Mottos of federal and royal institutions

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Khrönan äro heligh

"Khrönan äro heligh" is the official motto of the absolute royal federation and can be translated into "The crown is divine". The phrase have been used by Imerian high kings since the days of Emanuel the first and was used to remind the Imerian nobility that the rule of the high king was divine in nature and that obedience was required.

The origin of the phrase however comes from the ages before even the unification of Imeriata and was used describing the concept of the first Imerian high king, Imer the great.

As he had gotten control of the south land from an alliance with the gods so had the title of high king been a very symbolic office in the holy chronicles. As such did most people see the high king as a holy person in itself. While the image of this changed when the office was brought back a millennia after the first and last high king had died and the office was transformed into a more secular institution even if the religious connections remained strong well into the modern era.

ImeriataFlag.png The absolute royal federation of Imeriata and her realms
Geography Politics Society & Culture

GeographyFederal RealmsMountainsRiversLakesClimateProtected areasFaunaExtreme pointsCommon Weather


HistoryMörker åldern (The Wharen empire)
Gryningstid(Vedian migration Imerian migration Erathian migration
Mellankhönunga tiden(The elven wars The non-human wars The Vedian-Erathian warsThe river kingdom)
Khönunga åldern(Unification of the southlands The first Vedian-Imerian wars Tiden mellan krig Silfer kriget The second Vedian-Imerian war The two hundred year wars )


EconomyImerian KhrönorNational bankEducationEnergyMediaTourismTransportCompaniesMining and Refineries in the Absolute Royal FederationManufacturing in the Absolute Royal FederationRetail in the Absolute Royal Federation

PoliticsThe federal crown and advisoriesConstitutionRealmsForeign relationsThe High King (List)

Foreign Affairs & Defence

Foreign Policy The Federal and Royal MilitaryMilitary HistoryGround ForcesAir ForceNaval ForcesStargate command

Imerian Justice

Imerian LawThe Imerian ConstitutionCourtsImerian Law CodeThe PeacekeepersCorrectional servicesNationality lawCrime

CultureArchitectureArtCinema (Actors)Music (Composers,Singers and Performers)• Cuisine (Scanderan table manners)The Holy ChroniclesThe good old tongueLiterature (Writers, Poets)• EducationMediaSports (the Annual federal jousting tournament)• Public holidaysFederal SubculturesSocial Issues of the absolute royal federationHigh Culture Humour and Comedy(Comedians) • High Culture Folk Tales and LegendsHigh Culture Cultural LandmarksFederal heraldry

Symbols of the absolute royal federation
SymbolsNational FlagFlagsRoyal SealAnthemCrown jewelsMottoNameThe National AnimalThe National BirdThe National TreeThe National Flower
Imerian Demographics

DemographicsFederal realmsCitiesLanguagesReligionImmigrationImerian PeopleList of Famous federal subjects