Subjects of Riamo

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The Administrative divisions of Riamo, officially the Subjects of Riamo, are the internal subdivisions in which the country is organized.


Throughout Riamese history, the country would come to be divided between Gremes; a territorial division which originally started as a purely economical demarcation of territory between different gremial organizations markingk their territories from each other, and ended up as official geopolitical divisions of the country ruled by these same organizations under juristidction of the monarchy. Riamo would soon come to be divided in these "gremes", which served as territory markers for gremial organizations while working as administrative divisions for the crown.

During the monarchies of the 19th century, the city of Guri would come to be de-facto profiled as a different type of subdivision, mainly, due to the presence of the government in the city, which often overruled any decisions from gremial organizations.

With the creation of the Provisional government in the 30's, the new republic aimed for a decentralized system that would encourage mantaining the unity of the country throughout all its factions and regions. By this time, gremes had often unionized in the shape of bigger subdivisions known as states, with little to no power other than to serve as councils for the monarchy.

It would be the republic that would soon after mark the difference between states and republics; the former for areas with important militant groups and nationalities, and the latter for mostly-riamese areas of the country loyal to the new regime.

This new system kept the previously de-facto-existent terrritories, which represented vast expanses of land with extremely low population and no commercial activity, created out of the need to organize lands where gremial activities were unexistent.

By the mid-20th century, some prominent cities like Nashe started to gather such an important amount of commerce opportunities that some of them were admitted as part of the federal subjects, hoping for, and eventually getting, the same reduction in taxes Guri had possesed over its history.

The most recent addition to the list are the autonomous regions, which were made mostly out of former republics' land with very low economic power and very little sentiment in favor of local administration.

Types of Subjects

  • Federal City: Consisting of major metropolis and their surrounding urban areas, the federal cities depend heavily on the federal government for some of its functions while possessing absolute liberties regarding budget administration, planning and some legislation.
  • States: Being the most common of all subjects, states rely heavily on the federal government for most of their functions and have a high percentage of Riamese settlers.
  • Autonomous Regions: With higher autonomy than states, AR's have slightly higher legislative liberties and the opportunity to have additional official languages.
  • Territories: Usually consisting on vast landscapes with very low population, territories depend heavily on the central government while having some unique guarantees regarding recreational and settlement legislation.
  • Republics: Possessing the most autority of all subjects, republics have an own constitution, chief of state, as well as a vast amount of legislative liberties and the possibility to have additional official languages.
