

Headquarters Squadron 22 Group N/A MAB TBD
62 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(62 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
9 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(9 TAS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
22 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
22 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Air Sustainment Group 63

(TASG 63)

Headquarters Squadron 63 Group N/A MAB TBD
42 Tactical Air Sustainment Squadron

(42 TASS)

U8M3 Pecheron MAB TBD
58 Tactical Air Sustainment Squadron

(58 TASS)

U13M2 Pegasus MAB TBD
67 Tactical Air Sustainment Squadron

(67 TASS)

U8M3 Pecheron MAB TBD
63 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
63 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Training Group 23

(TRAG 23)

Headquarters Squadron 23 Group N/A MAB TBD
14 Primary Training Squadron

(14 PTRAS)

T10M2 Mentor MAB TBD
52 Primary Training Squadron

(52 PTRAS)

T10M2 Mentor MAB TBD
78 Primary Training Squadron

(78 PTRAS)

T10M2 Mentor MAB TBD
82 Primary Training Squadron

(82 PTRAS)

T10M2 Mentor MAB TBD
23 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
23 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Rescue Group 136

(RXG 136)

Headquarters Squadron 136 Group N/A MAB TBD
12 Helicopter Rescue Squadron

(12 HRXS)

H50M4 Hawk MAB TBD
33 Helicopter Rescue Squadron

(33 HRXS)

H62M3 Cataphract MAB TBD
136 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
136 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Special Mission Group 76

(SMG 76)

Headquarters Squadron 76 Group N/A MAB TBD
118 Special Missions Squadron

(118 SMS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
118 Special Missions Squadron

(118 SMS)

C14M Iolani MAB TBD
76 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
76 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD

Air Sector Southeast

Air Sector Southeast
Unit Squadron Name Aircraft Airfield Squadron Notes Group Notes
Tactical Fighter Group 40

(TFG 40)

Headquarters Squadron 40 Group N/A MAB TBD
18 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(18 TFS)

22 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(22 TFS)

26 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(26 TFS)

40 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
40 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Fighter Group 88

(TFG 88)

Headquarters Squadron 88 Group N/A MAB TBD
7 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(7 TFS)

F7M Wedgetail MAB TBD
46 Tactical Fighter Squadron

(46 TFS)

F7M Wedgetail MAB TBD
81 Tactical Fighter Squadron "Fighting Pilgrims"

(81 TFS)

88 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
88 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Strike Group 16

(TSG 16)

Headquarters Squadron 16 Group N/A MAB TBD
24 Tactical Strike Squadron

(24 TSS)

A8M3 Gharial MAB TBD
34 Tactical Strike Squadron

(34 TSS)

A8M3 Gharial MAB TBD
17 Tactical Strike Squadron

(17 TSS)

A8M3 Gharial MAB TBD
16 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
16 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Reconnaissance Group 37

(RCG 37)

Headquarters Squadron 37 Group N/A MAB TBD
11 Unmanned Reconnaissance Squadron

(11 URCS)

52 Unmanned Reconnaissance Squadron

(73 URCS)

37 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
37 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Tactical Airlift Group 35

(TAG 35)

Headquarters Squadron 35 Group N/A MAB TBD
14 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(11 TAS)

C13M Pegasus MAB TBD
20 Tactical Airlift Squadron

(20 TAS)

C13M Pegasus MAB TBD
35 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
35 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Training Group 21

(TRAG 21)

Headquarters Squadron 21 Group N/A MAB TBD
2 Advanced Training Squadron


T11M Fencer MAB TBD
6 Advanced Training Squadron


T11M Fencer MAB TBD
15 Advanced Training Squadron

(15 ATRAS)

T11M Fencer MAB TBD
31 Advanced Training Squadron

(31 ATRAS)

T11M Fencer MAB TBD
21 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
21 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Training Group 18

(TRAG 18)

Headquarters Squadron 18 Group N/A MAB TBD
1 Primary Training Squadron


T10M Mentor MAB TBD
33 Primary Training Squadron

(33 PTRAS)

T10M Mentor MAB TBD
74 Primary Training Squadron

(74 PTRAS)

T10M Mentor MAB TBD
18 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
18 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Rescue Group 101

(RXG 101)

Headquarters Squadron 101 Group N/A MAB TBD
21 Rescue Squadron

(21 RXS)

C20M Manatee MAB TBD
64 Rescue Squadron

(64 RXS)

C20M Manatee MAB TBD
94 Rescue Squadron

(94 RXS)

C11M2 Adjutant MAB TBD
101 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
101 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD
Special Mission Group 102

(SMG 102)

Headquarters Squadron 102 Group N/A MAB TBD
19 Special Missions Squadron

(19 SMS)

8 Special Missions Squadron

(8 SMS)

102 Group Maintenance Squadron N/A MAB TBD
102 Group Logistics Squadron N/A MAB TBD

Expeditionary Air Units

Headquarters, Air Force

  • Strike Command
  • Transportation Command
  • Sustainment Support Command
  • Reconnaissance Command
  • Air Defense Command
  • Personnel and Education Command
  • Reserve Command
  • Force Support Command

  • Air Sector West
  • Air Sector North Central
  • Air Sector South Central
  • Air Sector East

See also