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| style="text-align:center;"|[[Àgata Novoa]]<br /><small>[[Prime Minister of Alforja|Prime Minister]]</small>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[Àgata Novoa]]<br /><small>[[Prime Minister of Alforja|Prime Minister]]</small>
Alforja is a {{wpl|Federal}} {{wpl|Semi-Presidential}} {{wpl|Republic}}. Following General Bajona’s Coup and subsequent Counter-Coup, Alforja has been a Democratic Republic under it’s current constitution written in 1950 following the end of Second Republic. Alforja’s Head of state is the [[President of Alforja|President]] who is elected by Popular Vote and can be removed by Parliament with a Majority. The head of Government is the [[Prime Minister of Alforja|Prime Minister]] Who is proposed by the President and elected by Parliament. A Presidential Term lasts 5 years along with a Standard Parliamentary Term. The President has no set term Limit along with MP’s.

The Current President of Alforja is [[Luis Seguí]] elected following the [[2018 Alforjan General Election|2018 Alforjan General Electio]]. The Current Prime Minister is[[Àgata Novoa]].
=== Government ===
=== Government ===
=== States ===
=== States ===

Revision as of 13:42, 8 July 2019

Virtuous Republic of Alforja
República Virtuosa de Alforja
Flag of Alforja
Motto: Aixequeu-vos tots els Alforjans
Anthem: Himne nacional de Alforja MediaPlayer.png
Official languagesAlforjac
Ethnic groups
White (45.2%)
Black (31.9%)
Native Rennekans (14.7%)
Others (8.18%)
Semi-Presidential Republic
• President
Luis Seguí
Àgata Novoa
Guifré Sarro
Assemblea popular
• Establishment of the Alforjan State
• Alforjan Revolution
• 2019 estimate
40.337 Million
• 2015 census
39.989 Million
GDP (PPP)2019 estimate
• Total
$1.344 Trillion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Total
$1.277 Trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2015)30.7
HDISteady 0.924
very high
CurrencyOrzon (AOZ)
Time zone-6 -8
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+101
Internet TLD.AJ

Alforja (Alforjac: Alforja) officially the Virtuous Republic of Alforja (Alforjac: República virtuosa d'Alforja), is a federal republic on the the continent of Rennekka, located within Aeia. The country is bordered to the west by the Jade Ocean to the East by the Opal Ocean, to the North by Eshuani and to the south by Vidoria and x. Alforja's territory also stretches into Vestrim with it's Island States.

With an Area of 3,873,811 km², Alforja is the largest nation on the Continent of Rennekka followed by Renneque. Despite this vast quantities of Alforja's land area are covered in Rainforests with the Largest being the Rossel which splits the country into two Sections.

Little is known about Alforja before it was colonised by Ardaima with various Groups, the largest being the Ataxa people in the State of X. Historically the Ataxa straddled the West Coast of Rennekka with remnants of their Empire being found in Renneque.

Alforja was first settled by Asurans in X, initially by the West Rennekka Company and then Ardaiman East Rennekka. The land was settled initially by ethnic Alforgencs who had been denied a State in Asura and were frequently oppressed. The leader of Ardaima at the time had thought the expulsion of the Alforgencs would stop their eventual Massacre.

Alforja gained independence in 1643 following a series of Revolts and the unpopular decision to give the Eastern Coast of Alforja to Cuirpthe for their own colonial holdings. The Capital was moved to Rodonya in 1822 and in the mid 18th century Alforja annexed a group of Islands in the South Columbian Sea beginning a series of Militant Wars and Revolts.

Alforja intervened in the First Great War seizing and Annexing the Cuirpthean Colonial holdings on mainland Rennekka.


Alforja derives off the Fiorentine Averta which translates in Alforgenc to Saddlebag. The unusual name was created by the first settlers of Alforja and named it after the bags that carried supplies with them on their expeditions. The name was first officially used in 1844 when it had to be decided what the prefix of the Alforja should be. At the time sitting Muntagne President Fructuós Llesera proclaimed the nation to be Republica de Alforja which translates into Republic of Alforja.



Ataxian Empire

East Rennekka Company


Industrial Alforja

Modern Age

The Riots In Llayola had turned into open revolt by 1901. General Adalbert Bajona had been sent to the city to put down the rebellion and by the end of the year 18,000 people had been killed. Bajona’s rampage of terror had reached the Government in Rodonya who ordered him to be taken into custody immediately. Upon learning of the news troops Loyal to Bajona turned against the Government and a state of Emergency was declared. Small skirmishes and battles took place nationally but by the end of January Bajona announced to the nation that he would be taking the office of President until the situation has subsided. The former Government fled to Vidoria and set up a Government in Exile. Federal Elections were called for July of 1902. The Military took the supermajority of the seats and began changing the constitution. The Muntagne was suspended in September and Bajona’s Clique became even more Dictatorial. In early 1903 Vidoria stepped up it’s claim on various Alforjan territories and the first shots were fired over the Border on 12th of May, 1903 beginning the Alforjo-Vidoria War.

General Adalbert Bajona was ousted as the war ended in a Stalemate ending the First Alforjan Republic. The Second Republic of Alforja (1905-1950) was characterised by the Rise and Fall of the Party of the Socialist Workers (Alforja (Alforgenc: Partit dels treballadors socialistes.) The Second Republic ended following the Constitutional crisis of 1950. The Council system which had prevailed in Alforja gave way to a new Presidency championed by Esteve Algué. The Presidency allowed Algué to grant Federal Powers to the Provinces.

The Juia Agreement Signed In 1964 between Algué who had entered his third term as President gave rights to the Provinces of Juia and Llayola and the option to hold a referendum to secede once the majority of the population agreed. This ended the JLLA’s bombing campaign across Alforja.

Since the 1982 Creixell Bombings and more recently the 2015 Valles Attack, Alforja has been targeted by Radical Seperatists seeking to recreate the Terror in Llayola and Juia to properly secede from the Federation most notably the Front d'Alliberament de Caiya or Caiya Liberation Front.

Full Diplomatic releations were restored with Vidoria under theOrista Deal Signed Official,y and implemented in the Summer of 2018. The deal includes a Visa-Free agreement for Vidorians and Alforjans to enter each country without a Visa for 90 days.

Following the Cardinal Rebellion In Ovandera tensions have arisen over the two nations disputed sea claims which have led to Tensions arising in the area. Alforja’s Sea claims overlap the claim by Ovandera leading to several instances of Ships being seized by both nations, with an incident when the Alforjan Navy fired upon an Ovanderan Fishing trawler in 2018.






LuisSeguí.jpg AgataNovoa.jpeg
Luis Seguí
Àgata Novoa
Prime Minister

Alforja is a Federal Semi-Presidential Republic. Following General Bajona’s Coup and subsequent Counter-Coup, Alforja has been a Democratic Republic under it’s current constitution written in 1950 following the end of Second Republic. Alforja’s Head of state is the President who is elected by Popular Vote and can be removed by Parliament with a Majority. The head of Government is the Prime Minister Who is proposed by the President and elected by Parliament. A Presidential Term lasts 5 years along with a Standard Parliamentary Term. The President has no set term Limit along with MP’s.

The Current President of Alforja is Luis Seguí elected following the 2018 Alforjan General Electio. The Current Prime Minister isÀgata Novoa.




Name Abbr. Ideology Political position Leader Popular Assembly
Socialist Front of Alforja
Partit Socialista de Alforja
PSA Democratic Socialism, Green Politics, Progressivism Centre-Left to Left Luis Seguí
201 / 608
Movement for the Republic
Moviment per a la República
MPLR Centrism, Liberal Conservative, Moderatism Centre-Right Vícenç Reixachs
164 / 608
Liberal Party of Alforja
Partit Liberal de Alforja
PLA Liberalism, Centrism, Social Liberalism Centre-Left Àgata Novoa
77 / 608
Conservative and Democratic Group
Grup Conservador i Democràtic
GCD Nationalism, Conservatism, Libertarianism Centre-Right to Far Right Pasqual Plana
59 / 608
Alliance of Progressives and Greens
Aliança de Progressistes i Verds
APV Green Socialism, Environmentalism, Democratic socialism, Progressive Politics Left Wing Valèria Ricós
35 / 608
Coalition of Regions and Minorities
Coalició de Regions i Minories
CRM Separatism, Federalism, Minority Politics Syncretic Collective Directorial Council
20 / 608
Communist and Republican leftist group
Grup d'esquerra Comunista i Republicà
GECR Communism, Socialism, Republicanism Left-Wing to Far-Left Sebastià Aranda
13 / 608
Independent Parliamentary Group
Grup Parlamentari d'Independents
GPI Independent Politics Syncretic None
39 / 608





Energy and infrastructure

Science and technology










Literature and Philosophy






National Holidays