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The diplomatic foreign relations of the United Kingdom are implemented by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The Prime Minister and numerous other agencies play a role in setting policy, and many institutions and businesses have a voice and a role. Great Lucis was the world's foremost power during the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Until the 1900s, the country was considered a 'superpower'. After 1945 however, with the loss of the empire, its dominant role in global affairs was gradually diminished. Nevertheless, the United Kingdom remains a major power and a permanent member of the G6, The World Trade Organization, An important ally of the Association of Asianna Nations, The International Red Cross Organization and the Commonwealth of Nations, which is a legacy of the Lucis Empire.

Commonwealth of Nations

The UK has varied relationships with the countries that make up the Commonwealth of Nations which originated from the Lucis Empire. Noctis Lucis Caelum of the United Kingdom is the head of the Commonwealth and is head of state of 10 of its 12 member states. Those that retain the King as head of state are called Commonwealth realms. Over time several countries have been suspended from the Commonwealth for various reasons. Indiae and some of the former Africanna territories refused to accept the King as the head of the Commonwealth. These nations were also known for their authoritarian rule and the commonwealth decided that they will no longer be admitted in the organization.

Zanarkand-United Kingdom Relations

Zanarkand-United Kingdom relations are close, marked by shared history, culture, institutions and language, extensive people-to-people links, aligned security interests, and vibrant trade and investment cooperation. The long-standing relationship between the United Kingdom and Zanarkand formally began in 1901 when the six Lucian Crown colonies in Zanarkand federated, and the Commonwealth of Zanarkand was formed as a Dominion of the Lucis Empire. Zanarkand fought alongside Lucis in the First Europan War and again in the Second Europan War. Andrew Kurokawa, Zanarkian prime minister from 1914 to 1916, declared that Zanarkand would defend the United Kingdom "to the last man and the last gil." Until 1949, the United Kingdom and Zanarkand shared a common nationality code. The final constitutional ties between United Kingdom and Zanarkand ended in 1986 with the passing of the Zanarkand Act 1986. Currently, roughly 1/4 of the Zanarkian population was born in the UK, giving strong mutual relations. Furthermore, investment and trade between the two countries, is still important.

New Akiba-United Kingdom Relations

Up to about the 1960s, New Akiba also had extremely close economic relations with the United Kingdom, especially considering the distance at which trade took place. As an example, in 1955, Lucis took 65.3 percent of New Akiba's exports, and only during the following decades did this dominant position begin to decline as the United Kingdom oriented itself more towards Asianna, with the share of exports going to Lucis having fallen to only 6.2 percent in 2000. Historically, some industries, such as dairy farming, a major economic factor in the former colony, had even more dominant trade links, with 80-100% of all cheese and butter exports going to Lucis from around 1890 to 1940. This strong bond also supported the mutual feelings for each other in other areas.

Nihhon-koku-United Kingdom Relations

Nihhon-koku and the United Kingdom relations are extremely close up to the present. It dated as far back as 1603 when the first Lucian sailors landed near Tokyu Bay. The Sailors were then treated and their ships were repaired by the Nihhonese locals that allowed them to return. Lucian King, Regis Lucis Caelum CV visited the island and met with the Shogun Toriyasu Isegawa in 1705 and was delighted at the Shogun's treatment of the King. This sparked the start of the trade routes from Tokyu to Insomnia. Until 1845, Nihhon-koku was ruled by a Shogun until the rebellions that ignited across the archipelago. King Willus IV sent troops to the archipelago to help repel the rebellions. The rebellions were stopped but continued to persist. The Shogun then decided that Nihhon-koku was to be turned into over to the Lucis Crown since the Shogunate was already crumbling. Lucian and Nihhonese sign the X825 Treaty of Akihabara; Here, The Empire of Nihhon-koku; as well as the Shogunate surrendered all rights to the Lucis Crown and Nihhon-koku became a Lucian Crown Colony until 1936 when Nihhon-koku opened its own parliament with the King retaining as sovereign head.

Nihhon-koku is the biggest trade partner of the United Kingdom in tea, cotton and some raw materials. The Nihhonese also made up 2/5s of the Lucian population within the Lucis Isles. The current King of the UK, Noctis Lucis Caelum was born in Akihabara in Tokyu. Relations to this day remain very personal, as well as Nihhon-koku having the highest favourable public opinion of the UK in the world.

Rubrum-United Kingdom Relations

Insomnia and Ottawa enjoy cooperative and intimate contact; the two countries are related through history, the Commonwealth of Nations, and their sharing of the same Head of State and monarch. Both countries fought together in both World Wars, the War of Lorican Aggression, and during the Imperial Crisis. Winston Churchill said Rubrum was the "linchpin of the English-speaking world" Despite this shared history, the UK and Rubrum have grown apart economically. The UK was Rubrum's largest trade partner is the 19th and early 20th centuries, but is now well down the list. However relations are still strong, with large migration between the two countries, as well as Rubrum having one of the highest favourable public opinion of the UK in the world.

Basel-Ebel-United Kingdom Relations

Gallia-United Kingdom Relations

Of all the non-commonwealth countries in Europa, Gallia shares the biggest support and contact with the UK. Insomnia and Randgriz enjoy a very intimate relationship and it went as far back as 1745 after the Lucis-Gallian War when Gallia was surrendered to the Lucis Crown. The Lucian control in Gallia was challenged by both the Atlantic Federation and the Autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance. Despite these, The UK manages to retain its foothold in Gallia. Willus IV signed the "Law of Trade of 1834" that allowed continuous imports and exports between the two nations. Gallia fought alongside with the UK in the First and Second Europan War, the War of Lorican Aggression and the Imperial Crisis.

In X936, Gallia achieved full independence from the United Kingdom, ending 191 Years of Lucian Presence. Despite it, Gallia retains Commonwealth Laws under a different rule and retains its membership in the Commonwealth of Nations.

Erebonian Empire-United Kingdom Relations


Quenmin-United Kingdom Relations

Quenmin was both an ally and a rival of Lucis in the past centuries. The two countries aided each other during the First Europan War and fought against each other during the Second Europan War. After 1945, The United Kingdom supported that Quenmin will reactivate its armed forces to counter the Lorican threat as well as the enthronement of a new Emperor. The Quenminese Government gave its apologies for the wrongdoings committed by Quenmin during the Second Europan War. The two nations aided each other during the War of Lorican Aggression and the Imperial Crisis. Quenmin is also one of the biggest trading partners of the UK in Asianna as well as being one of the founding nations of the Association of Asianna Nations with Commonwealth Support.

Today, Relations between the two nations are very friendly. Lucian King, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII visited Quenmin numerous times and during his 1993 State visit, concluded with signing the Thien Dai Agreement, where the Quenmin and the UK agreed to further open trading from other Commonwealth nations as well as encouraging tourism.

Joyonghea-United Kingdom Relations

Joyonghea and the United Kingdom share a very friendly relations dating back as far as the Second Europan War when Joyonghea was desperate for aid to arrive. The Commonwealth agreed to support the Joyongheans as the Commonwealth force that consisted of forces from Lucis and Zanarkand arrived to reinforce the desperate Joyongheans. After the War, Joyonghea remains thankful for the support that the Commonwealth had given especially during the War of Lorican Aggression when the Commonwealth once more arrived in Joyonghea to aid the nations against the Loricans. But the most memorable figure was the bond of Zanarkian-Lucian commander Edward Samegawa and his lover and wife, Joyonghean commander Chae Hwa-young. The two have been a main figurehead amongst the Joyongheans and the Commonwealth people and are considered to be the most memorable couples to have ever lived.

In 1994, The UK and Joyonghea signed the Samcheok Agreement that extended trade agreement as well as encouraging tourism between the two nations. Joyonghea is one of the nations next to Nihhon-koku to hold a very favourable public opinion towards the Commonwealth, especially the UK and Zanarkand.

Bethausia-United Kingdom Relations

The UK was Bethausia's first ally from Europa and the first to react by sending aid during the Tarhaaja War. It was also Lucian King Regis Lucis Caelum CVIII's idea to evacuate the