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Fleur de Lys, officially the République Lysienne (literal translation: “Lysian Republic”) is a sovereign state whose territory is in Central [[Europa]]. The Republic borders in the South [[Cristina]] and [[Mantella]], the large plains in the East and the North, along the [[Lac Lyrie]] making the entire Western facade, for ending with [[Magnaeus]] border in the South-West. The Republic is well known for being a founding Member of the [[ISTC]], [[ATARA]] along with an observer member in the [[Entente of Oriental States|EOS]].
#REDIRECT [[Lysia]]
[[Category:Lysia redirects]]
===Président de la République===
===Président du Conseil de la République===
===Assemblée Nationale===
====Président de l'Assemblée Nationale====
===Conseil d'État===
====Ministère des Affaires Diplomatiques et Commerciales====
* Ambassades
* Consulats
* Organisations
* Traités
* Sanctions
====Ministère des Affaires Éducatives et Scientifiques====
* Cooperation with the ISTC
* Institut de Recherche Pédago-Méthodique
* Institut Nationale
* Institut de la Recherche Spatiale
* Institut du Monde Europæn
* L'Académie Nationale
* Quant. Quant is a Danebourgeois internet provider company founded in 2013 by Thomas Gesger and Anthony Luvado. The company have been nationalised following the [[Plan Cinq]] in April 2018.
* Rosette
====Ministère des Affaires Financières et Bancaires====
The total population of the Union in 2018 is 72 822 471 citizens, of which 3 254 882 residents for a total GDP of 2 596 702 324 668,78, or a GDP per capita of 35 657,98 (of 37 102,99 in 2017) with the part of the Government in the GDP being of 11,31% along a planned deficit of 0,53% giving the total Governmental budget to 307 364 059 691,95 Francs for a debt at 39,91% of the GDP.
=====Crédit Républicain=====
List of taxes existing in the Union and their rate:
* Impôt sur le Logement non-Écologique (ILE) at an additional 5% of the habitat's electrical consumption in addition to the Impôt sur le Logement.
* Impôt sur le Logement (IE) at 2,5% of the price of the m2 annually defined by the local authorities.
* Impôt de Séjour (IS) at 5 Francs per person per night.
* Impôt sur la Valeur Ajoutée (IVA) at 5% for eco-friendly products/services; 10% nominal.
* Impôt sur les Besoins Fondamentaux (IBF) at 2,5%, replace the Impôt sur la Valeur Ajoutée for the restaurant/food/wine/electricity/public transport/water.
* Impôt sur l'Alcool et Boissons Sucrées (IABS) in addition to the Impôt sur la Valeur Ajoutée alcoholic and sugar drinks (with the exception of: wine, armagnac, cognac and local liqueurs), at 20% of their value.
* Impôt sur les Mal-Nutrition (IMN) at 50% for the junk/fast food.
* Impôt sur le Revenu (IR) at 20% for private citizen's revenues.
* Impôt sur les Profits (IP) at 20% for companies' revenues.
* Impôt sur l'Héritage (IH) at 5% for the total sum of the inheritance.
* Impôt sur l'Import (II) at 25% for any imported product.
* Impôt pour le Future (IF) at 5% of all salaries versed.
* Impôt sur les Plus-Values Boursiers (IPVB) at 20% of all gains on shares if traded within less then a 1 year after their acquisition. At 10% if traded within less then 5 years after their acquisition.
* Impôt sur les Transactions Bancaires (ITB) at 0,1% for all external transactions out of the Union.
* Impôt sur les Industries Polluantes (IIP) at 2,5% of the company's total profit if this company is proved to act against eco-friendly rules by the local Institut de l'Écologie.
=====Institut des Finances=====
The Institut des Finances annually publish and put in transparency the [ accounts of the Union] and regulate the budget with the Congrès des Assemblées.
=====Institut de Sûreté Bancaire=====
=====Fond d'Investissement pour le Future=====
=====Fond pour le Développement Durable=====
=====Fond pour les Futures Générations=====
====Ministère des Affaires Hygièniques et Préventives====
=====Institut de la Recherche Agronomique=====
=====Institut de la Santé Publique=====
=====Institut de la Sûreté Gastronomique=====
====Ministère des Affaires Militaires et Stratégiques====
=====Breguet Aviation=====
=====Breguet Électronique=====
=====Breguet Moteur=====
=====Force de Défense=====
The Force de Défense has a total budget of 2 561 815 833,02 Francs for 2018, operating 287 bases and stations/complexes throughout the Union maintained by 31 250 personnel.
=====Force de l'Air=====
The Force de l'Air has a total budget of 25 618 158 330,21 Francs for 2018, operating 1 087 planes, from which 875 Fighters, 86 support aircraft and 126 training aircraft maintained by 156 250 personnel.
=====Force de l'Espace=====
The Force de l'Espace has a total budget of 5 123 631 666,04 Francs for 2018, operating 2 launch sites and +25 satellites maintained by 15 625 personnel.
=====Force de l'Outre=====
The Force de l'Outre has a total budget of 5 123 631 666,04 Francs for 2018, operating 2 heavy frigates, 5 light frigates and 10 patrol ships maintained by 15 625 personnel.
=====Force de Mobilité=====
The Force de Mobilité has a total budget of 7 685 447 499,06 Francs for 2018, operating 625 Main Battle Tanks, 1 250 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 125 Armoured Scout Cars, 250 Light Armoured Vehicles, 25 Armoured Recovery Vehicles and 625 Unarmoured Vehicle maintained by 156 250 personnel.
=====Force de Support=====
The Force de Support has a total budget of 5 123 631 666,04 Francs for 2018, operating 65 Medium Transport/Utility Helicopter, 100 Tactical Transport Helicopter, 50 Attack Helicopter, 10 Light Multi-Role Helicopter and 25 Military Utility and Armed Assault Helicopter maintained by 15 625 personnel.
====Ministères des Affaires Structurelles et Énergétiques====
* Air France
* Altaïr
* Areva
* Elf
* Énère
* Inouï
* Institut de la Sûreté Aérienne
* Institut de la Sûreté Ferroviaire
* Institut de la Sûreté Nucléaire
* Suez. Suez is the main and only provider of natural gas in the Union. Suez is granted monopoly in this area, ensuring a stable gas prize, and is fully owned by the Union following the [[Plan Cinq]].
* Theorès. Theorès is a consortium of the various old companies which were in charge of the water purifications of the Républiques Sœurs before the re-foundation of the Union. The company have been nationalised following the [[Plan Cinq]].
* Total
* Vinci. Vinci is a Citoyen concessions and construction company founded in 1899 in Mauvin. It is currently the largest construction company in the Union, and have been nationalised following the [[Plan Cinq]].
====Ministère des Affaires Culturelles et Politiques====
====Ministère des Affaires Sociales et Environnementales====
=====Institut de l'Écologie=====
=====Institut des Libertées=====
====Ministère des Affaires Industrielles et Économiques====
Nûmes is a Bellefaye luxurious car company founded in 1955 by Antoine Deviertie with the [ën_DS Numéro Nul]. The company have received a funding through shares transaction by the Union of 1 000 000 000 Francs following the [[Plan Cinq]].
The company is notably known for the success of its [ Numéro Huit]. The cars produced by Nûmes are : [ën_DS Numéro Nul] in 1957; [ën_SM Numéro Un] in 1970; [ën_CX Numéro Deux] in 1974; [ën_XM Numéro Trois] in 1989; [ Numéro Quatre] in 1992; [ Numéro Cinq] in 1998; [ Numéro Six] in 2002; [ën_C6 Numéro Septm] in 2006; [ Numéro Huit] in 2011; and finally [ën_DS_Numéro_9 Numéro Neuf] in 2018.
====Ministère des Affaires Juridiques et Pénales====
=====Institution de la Sûreté de la Cyber-Toile=====
===Congrès des Assemblées===
[[Category: Europa]]
[[Category:Lysian Republic]]

Latest revision as of 18:02, 29 April 2024

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