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| Brigit is a former slave elf that has grown up as a free woman since childhood, however she and her family struggles with her father's alcoholism and she is forced to one day run away during his violent outbursts, fleeing to a chronological temple does she take cover amongst the trees in the holy grove there and sleeps under them. When she wakes up is she stuck in the past. Striking out does she make contact with a lardin named Frid auf Göranholm that is traveling the world in search of adventure and a lord to serve. When she find him is he weak and malnourished and she quickly cooks him food using roots and vegetables she can find in the wild and nurses him to health. As the two grow closer and closer to one another and a romance starts do they find a lord and in his service must they keep their feelings for one another hidden but even worse do something vile stalk the woods at night around the lords halls.  
| Brigit is a former slave elf that has grown up as a free woman since childhood, however she and her family struggles with her father's alcoholism and she is forced to one day run away during his violent outbursts, fleeing to a chronological temple does she take cover amongst the trees in the holy grove there and sleeps under them. When she wakes up is she stuck in the past. Striking out does she make contact with a lardin named Frid auf Göranholm that is traveling the world in search of adventure and a lord to serve. When she find him is he weak and malnourished and she quickly cooks him food using roots and vegetables she can find in the wild and nurses him to health. As the two grow closer and closer to one another and a romance starts do they find a lord and in his service must they keep their feelings for one another hidden but even worse do something vile stalk the woods at night around the lords halls.  
| A förgätmigej in the sun
| 2020
| 2020
| Hilda Hildasdottir
| Hilda is a singer and the player of a harp but she is also a lady that runs in bad crowds in Imerbürg as she cheats at brick games and dice and card to make her living. One day however is her luck run out and she is outed as a cheat in a game and a mighty man gives her a savaging well earned. She retreats bruised and bloodied to a small commons area and find a willow under which to sleep. When she wakes up is she no longer in Imerbürg but instead in the sun realms and the holding of a Scanderan Oversja kingdom. The prince of it takes her in as she sings and plays for him and he finds such things pleasing. As she makes her way higher in the castle does a romance spring up between her and the prince however despite that does dark clouds gather as the realm is facing pressure from a warlord that unites all the sun realms to march on Scandera itself. While that also happens is something vile and dark watching the small kingdom from the sea.
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Brunhilda is a rogue and a scoundrel with red long hair that is braided back and skin of terracotta and eyes that are said to be dark red. She is a followers of the chronicles and one of the most religious characters in the party however when offered to learn the secrets of the two faced goddess does she decline at the end claiming that she are not ready for the goddess love but she honours her alongside the sun, and the goddesses and gods of the rose.  
Brunhilda is a rogue and a scoundrel with red long hair that is braided back and skin of terracotta and eyes that are said to be dark red. She is a followers of the chronicles and one of the most religious characters in the party however when offered to learn the secrets of the two faced goddess does she decline at the end claiming that she are not ready for the goddess love but she honours her alongside the sun, and the goddesses and gods of the rose.  
===Brigit Sigrunsdottir===
===Brigit Sigrunsdottir===
Brigit is an elf maid and generally rather goo happy and quick to make a joke, she is described as short and slim but with a thick bush of red hair and eyes of green.  
Brigit is an elf maid and generally rather goo happy and quick to make a joke, she is described as short and slim but with a thick bush of red hair and eyes of green.
===Hilda Hildasdottir===
Is described as a scoundrel, thin of frame with hair of a rat's colour and eyes the green of the sea. She is a good player of the harp and has a singing voice to match.  

==Books and movies==
==Books and movies==
Every book has so far been released with a cinematic version following with the only exception being [[2020]] that is currently being filmed due to the little action in the series are they all very fatefully adopted showing very little to no difference between them. However amongst the books are people generally not particularly fond of A snowdrop amongst the mountains that lacks a secondary plot and focus a lot of time on religion but at the end while Erika is able to teach her new family to stay away from the worst aspects of their faith would the people in general still keep the faith and most people found that too bleak in Scandera.  
Every book has so far been released with a cinematic version following with the only exception being "A förgätmigej in the sun" that is currently being filmed due to the little action in the series are they all very fatefully adopted showing very little to no difference between them. However amongst the books are people generally not particularly fond of A snowdrop amongst the mountains that lacks a secondary plot and focus a lot of time on religion but at the end while Erika is able to teach her new family to stay away from the worst aspects of their faith would the people in general still keep the faith and most people found that too bleak in Scandera.  

Similarly were the audience very broken about Brigita that due to being a liar most people thought that she did not deserve redemption. A smaller kind of flower also faced some rather heavy controversy due to featuring a romance between an elf and a human. While interspecies relationship were not unheard of and quite common in damliteratur aimed at older women was it still rather shocking to see it portrayed in a positive light as something romantic rather than something purely sexual for such young readers.  
Similarly were the audience very broken about Brigita that due to being a liar most people thought that she did not deserve redemption. A smaller kind of flower also faced some rather heavy controversy due to featuring a romance between an elf and a human. While interspecies relationship were not unheard of and quite common in damliteratur aimed at older women was it still rather shocking to see it portrayed in a positive light as something romantic rather than something purely sexual for such young readers.  

Revision as of 21:17, 18 October 2021

The lady Frida cycle is a series of books named after the author Lady Frida auf Grannafe and is a series of adventure stories in the same vein as Harald Harding and the Tales of Rikard Guardsman, however where those stories are aimed to younger men and boys is the Frida cycle aimed to younger girls. As most Scanderan literature is the book series very moralistic and educational in it's nature but as it is aimed towards women does it instead of teaching wilderness survival and infantry combat tactics as the aforementioned books does the Lady Frida cycle instead focus a lot on more womanly pastimes such as embroidery, sewing, seduction, mathematics, economics, cooking, and gardening. Another place where the series of books tend to differate itself from both Harald Harding and the Tales of Rikard Guardsman is that it does not follow a family or a single character, instead is a new character introduced in each book. Each tends to be from Blåaland same as Frida herself and tends to follow morally troubled women that are either delinquents, criminals, or deviants in one way shape or form that is transported back to the past where they learn about love, romance, and of course how to be a proper woman. Generally does the heroines settle down and live long and happy lives and the books claims to be a collection of those stories written down by the heroines themselves.

Being herself a native of Blaland has Frida auf Grannafe stated that she was always fascinated by the oversja Scanderan cultures and how they grew up so while her characters tends to be from either Sydvinland or Blaland and travel to Scandera has she also tended to write a few stories where Scanderans are brought back to either pre-scanderan Blaland, Vinland, or the other realms as a way to show "how oversja Scanderan cultures are a mixture of both the home continent but also the native cultures that were raised into Scanderan ranks" in her own words.


Name Published Main character Summary
A blue rose in the snow 1999 Frida Grildedottir The young and rough Frida Grildedottir is an embaresment to her family, always running around causing trouble in her home of blafastning, generally robbing people and running with a gang of Jungkarls. However to her shock does she one day wake up in a cold dark forest. Figuring out that she is now in long distant Scandera in times long since gone does she meet the local Lordling Birger Radhar when he is patrolling his lands in search for a werewolf that haunts his domains. Surviving an attack only thanks to the lardin and his men must she try to settle in her new enviroment but more importantly must she try to see if she can get Birger to fall for her before the next wolfmoon as he is otherwise forced to marry an old vile daughter of his liege lord.
A red flower in spring 2001 Cava Runtudottir The young Cava Runtudottir is a delinquent of the roughest kind, she refuses to help out with the family farm and only focuses on herself as her ageing mother and war wounded brother keeps working their land to support themselves with their modest means. However Cava generally steal from her family to live it up with her friends in the big city and one day does she attempt to steal and sell the KVG that her brother brought into war and both their father fought with and their uncle died with it in his hands. This is the final straw and her brother gives her a beating and sends her away. She takes refuge under some trees and when she wakes up does she not realise where she is. She is picked up by a kind lardin by the name of Björne Starknafe on a way to a grand tornament by the king and the two travel the lands for a bit and she falls for him quickly. However when they arrive to the court is the young lardin arrested and accused of not bringing enough men to the latest campaign compared to what his estate is worth. However as Cava set out to clear his name by going over his estate revenue and income are darker plots at play as night by night do young women go missing at the tourney fields.
A snowdrop amongst the mountains 2002 Erika auf Salveholme Erika is a Scanderan noblewoman but she is also a coward, atheist, and a pacifist and even join a public protest when her brother, a young cavalry officer, is going off to a conflict in the name of his king. Officially shaming him as he set off with disgust in his eyes to her. Throwing a fit as her family scold her does she run away and gets lost in the woodland. She takes rest under a large oak but when she wakes up does she find herself in the mountain regions of Sydvinland. She is taken in by a young warrior of the Ikkata people that saves her from a terror bird attack and he takes her to his father that holds a village in the name of his god king. However as she spend her days with him does she fall for the warrior but discover the horrid religion his people follow and that they are also about to come under attack from the Mekoki people from the southern coastline. Attempting to first set out to try to negotiate a peace between them are she strucken in horror of the vile Mkoki warriors dressed in the skins of fallen foes and she must be rescued once again. Instead does she have to help out the village to perpare for the winter and learn how to let her warrior love do what men must do.
A rose of snow in the land of Rivers 2004 Brigita auf Stjarnsja Brigita is a habitual liar that tends to lie at every opportunity to get her way, however at a party held by her family does all this unravel as she tells one lie too many and is cornered by a group of women that unravels her lies in front of her entire family and their social circle. Having been so outed is she kicked out of the party and given quite a backhand from her father that has to apologise to all the guests. Enraged does Brigita run away and vows never to return but she very quickly changes her mind and tries to make her way home but she is lost. Forced to sleep under a large birch tree does she wake up suddenly in a very hot climate and concludes that she is in Blaland and she seeks refuge with a kind river witch that takes her in. Once again she attempts to lie to improve her situation but the wise witch sees through her attempts and curses her so that she may never speak lies ever again or her face will turn as vile as her words.

Horrified does Brigita runs away and ends up close to one of the city states that dots the four mayor rivers of western Blaland and she is given hospitality with the a large family there and is given to live with one of the daughters of the matriarch with whom she starts to develop feelings. However as she spends her days do the young warriors of the city state go missing when the night comes about and as she learns not only how to be true to herself but those around her does rumours spread of a large hippopotamus woman that comes from the rivers.

A Night Tulip amongst the plains 2005 Hilda Sigridsdottir Hilda is a young girl from the inner streets of the Blaland that is a great gardener and helps to tend to the gardens of the duke himself. However she is also arrogant and quick to anger, in an especially hard argument with one of the other gardeners does Hilda strike the woman she is arguing with with a hoe causing grievous injury. In a panic does she escape as the peacekeepers are on her heels. She manages to avoid them for most of the evening but exhausted does she curl up under a togo tree. When she wakes up does she find herself on a frozen plain and realises to her horror that she is in the northern iceplains. She is taken in by a tribe of northern mammoth herders. With them do the tribe has a clan shaman that is an elderly woman and is escorted by the young son of the chieftain Harald Haraldssen.

As the winter comes closer and closer and the eternal night comes even closer is she and the shaman forced to take care of a holy rose bush to attempt to keep it from dying. Similarly in the night does something old and evil lurks around the tribe.

A thorn without a Rose 2006 Rosa auf Rosenberga Rosa is not a typical woman, she is weakly and sick with weak lungs that makes it hard to breath. Her family takes care of her but her sickness make it hard to live the life that is expected of a woman her age. One day however is she able to get out of her sickbed and ride with her mother. However in the mist is she lost and she is forced to rest the night under a majestic oak. When she wakes up is she picked up by a kindly old Cleric. He is an old man that tends to a small shrine dedicated to Belron, son of Bel, and companion and lover of Imer the great. Two lordlings often visit the shrine that lies on the border of their lands, however their families are feuding and they both comes to sacrifice for victory would war break out. During these frequent visits does Rosa develop feelings for both men and they for her, she is during one week of heavy rainfall, snow, and hail however able to in turn convince each to stay the night at the shrine and later on to spend it with her.

As the clouds of war however draws closer and the long vinter night comes closer however she realises that they might need their virginity and the protection of the shimmering god of war more than ever.

A blue flower in red 2008 Brunhilda Fridasdottir Brunhilda is an orphan that spends her days doing crimes on the streets of blaborg with a gang of pick pockets and thieves and she has no greater ambition that becoming a criminal herself. However she tends to be lazy and relying on crime rather than doing something useful with her life. One day she almost get caught and is forced to run from the peelers and she takes cover in a temple dedicated to the two faced goddess. She sleeps under one of the trees that decorate the courtyard but when she wakes up is she in Imerburg in the old days.

She joins a travelling monk dedicated to the fierce sun god and a nun dedicated to the two faced goddess of the same age as herself and she tries to aid them by stealing however this backfires as she is once again caught and she is only saved by the intervention of her new travelling companions. As they travel does she start to develop feelings for her two companions but she also starts to learn how to live a better life under the teaching of her new companions and they teach her how to sew that she uses to earn money. However as they start to reach the moors and craggy cliffs of the western shores is something in else stalking them in the night.

A smaller kind of flower 2019 Brigit Sigrunsdottir Brigit is a former slave elf that has grown up as a free woman since childhood, however she and her family struggles with her father's alcoholism and she is forced to one day run away during his violent outbursts, fleeing to a chronological temple does she take cover amongst the trees in the holy grove there and sleeps under them. When she wakes up is she stuck in the past. Striking out does she make contact with a lardin named Frid auf Göranholm that is traveling the world in search of adventure and a lord to serve. When she find him is he weak and malnourished and she quickly cooks him food using roots and vegetables she can find in the wild and nurses him to health. As the two grow closer and closer to one another and a romance starts do they find a lord and in his service must they keep their feelings for one another hidden but even worse do something vile stalk the woods at night around the lords halls.
A förgätmigej in the sun 2020 Hilda Hildasdottir Hilda is a singer and the player of a harp but she is also a lady that runs in bad crowds in Imerbürg as she cheats at brick games and dice and card to make her living. One day however is her luck run out and she is outed as a cheat in a game and a mighty man gives her a savaging well earned. She retreats bruised and bloodied to a small commons area and find a willow under which to sleep. When she wakes up is she no longer in Imerbürg but instead in the sun realms and the holding of a Scanderan Oversja kingdom. The prince of it takes her in as she sings and plays for him and he finds such things pleasing. As she makes her way higher in the castle does a romance spring up between her and the prince however despite that does dark clouds gather as the realm is facing pressure from a warlord that unites all the sun realms to march on Scandera itself. While that also happens is something vile and dark watching the small kingdom from the sea.


Frida Grildedottir

Frida is the main character of the first book and is described as a ruffian and scoundrel with skin of a dark redish hue with the silver hair and ice blue eyes of the mountain peoples. She is argumentative and arrogant, does not respect her elders of parents, she show no interests in the proper matches her family tries to set up for her but fail repeatedly to flirt with the jungkarls she hangs out with, to the degree that she is known originally as "No-shield Frida" due to the fact that none of them wants so set up his shield in her name as they harass bystander. However during her adventures does she grow as a person, learn humility, and the ancient art of embroidery and other good life lessons.

Cava Runtudottir

Cava is described as a descendent of the proud Ikkata people of the Western mountains in Sydvinland, she however is nothing of the sort and instead is arrogant, a liar, and tends to steal just to live a life of decadent luxury. She is described as having beautiful skin of a redish hue with a the standard straight long raven black hair of Sydvinlanders with a pair of dark blue eyes as are common amongst their kind. While she originally lacks much in the way of skills bar a surprising good knack for money is she generally unwilling to help people or even do anything for anyone but herself. However her story forces her to change this as she applies what she is best at to save the one she loves.

Erika auf Salveholme

Erika is a cowardly woman who openly protest about war and rages against religion however as she is transported into the past is she forced to learn how to enable men's more militaristic nature as well as try to find her faith as she is put up against two of the two vile faiths that existed in pre-federal Sydvinland.

Brigita auf Stjarnsja

Brigita is probably the worst character of all the heroines of the Lady Frida cycle, a liar through and through, she is described as having wavy red hair and eyes as cold as her heart.

Hilda Sigridsdottir

Hilda is a woman from the coast and lowlands of Blaland and she is described as a a typical person of that region with redish brown skin, orange hair and eyes of red, she has a green thumb and is very good with plants but also really quick to anger and fury.

Rosa auf Rosenberga

Rosa auf Rosenberga is a woman from Ausland, weak and frail with poor lungs, while it is not outright stated is it heavily implied to be Asthma. She is generally seen as the most good character that lacks much in the way of weakness character wise and she needs to use her chronological faith to overcome her weakly body.

Brunhilda Fridasdottir

Brunhilda is a rogue and a scoundrel with red long hair that is braided back and skin of terracotta and eyes that are said to be dark red. She is a followers of the chronicles and one of the most religious characters in the party however when offered to learn the secrets of the two faced goddess does she decline at the end claiming that she are not ready for the goddess love but she honours her alongside the sun, and the goddesses and gods of the rose.

Brigit Sigrunsdottir

Brigit is an elf maid and generally rather goo happy and quick to make a joke, she is described as short and slim but with a thick bush of red hair and eyes of green.

Hilda Hildasdottir

Is described as a scoundrel, thin of frame with hair of a rat's colour and eyes the green of the sea. She is a good player of the harp and has a singing voice to match.

Books and movies

Every book has so far been released with a cinematic version following with the only exception being "A förgätmigej in the sun" that is currently being filmed due to the little action in the series are they all very fatefully adopted showing very little to no difference between them. However amongst the books are people generally not particularly fond of A snowdrop amongst the mountains that lacks a secondary plot and focus a lot of time on religion but at the end while Erika is able to teach her new family to stay away from the worst aspects of their faith would the people in general still keep the faith and most people found that too bleak in Scandera.

Similarly were the audience very broken about Brigita that due to being a liar most people thought that she did not deserve redemption. A smaller kind of flower also faced some rather heavy controversy due to featuring a romance between an elf and a human. While interspecies relationship were not unheard of and quite common in damliteratur aimed at older women was it still rather shocking to see it portrayed in a positive light as something romantic rather than something purely sexual for such young readers.


ImeriataFlag.png The absolute royal federation of Imeriata and her realms
Geography Politics Society & Culture

GeographyFederal RealmsMountainsRiversLakesClimateProtected areasFaunaExtreme pointsCommon Weather


HistoryMörker åldern (The Wharen empire)
Gryningstid(Vedian migration Imerian migration Erathian migration
Mellankhönunga tiden(The elven wars The non-human wars The Vedian-Erathian warsThe river kingdom)
Khönunga åldern(Unification of the southlands The first Vedian-Imerian wars Tiden mellan krig Silfer kriget The second Vedian-Imerian war The two hundred year wars )


EconomyImerian KhrönorNational bankEducationEnergyMediaTourismTransportCompaniesMining and Refineries in the Absolute Royal FederationManufacturing in the Absolute Royal FederationRetail in the Absolute Royal Federation

PoliticsThe federal crown and advisoriesConstitutionRealmsForeign relationsThe High King (List)

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CultureArchitectureArtCinema (Actors)Music (Composers,Singers and Performers)• Cuisine (Scanderan table manners)The Holy ChroniclesThe good old tongueLiterature (Writers, Poets)• EducationMediaSports (the Annual federal jousting tournament)• Public holidaysFederal SubculturesSocial Issues of the absolute royal federationHigh Culture Humour and Comedy(Comedians) • High Culture Folk Tales and LegendsHigh Culture Cultural LandmarksFederal heraldry

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