Unhakken Archipelago

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Unhakken Archipelago
Unhatsu Rettō
Islas Providencia
LocationHirethia, Olivacia
Adjacent bodies of waterSunadic Ocean
Total islands± 5,400 islands
Prime MinisterGérald Darmanin 2019 (cropped).jpg Ignacio Castro
Head of MinistriesIchiro Matsui 2022.jpg Takehiro Nishikawa
ChancellorIsabel Díaz Ayuso visita un centro de FP Dual (33690566148) (cropped).jpg Eliza Nunez
PopulationTBA (2020)

The Unhakken Archipelago (Hoterallian: 運発列島, romanized: Unhatsu Rettō, Spanish: Islas Providencia) is the archipelago located Sunadic Ocean that form the territories of Hoterallia, Gavrilia and Riamo.

There are 5,431 named islands, according to estimates made by the government of Hoterallia, Gavrilia, and Riamo, with 1,003 of the islands being permanent. It comprises three main islands: Santa Cruz, Buena Vista, and Violet; two major island groups (Upper, and Lower Unhak Islands), and twenty smaller island groups. The archipelago is split between the three countries of Hoterallia, Gavrilia, and Riamo. A group of islands is also controlled by the Unhak Condominium, a tripartite condominium administered by the three nations.

The Unhakken Archipelago has a total land area of TBA square kilometers. This makes it the largest archipelagic territory in the Eastern Hemisphere.

External links