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According to historian Tünde Zobor, nomads from the [[Skuthica|Skuthican Empire]] were the first settlers in modern-day Kárpátakia. This claim is universally accepted by historians and is implemented in the national [[Founding of the Kárpát Khaganate|foundation myth]]. Before the unification under [[Attila (Kárpátakia)|Attila]], {{wp|nomadic pastoralism}} dominated the mountainous country. The area was roughly divided into sixteen clans, or ''nemzetség''. According to modern historians, linguistic evidence points towards ancient Kárpátakian peoples speaking a form of {{wp|Uralic languages|Uralic}}. The ancient Kárpát people worshipped a form of sun-centred henotheism, and ancient cave paintings support this hypothesis.
According to historian Tünde Zobor, nomads from Rhûnyadhr were the first settlers in modern-day Kárpátakia. This claim is universally accepted by historians and is implemented in the national [[Founding of the Kárpát Khaganate|foundation myth]]. Before the unification under [[Attila (Kárpátakia)|Attila]], {{wp|nomadic pastoralism}} dominated the mountainous country. The area was roughly divided into sixteen clans, or ''nemzetség''. According to modern historians, linguistic evidence points towards ancient Kárpátakian peoples speaking a form of {{wp|Uralic languages|Kalic}}. The ancient Kárpát people worshipped a form of sun-centred henotheism, and ancient cave paintings support this hypothesis.


Revision as of 02:31, 10 July 2019

Kingdom of Kárpátakia
Kárpátaka Királyság
Motto: "Tengri áldd meg a Kárpátok" (Kárpát)
"God bless the Kárpáts"
and largest city
Official languagesKárpát
Ethnic groups
89.3% Kárpát

9.7% Olohish

1% Zigano
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy under a military dictatorship
• Monarch
Árpád II
Csaba Boros
Mihály Hegedüs
LegislatureDiet (currently suspended)
Chamber of Magnates
Chamber of Representatives
• Total
206,872 km2 (79,874 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2016 estimate
• 2008 census
• Density
27.4/km2 (71.0/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
$93.159 billion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$41.869 billion
• Per capita
Gini (2008)Positive decrease 23.1
HDI (2008)0.662
CurrencyKárpát forint (Ft)
Time zoneUTC+6 (NGT)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy A.M.
Driving sideleft
Calling code996
Internet TLD.kp

Kárpátakia, officially the Kingdom of Kárpátakia (Kárpát: Kárpátaka Királyság), is a sovereign state located on the continent of Asura in Aeia. Kárpátakia is a landlocked country with harsh mountainous terrain. Kárpátakia is bordered by #NAME# to the north, #NAME# to the east, #NAME# to the south, and #NAME# to the west. Its capital and largest city is Neapolisz. Kárpátakia is a constitutional monarchy officially governed by King Árpád II, but de-facto governed by Prime Minister Csaba Boros through a military dictatorship.

The recorded history of Kárpátakia spans well over 3,000 years, with the first history documented being ancient nomads from the great Skuthican Empire. Kárpátakia's harsh mountainous climate has helped to preserve the country's independence and racial homogeneity, with no foreign country successfully taking over the nation. However, Kárpátakia has been influenced by the outside world, a pertinent example of this was the Kárpátakian Revolution which transformed Kárpátakia into a communist state. Communist government in Kárpátakia officially came to an end in 1988, after a serious of violent protests.

Since the fall of the communist regime, Kárpátakia has officially been restored to its monarchic system of governance as it was previously. However, in 2002, a mere nine years after the disestablishment of the communist state, Kárpátakia was ravished by a bloody civil war instigated by communist loyalists in the military. In the midst of the civil war, the Royal Kárpát Army executed a bloodless coup d'etat due to their perceived incompetence of the king, and removed all of his functional powers. The civil war lasted for five years and ended in 2007 after the last rebel stronghold was obliterated, and the rebel commander, Zsombor Dobos was executed. Despite the official end of the war, a low-intensity insurgency has continued throughout the nation, and many politicians and civilians have been claimed by the conflict. Since then there has been a systematic reconstruction and rebuilding process. Despite the end of the civil war, Kárpátakia has been increasingly unstable. An attempted assassination on Prime Minister Csaba Boros's life took place in 2016, which almost resulted in his death.

Kárpátakia officially describes itself as a democratic constitutional monarchy which formally holds elections. These elections are almost universally criticized by foreign observers as sham elections, political opposition is violently suppressed. Outside observers and countries generally describe Kárpátakia as an autocratic military dictatorship, particularly noting the pervasive authoritarianism and the ornate cult of personality around the Boros regime. The State Law and Order Restoration Council, led by Csaba Boros holds power in the state and is currently the only legal political party. The Kárpátakian economy is described as dirigist, most services such as healthcare, education, housing and food production are subsidized or state-funded, and the arms industry is entirely controlled by the government. Kárpátakia officially follows a military-first policy, introduced into the constitution following the end of the civil war.

Kárpátakia is a very conservative and very religious nation contrasted to its counterparts in the world. 96% of Kárpátakia professed their belief in Táltosism, making it the largest religion in the country. The Zigano people of Kárpátakia follow Irsad.



According to historian Tünde Zobor, nomads from Rhûnyadhr were the first settlers in modern-day Kárpátakia. This claim is universally accepted by historians and is implemented in the national foundation myth. Before the unification under Attila, nomadic pastoralism dominated the mountainous country. The area was roughly divided into sixteen clans, or nemzetség. According to modern historians, linguistic evidence points towards ancient Kárpátakian peoples speaking a form of Kalic. The ancient Kárpát people worshipped a form of sun-centred henotheism, and ancient cave paintings support this hypothesis.


As a federation of unified clans, Kárpátakia was established in 1089 under the rule of the mythical Attila. Attila ruthlessly conquered all vastly diverse sixteen clans into a unified nation. This amalgamation of different languages and cultures is commonly accepted as to what gave rise to the modern Kárpát people and the Kárpát language. Initially, the newfound Khaganate was a decentralised federation of nomadic clans. This changed in 1093 after a peasant rebellion devastated the nation and killed many. Attila introduced sweeping centralisation methods, including peasants swearing an oath of loyalty directly to him, the Khagan, instituting provincial atamans when no such thing existed, and forcefully promoting himself as the clan leader. In 1099, when making the daily ablutions atop Mount Ígért, Attila claimed to have experienced a divine revelation, in which a divine messenger of Tenger revealed golden tablets containing the text of what is the Arvisura. Attila set it upon himself to convert his realm to this new, divinely inspired faith and did so with relative success.

Early 20th Century

Late 20th Century

21st Century



Kárpátakia has a continental climate, with mild summers and cold winters where snowing is commonplace. Average annual temperature is 6.5 °C (43.7 °F) in the winter, and 29 °C (84.2 °F) in the summer. The average yearly rainfall is approximately 625 mm (24.6 in). Winter in Kárpátakia starts in late December and lasts until early March. Winters usually bring moderate daily snowfall, little sunlight, and cold winds. Summer starts in late June and ends in late September, and are characterised by warm sunlight and frequent rainshowers.


Government and politics


Kárpátakia is officially a constitutional monarchy ruled by King Árpád II. However, since the 2003 coup d'état, the country has been controlled by Csaba Boros and his State Law and Order Restoration Council, or SLORC for short, by military dictatorship. Since Boros' rise to power, the King has been stripped of all his political and administrative posts, and only exists to bolster support for the Boros regime. Since the coup, Boros has declared himself as Prime Minister, and indefinitely suspended the Diet and given himself complete dictatorial power through ruling by decree.


According to its constitution, Kárpátakia is a democratic constitutional monarchy. Since 2003, Kárpátakia has been governed by an autocratic military dictatorship lead by Prime Minister Csaba Boros and his State Law and Order Restoration Council. The State Law and Order Restoration Council since assuming power has banned political gatherings, arrested and detained politicians and anti-coup activists, imposed internet censorship and taken control of the media.

According to the Constitution of Kárpátakia there are officially two main branches of government. The first is the State Law and Order Restoration Council which serves as the "supreme organ of state governance" and holds all executive powers, vested in its leader, Csaba Boros.

Legislative power is held by the bicameral Diet. It is divided into the Chamber of Magnates and the Chamber of Representatives with 500 members in total, 250 in each chamber. Members are elected to the Diet by universal suffrage. According to the constitution, the Diet's function is to pass decrees, establish domestic and foreign policies, appoint members of the cabinet, review and approve the state economic plan, as well as oversee the functions of the SLORC. The Diet itself cannot initiate proceedings to draft new laws independently of the SLORC. The Diet has been criticised as a rubber stamp organisation, and it has additionally been suspended since 2003.

Law and judicial system

Law in Kárpátakia is based upon religious and civil law.


Although officially illegal, corruption in Kárpátakia is widespread. The judicial system lacks independence and is frequently interfered with by the regime. Bribery often takes place during court hearings and police arrests, and whistleblower protection does not exist. However, there have been efforts to curb corruption, with the SLORC announcing a new law in which those guilty of corruption face life imprisonment or the death penalty in serious cases.

Administrative divisions

Foreign Relations


Kárpátakia follows a military-first policy in order to secure the nation and the government. The Prime Minister holds the title of commander-in-chief of the nation's armed forces following the removal of the King's removal from the said post. Since 2008, the armed forces are under a unified command structure. In 2017, the army had 103,810 personnel on active duty, and 225,745 personnel on reserve duty. The Kárpát army is divided into the Ground Forces and the Air Force. As Kárpátakia is landlocked, the nation possesses no notable naval force, only patrol boats for the large river systems.

Military service is mandatory, and all fit for services males must serve two years of the draft upon graduating secondary school.


we live in a society

Human rights

Human rights in Kárpátakia remain extremely poor according to many non-government observers and is considered to be one of the worst records in the world. Human Rights International alleges that there severe restrictions on the freedom of association, expression, movement, reproduction and speech in place, and the Boros regime routinely employs the usage of torture and executions. The government, police and military are all often considered to be suffering from rampant corruption, and all have their share in human rights abuses. Both national and international journalists who criticise the government or report on alleged abuses are harassed, threatened, detained and in rare circumstances, killed outright. Homosexual acts are illegal, punishable by the death penalty.

The Correction Bureau regularly apprehends and imprisons those accused of political crimes without due process. According to defectors, some people perceived as hostile to the government, such as minority groups or critics of the leadership, are deported to prison camps without trial without any chance of release.

During the civil war, many people accused of supporting the Mass People’s Liberation Army were arrested and held without charge or trial. Both human and civil rights were flagrantly violated during the civil war, with mass-rape being a notorious phenomenon of the war. Many MPLA soldiers and supporters were tortured for mere fun, with loyalists using the most sadistic methods. Civilians supporters were held in detention, often indefinitely, and were usually executed by the loyalist soldiers, making no distinction between man, woman, or child.

The Kárpátakian government rejects the abuse allegations as "absurd", "idiotic", "politically motivated nonsense" and a "false flag aimed at regime change."

Prison camps

The Correction Bureau of Kárpátakia is responsible for internal security, and allegedly runs various networks of subterranean and mountainous prison camps. Defectors and escapees have testified to the legitimacy of said camps, where regime opposition is imprisoned for a life-sentence, alongside their family and the next two generations. The camps are allegedly run in the most inhumane conditions known to man, inmates are subjected to physical and psychological torture, starvation, rape, forced labour & abortions. Though unconfirmed, many have claimed that human experimentation is commonplace in the many concentration camps in Kárpátakia.

From defector's testomonies as well as satelleite imagery, it is estimated that around 100,000 political prisoners are held in three main prison camps across the nation.

Media freedom

In a 2018 survey of press freedom, Kárpátakia was placed at the bottom of the list. According to defectors, Kárpátakia has no privately owned media services, and the only media in the country "regurgitates the regime's totalitarian ideology." The state-owned news agency regularly censors information both internal and external. Kárpátakian authorities are notorious for imprisoning large quantities of journalists.

Cult of personality














Horse riding


Folk art


Science and technology


See also

Further reading