The mask of Hv'Y'uk

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Mask of Hv'y'uk

The mask of Hv'y'uk (pronounced R-book) is a religious artifact precious to the Yhv'ef'if'e (pronounced breetite) religion of Assumptaria. It is a mask carved to resemble Hv'y'uk, the creator of the Yhv'ef'if'e religion's face. The mask also has two different animals drawn on the inside of the maak, on the left side of the interior is drawn a crimson alligator, a real creature in assumptaria and on the right side is drawn a yellow alligator, a mythological creature. According to assumptarian Animism, the mask and both of the animals on them are alive. The F'ef (pronounced feef, supreme authorityfigure of the Yhv'ef'if'e religion claims that they can commune with the mask and the animals on it.

The Alligators

The alligators have two roles in the mask, to tell the F'ef whether a good or bad thing is going to occur or to tell him when they agree or disagree with one of the F'efs decisions. The church claims that they commune with the alligators by watching them move across the mask. They also claim that only the F'ef can observe this because the alligators are always resting and will only move when touched by the F'ef. Because the alligators can only say yes or no, the range of questions they can answer to is rather limited. The F'ef also claims that the alligators can lie although atheists and critics say this is just a way to deny the predictions being false and made up by the church when it doesnt pan out the way it was expected to. When both alligators move it indicates a very dire situation

The Crimson Alligator

The crimson alligator was drawn to the likeness of Hv'y'uks pet, named Q'i'a (cee-ay) she represents Hv'y'uk's piousness and faith. She resides on the left side of the interior of the mask. When she moves it indicates that either a good thing is coming or yes to a question. When she answers she'll return to her default resting position in the top left quarter of the mask, jaw open lying down. The crimson crocodile is said to have 2/4's of Hv'y'uks soul stored in it.

The Yellow Alligator

The yellow alligator is entirely mythical, no such species of yellow alligator is known to exist naturally in Anteria and it is nameless. The Yellow Alligator represents Hv'y'uks sins and darkness, a reminder that Hv'y'uk was still human and despite his worshipped nature still couldn't manage to be flawless. When this alligator moves, she indicates that either a bad thing will happen or no to a question that the F'ef has asked. She is also usually the alligator blamed for lies or as some critics would say, false predictions. The yellow crocodile is said to continue 1/4 of Hv'y'uks soil

The Mask's exterior

Its unknown who exactly carved the mask or why but the most popular theory and the one supported by the church is that it was carved to the likeness of Hv'y'uk in 765AD after his death. Its said that the last 1/4 of Hv'y'uks soul is stored in the interior. The F'ef claims that when the dire situaition is predicted and both alligators moe tha hy can put the mask on and see a vision of the future. Often these visions are vague and full of symbolism but in rare occassions they predict rhe future with almost certain clarity. Critics claim they can do this because its very obvious events such as "The Great Civil War". The F'ef predicted a Northern Assumptaria victory but Southern Assumptaria was already losing the war.