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===Abbreviations and shorthand names===
*'''Sekidean Union''' - SU, The Union, the Union, Union
*'''Inner Sekidean Union''' - ISU, The Inner Union, the Inner Union, Inner Union, Inner Countries, Inner countries
*'''Dokodo Union''' - DU, Dokodo
*'''Norterric Assembly''' - NA, Norterric, Norterria, Norterrica
*'''Member State of the Sekidean Union''' - SU Member, SU member, The Member, Member, Sekidean Member - ''currently {{SekideanUnionMembers}} states''
*'''Member Entity of the Sekidean Union''' - SU Entity, SU entity, The Entity, Entity, Sekidean Entity - ''currently {{SekideanUnionMembersActual}} entities''
*'''Member of the Inner Sekidean Union''' - ISU Member, ISU member, Inner Sekidean Member, Inner Sekidean member, Inner Member, Inner member, Inner Country, Inner country - ''currently {{InnerSekideanUnionMembers}} members''
*'''Country applicating for the SU membership''' - The Applicant, Applicant, Applicant nation, Applicant country, The Candidate, Candidate, Candidate nation, Candidate country
*'''Country applicating for the ISU membership''' - The ISU Applicant, ISU Applicant, ISU Applicant nation, ISU Applicant country, The ISU Candidate, ISU Candidate, ISU Candidate nation, ISU Candidate country
*'''Country associated to the SU via a special deal''' - The Associate, Associate, SU Associate, Associated nation, Associated country
*'''Sekidean Charter''' - Sekidean Treaty, Sekidean Treaty System, Sekidean Treaties, SU Treaty, SU Treaty System, SU Treaties, Treaty System, The Treaty, The Treaties, The Treaty System, The System, SU Charter, The Charter

==Treaties exclusive to the Inner Sekidean Union==
==Treaties exclusive to the Inner Sekidean Union==

Revision as of 11:23, 17 August 2022

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Abbreviations and shorthand names

  • Sekidean Union - SU, The Union, the Union, Union
  • Inner Sekidean Union - ISU, The Inner Union, the Inner Union, Inner Union, Inner Countries, Inner countries
  • Dokodo Union - DU, Dokodo
  • Norterric Assembly - NA, Norterric, Norterria, Norterrica
  • Member State of the Sekidean Union - SU Member, SU member, The Member, Member, Sekidean Member, Member Entity, Member entity - currently 17 states
  • Member Entity of the Sekidean Union - SU Entity, SU entity, The Entity, Entity, Sekidean Entity, Member State, Member state - currently 20 entities
  • Member of the Inner Sekidean Union - ISU Member, ISU member, Inner Sekidean Member, Inner Sekidean member, Inner Member, Inner member, Inner Country, Inner country - currently 10 members
  • Country applicating for the SU membership - The Applicant, Applicant, Applicant nation, Applicant country, The Candidate, Candidate, Candidate nation, Candidate country
  • Country applicating for the ISU membership - The ISU Applicant, ISU Applicant, ISU Applicant nation, ISU Applicant country, The ISU Candidate, ISU Candidate, ISU Candidate nation, ISU Candidate country
  • Country associated to the SU via a special deal - The Associate, Associate, SU Associate, Associated nation, Associated country
  • Sekidean Charter - Sekidean Treaty, Sekidean Treaties, SU Treaty, SU Treaties, The Treaty, The Treaties, The System, SU Charter, The Charter
  • Sekidean Treaty System - SU Treaty System, The Treaty System, Treaty System, The System, Sekidean System
  • Inner Sekidean Treaty System - ISU Treaty System, ISU Treaties, ISU System

Treaties exclusive to the Inner Sekidean Union

On establishment of the Legislative Bodies of the Inner Sekidean Union

Chapter 01: Sekidean Assembly

  1. The official name of the organ is the "ASSEMBLY OF THE INNER SEKIDEAN UNION", but a shorthand name is the "SEKIDEAN ASSEMBLY" or simply "THE ASSEMBLY"
  2. Chapter 01a: Elections to the Sekidean Assembly
    1. Chapter 01aα: Electoral method
      1. Sekidean Assembly is elected using the Siedem method as defined in the 1992 book "PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM FOR A NATIONALLY DIVERSE UNION" written by Phd. Dr. Чaraƌa Siedem
      2. Total number of all seats (SΣ) is set to 500
      3. Number of seats reserved per constituency (SR) is set to 15
        1. If the number of seats remaining after the subtraction of all reserved seats from the total is less than 150, seats are added until the number is equal to 150
        2. The convocation of this nature legally has more than 500 seats and is required to lower the number of reserved seats until 150 can be reached
        3. This process is to be supervised by the Sekidean Council and Sekidean High Court
        4. In this convocation, any resignation, after which the number of members of the Assembly is equal or more than 500 does not allow for replacer to enter as the new member of the Assembly
      4. Each member state of the Inner Sekidean Union is considered to be a single electoral constituency
      5. Electoral threshold (ΠΩ) is set at 4% of all valid votes
      6. If any constituency fails to elect the full number of seats reserved for it due to electoral thresholds, election are to be repeated in less than 1 month time with the electoral threshold removed
    2. Chapter 01aβ: Election timing
      1. Elections are carried using secret ballot on a Saturday defined by the Sekidean Assembly no later than 5 years from the previous electionde
      2. All votes carry the same value, none can be elevated over any other
      3. Election day is considered to be a holiday in every member state regardless if it is one under the states' legislatures
    3. Chapter 01aγ: Polling places
      1. Polling places must be accessible to all citizens with the right to vote and must not be further than 15 minutes of walking from any residence with at least 30 inhabitants
      2. Polling places must be open from at least 8 AM local time on the election day for at least 18 hours, possibly allowing elections to carry until 12 PM the next day
      3. Polling places are not allowed to turn down citizens whose voter ID is in order because of the time. If there is a queue and wait time exceeds the original working hours of the polling place, the polling place must allow all voters who are in the queue and any that enter the queue to cast their vote regardless of the time
      4. Polling places must be accessible to people physically disabled
      5. Polling place must have a trained specialist for people who are unable to cast the vote on their own, such as the blind, or must be ready to call upon such a specialist if asked
      6. A polling place must be set up in areas abroad, where there is a notable concentration of ISU citizens, such as military facilities, cruise ships who are in international waters and citizen patches living in diaspora. Rules on the walking distance do not apply on this extraterritorial polling places
      7. Any citizen of any ISU country must be allowed to cast their vote in a different country or on any embassy of the ISU in the period of the election
    4. Chapter 01aδ: Voter identity
      1. Voting age is set at 18 years, but each constituency is allowed to lower the voting age to up to 15 years of age, the number of electors younger than 18 years of age is not included in the voter pool as defined in the electoral method (PC)
      2. Recognized voter IDs in every constituency must include Passport, ID card, Driver's licence if it includes a photo, Insurance card if it includes a photo, Military identity card, Gun permit, Birth certificate and any other identification material issued by the administrative branch of the member states' governments or administrative branches of the member states' recognized autonomies or subnational entities defined as such under the rules set by the Sekidean Tribune
      3. Voter who has been caught with a forged voter ID faces the same prosecution as they would in the case of elections to the nation's legislative bodies
    5. Chapter 01aε: Overturning of the result
      1. Elections can be declared invalid and be repeated if the Sekidean High Court decides that the way in which they were carried was in opposition to the rights as defined in the Addition to the Sekidean Treaty System regarding the fundamental human rights of all people living within the Sekidean Union
      2. A recount can be carried, if a change in the final distribution of mandates to elected subject or the distance of a subject from the set electoral threshold is equal or small than 20,000 hypothetical votes
      3. Any party effected in by the previous point can ask the member states' government for recount of votes and the government is required to comply unless
      4. Any member states government has the right to trigger a recount in its constituency
      5. The Sekidean High Court has the right to trigger a recount in any constituency if called upon by a party or an organization, whose request has been denied by the member states' government
      6. Recount can be called in the period of 2 months following the day of the election
      7. Electoral ballots must be archived for the period of at least half a year following the day of the election
      8. Results are certified no longer than 120 days from the day of the election
      9. If results are not certified, the Sekidean High Court has the right to certify the results and disband the Sekidean Council or to call for a repeated election
  3. Chapter 01b: Organization
    1. The term of one convocation of the Assembly is equal to 5 years
    2. The term of one convocation begins with the day of the certification of electoral results in a joint session of the Parliament
    3. Member of the Sekidean Assembly can not be a member of any of the national parliaments or any of the other Sekidean institutions related to the legislative branch
    4. The term of one convocation ends with the day of the certification of electoral results establishing new convocation
      1. If no new convocation has been elected in 5 years since the certification of previous convocation's results, the role of the Assembly is temporairly taken over by the Sekidean Tribune until a snap election can be called or until results can be properly certified
    5. Each convocation has 500 members by default
      1. The convocation can have more than 500 members as defined in the electoral law under the Siedem method
      2. If the convocation has more than 500 members and a member resigns, dies or is unable to carry the duties required from them, no replacement is selected
      3. If the convocation has 500 members or less, and a member resigns, dies or is unable to carry the duties required from them, the first unsuccessful candidate from their electoral ballot is sworn in as their replacement in the Assembly
      4. If no unsuccessful candiate remains on the party's ballot in the constitutency, another constituency is selected via lottery from which the first unsuccessful candidate is sworn in
      5. If no associated party from any constituency has any unsuccessful candidate left, the seat is left vacant until the next election
    6. Each member of the Sekidean Union, that is not a member of the Inner Sekidean Union has the right to send a single non-voting delegate to the Sekidean Assembly
      1. This delegate has no right to vote on the bills presented in the Sekidean Assembly
      2. This delegate can coauthor bills and participate in the discussion on those bills
      3. This delegate can not propose or join any committee of the Sekidean Assembly
      4. One delegate has been granted to the Dokodo Union as a whole for the duration of the effectivity of the Dokodo Union - Sekidean Union Co-operation Treaty
    7. A bill can be proposed by any recognized committee, the Sekidean Council, the President and Vice President, or a group of at least 20 members of the parliament
  4. Chapter 01c: Legislative process
    1. Upon proposing, the bill enters the "First reading"
      1. In First reading, no bill can be rejected
      2. This reading serves as a general discussion
      3. Amendments and changes to the bill can be proposed
      4. After the discussion has concluded, the bill is passed down to committees and to experts who propose more changes and alteration
    2. After returning, the bill progresses to the "Second reading"
      1. In Second reading, a bill can be rejected
      2. All the proposed changes are discussed and voted on by a simple majority on wether or not they will be included in the final bill
      3. The second reading ends, when the bill has been finalized in its complete form
    3. After the bill has been completed, it progresses to the "Third reading"
      1. Third reading includes only a debate about the bill
      2. The third reading ends with a vote on wether the bill enters into law or is rejected
    4. After the bill has been passed by the Assembly, it is sent to the Sekidean Council
    5. The quorum of the Assembly is equal to 3/5 of all members, with 500 members, the number is equal to 300 members present
    6. For passing a bill, there are three different thresholds to be met depending on the contents of the bill
      1. A simple majority of present members is required to pass basic laws or a bill amended by the Sekidean Council
      2. An absolute majority of all members is required to pass laws editing the state budget, the electoral system and the governmental system, and to overturn the simple majority veto or amendment of the Council
      3. A qualified majority of 2/3 of all members is required to pass laws editing the Sekidean Charter, disband the parliament or overturn an absolute majority veto or amendment of the Council
  5. Chapter 01d: Leadership
    1. The leadership of the Sekidean Assembly consists of 1 Assembly Chairman and between 9 Vice Chairmen
    2. The Chairman and Vice Chairmen are elected from among the Assembly's members upon the establishment of a new convocation of the parliament
    3. The Chairman sets the order in which people are allowed to give speeches and has the right to interject to retain order in the house
    4. If the Chairman can not be present, one of the Vice Chairmen takes over and serves as the Chairman
    5. The Chairman and all Vice Chairmen have a reserved spot in the Standing committee
    6. Chapter 01e: Standing Bureau
      1. The official name of the organ is the "STANDING BUREAU OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE INNER SEKIDEAN UNION", but a shorthand name is the "SEKIDEAN BUREAU", "STANDING BUREAU" or simply "THE BUREAU"
      2. The Standing Bureau consists of the leadership of the Sekidean Assembly and 25 other members, totaling 35 members
      3. The Standing Bureau has the right to pass legeslation if the Sekidean Assembly is in recess
      4. The Standing Bureau can not pass legislature which requires an absolute or a qualified majority
      5. Any legislation not confirmed by the full Assembly after the end of the recess is considered void
      6. The Standing Bureau is elected from among the Assembly and has the term of 11/2 years, after which it needs to be reelected
      7. Any member of the Standing Bureau can be voted out of the Bureau and replaced by a different one if an absolute majority of the members of the Assembly vote for it or sign a petition
    7. Chapter 01f: Recess
      1. The Sekidean Assembly can call for a recess in its
      2. The recess can last no longer than 4 months
      3. During the recess, the legislative procedures are carried out by the Standing Bureau
      4. After the declared recess is over, the Assembly is required to go through all the provisional laws passed by the Standing Bureau and confirm or reject them one by one
      5. Recess can not be declared if it would overlap with certification of electoral results or with a presidential election

Chapter 02: Sekidean Council

  1. The official name of the organ is the "COUNCIL OF THE INNER SEKIDEAN UNION", but a shorthand name is the "SEKIDEAN COUNCIL" or simply "THE COUNCIL"
  2. Chapter 02a: Appointment to the Sekidean Assembly
    1. The Sekidean Assembly is elected by the legislatures of the member states of the Inner Sekidean Union
    2. If the legislature electing the representant has more than a single chamber, the election happens during a joint session
    3. Each member state elects 3 deputies
    4. Per each 3 deputies appointed from a state, 1 deputy is elected by the Sekidean Tribune
    5. The body of deputies elected by the Sekidean Tribune is called the "UNION OF AUTONOMIES"
    6. Any deputy of the Council can be replaced if they meet least 2 of the following conditions:
      1. The deputy is openly standing in opposition to the government of the country that nominated him
      2. The deputy has violated a law set by the home country
      3. The deputy has served for more than 5 years
      4. The deputy has been nominated by a party, that does not participate in the government
      5. The deputy did not show up for at least 5 meetings in a row
      6. The deputy is incapable of carrying out the duty due to a boycott
      7. The deputy is incapable of carrying out the duty due to an illness
      8. The deputy has been reprimanded for misconduct by the Council
    7. Any deputy of the Union of Autonomies can be replaced if an absolute majority of the Sekidean Tribune votes for their replacement
    8. No deputy can serve for longer than 15 years
    9. If a deputy resigns, their place is considered to be vacant until the legislature can elect another deputy
    10. No deputy replacement can happen if the government of the member state has not passed through the vote of confidence by the parliament
    11. No deputy replacement can happen if the parliament of the member state has undergone a non-democratic replacement, such as coöptation or suspension of members not approved by the Sekidean High Court
    12. Only one deputy can be replaced at a time, to replace more deputies, the parliament must wait for at least 1 month, unless the deputies resigned, died or is unable to carry the duties required from them
  3. Chapter 02b: Organization
    1. Sekidean Council does not have a standing body and can not enter recess
    2. Sekidean Council must meet at least once in two months
    3. Deputy of the Sekidean Council can not be a member of any of the national parliaments or any of the other Sekidean institutions related to the legislative branch
    4. Sekidean High Court has the right to remove a deputy from the position upon the request of one or more of the state governments based on a legal misconduct
    5. Sekidean Council can be assembled on request of the President
  4. Chapter 02c: Legislative process
    1. Upon the approval by the Sekidean Assembly, the bill enters the "First reading" in the Council
      1. In First reading, a bill can be rejected
      2. This reading serves as a general on if the Council agrees with the wording proposed by the Assembly
      3. If the Council agrees, the bill can be voted into law in this reading
      4. If the Council disagrees, the First reading serves as a discussion and amending and changing the text of the bill
    2. If the bill has not been rejected or passed, it enters into the "Second reading" in the Council
      1. In this reading, the Council votes AYE or NAY on the bill as amended during the first reading
    3. If the bill has been rejected or amended, the decision is handed back to the Sekidean Assembly for overturning as defined in the §3.1.8 of this document
    4. The quorum of the Council is equal to 3/4 of all seats existing, including vacant ones
    5. If the Council occupany drops below the 3/4 quorum, it is considered to be disbanded and all members are ordered to be elected anew
  5. Chapter 02d: Leadership
    1. The leadership of the Sekidean Council consists of 1 Assembly Chairman and between 4 Vice Chairmen
    2. The Chairman and Vice Chairmen are elected from among the Council's once every 11/2 years
    3. The Chairman sets the order in which people are allowed to give speeches and has the right to interject to retain order in the house
    4. If the Chairman can not be present, one of the Vice Chairmen takes over and serves as the Chairman
    5. Session of the Council can take place only when at least one member of the leadership is present
  6. Chapter 02e: Veto power
    1. The Council can veto or amend the bills with three different powers, depending on the support:
      1. Veto or amendment passed by a simple majority (50% of all present)
      2. Veto or amendment passed by an absolute majority (50% of all deputies)
      3. Veto or amendment passed by a qualified majority can not be overturned
    2. The Council's decision to reject any bill, that requires an absolute or a qualified majority, can not be overturned

Chapter 03: Relations between the Assembly and the Council

  1. Chapter 03a: Joint sessions
    1. Joint sessions are called in the following circumstances
      1. To carry out a presidential election
      2. To witness the President swearing an oath
      3. To listen to addresses from the Sekidean President, Sekidean Vice President, Sekidean High Court or Sekidean Treaty Court representants
      4. To listen to addresses from any head of state or head of government of any state, including a member state, or a representant of an international community, union, alliance, organization or any other international body recognized by the Sekidean Parliament
      5. To vote on a state budget
      6. To certify the results of the Assembly elections
      7. To vote on allowing prosection of a member of the Parliament
      8. To vote on disbanding the Sekidean Assembly and call for an early election
      9. To vote on impeachment of the President or the Vice President
      10. To listen to testimonies
      11. To vote on the declaration of the State of Defence
      12. To overview the Sekidean Charter in a plenary meeting
    2. Joint sessions happen in the seat of the Sekidean Assembly
    3. Chapter 03aα: Organization
      1. The Joint Session is presided over by the Assembly Chairman
      2. If the Assembly Chairman is not present, the Joint Session is presided over by the Council Chairman
      3. If both the Council and Assembly chairmen are not present, one of the Vice Chairmen of the Assembly presides over the joint assembly
      4. At least one of the Vice Chairmen of the Assembly must be present in order for the Joint Session to take place
    4. Chapter 03aβ: Presidential Election
      1. Presidential election is carried during a Joint Session of the Parliament
      2. The election is carried using a four scrutinia system
        1. In the first scrutinia, all recognized candidates stand for election. President is elected in the first scrutinia if an absolute majority of the Assembly and an absolute majority of the Council select the same candidate
        2. In the second scrutinia, the two most successful candidates of the first scrutinia are picked as the final candidates. President is elected in the second scrutinia if an absolute majority of the Assembly and an absolute majority of the Council select the same candidate
        3. In the third scrutinia, the two houses vote as a single organ. President is elected in the third scrutinia if an absolute majority of all people select them
        4. In the fourth scrutinia, the two houses vote as a single organ, allowing for approval voting. The candidate with the most votes (at least an absolute majority of all people) becomes the President
      3. Before the first scrutinia vote and between every two votes, a discussion is held regarding the candidates, with the candidates being allowed to make speeches and discuss each other
      4. If no president is elected in the fourth scrutinia, the whole election repeats in another Joint Session of the Parliament
      5. If the elected president is a member of one of the two chambers, they must resign on their post before being sworn in
    5. Chapter 03aγ: Adresses by the President or other leaders, and testimonials
      1. The two chambers are assembled in a Joint Session to listen to speeches from the personalities listed in § and § of this document
      2. Testimonies are always carried in front of the Joint Session, unless the topic discussed contains classified information, in which case a commission of people with clearance is elected in both chambers to listen to the testimony
      3. The personality can request to hold speech only in front of a single chamber
      4. Members of both chambers can ask questions after the opening speech
    6. Chapter 03aδ: Budget
      1. The voting on budget is carried during a Joint Session
      2. The budget must be approved every year
      3. If the budget is not approved during the Joint Session, the ISU enters a "budget provisorium" as defined in the "Agreement regarding the Sekinar Monetary policy and financial budgeting of the organs of the Inner Sekidean Union"
      4. The budget is approved by an absolute majority of the Assembly and an absolute majority of the Council select the same candidate
      5. Voting and amending the budget is possible after a rejection of the previous budget
    7. Chapter 03aε: Triggering of the State of Defence
      1. A Joint Session must be called in case there is an imminent danger of major harm, war or other threat to the Sekidean Union as defined in the "Agreement of the Sekidean Union in regards to the defence of the member states"
      2. If the Joint Session agrees, that the imminent danger as defined in the "Agreement of the Sekidean Union in regards to the defence of the member states" indeed exists, the State of Defence is declared
      3. If the State of Defence has been declared, Sekidean Corps is elected
    8. Chapter 03aζ: Overturning vetos
      1. A Joint Session is called in order to review a veto by the Sekidean Council or an anemnded piece of legislation by the Sekidean Council, if the Sekidean Assembly proceeds to overturn the veto of the Sekidean Council or of the President if the Sekidean Assembly decides to overturn the veto or the amendment
      2. The Sekidean Assembly can overturn the veto in following cases
        1. Overturning a bill veto (or passing the original version of the bill) passed by a simple majority of the Council requires an absolute majority of the Sekidean Assembly
        2. Overturning a bill veto (or passing the original version of the bill) passed by an absolute majority of the Council requires a qualified majority of the Sekidean Assembly
        3. Overturning a bill veto (or passing the original version of the bill) passed by a qualified majority of the Council is not possible under any circumstance
        4. Overturning a veto passed in the Council regarding the special cases as defined in § and § of this document is not possible under any circumstance
        5. Overturning a presidential veto requires an absolute majority of the Sekidean Assembly and an absolute majority of the Sekidean Council
      3. If the discussion ends in a stalemate, the overturning by the Sekidean Assembly is considered valid
      4. If the discussion reaches an amendment, the amended bill is passed into a law in a joint vote, with requirement for an absulute majority of votes in favor in both chambers
      5. If the discussion reaches the agreement to discard the bill, the bill is discarted
    9. Chapter 03aη: Certifying election results
      1. A Joint Session must be called no longer than 120 days after the election to the Sekidean Assembly has been carried out
      2. Both houses together listen to the Electoral Committee's reading on election results and the listing of all 500 newly elected members of the Sekidean Assembly
      3. A vote is carried out on the question of "Does the parliament take the results of the election in mind and accepts them as per the regulations of the Sekidean Charter"
      4. The results are certified no matter the vote. If the vote ends with more negative votes than positive ones, the Electoral Committee is obligated to publish in a report on elections the statement, that the Sekidean Parliament stood opposed to the certification of results
    10. Chapter 03aθ: Overviewing the Sekidean Charter
      1. The two chambers are assembled in a Joint Session in order to overview the texts in the Sekidean Charter related to the Inner Sekidean Union and discuss their applicability and actuality
      2. If the Joint Session votes to replace a part of the Sekidean Charter or to amend it, voting must be carried out seperately using the regular legislative process
      3. The Joint Session's decisions on the obsoleteness of the Sekidean Charter are binding and must be followed by amendments or changes to the parts seen as obsolete or unapplicable
      4. The overviewing of the Sekidean Charter must happen at least once every 10 years
      5. The overviewing is called by the President of the Sekidean Union
  2. Chapter 03b: Oversight
    1. A Joint Session can be called in order for the Parliament to discuss the actions of the executive branch (Sekidean Cabinet)
    2. A Joint Session has the right to disband the Sekidean Cabinet and assemble a new one via the vote of no confidence
    3. If a vote of no confidence does not succeed, another one can not be called without the consent of the Cabinet in less than 6 months
  3. Chapter 03c: During the State of Defence
    1. During the State of Defence, the parliament acts in a shortened system as an unicameral legislature
    2. Two readings are used to pass legislature
      1. The First reading is to discuss the proposed bill and possibly amend it
      2. The Second reading is to pass or reject the bill
    3. For approving or disapproving of the decisions of the Sekidean Corps, only yes-or-no vote in a single reading is carried out
    4. To replace members of the Sekidean Corps, a positive vote of no confidence must be carried out and replacements must be ready to take part in the activities of the Corps immediately, unless the vote can not be carried out
    5. If the situation does not allow for elections to take place, the Sekidean Parliament is allowed to extend its term until elections can be held, but no longer than 2 years

Chapter 04: Advisory and supportive bodies

  1. Chapter 04a: Sekidean Tribune
    2. Chapter 04aα: Elections to the Sekidean Assembly
      1. The Sekidean Tribune is elected by the body of representants elected from leaderships of Regions of Reference which are given the rights equal to or bigger than the first level subdivision of the Inner Sekidean member states
      2. 150 members are elected by Regions of Reference recognized under the Sekidean Treaty system as non-autonomous regions
      3. 100 members are elected by Regions of Reference recognized under the Sekidean Treaty system as autonomies
      4. Seats in each of those groups are equally distributed to all Regions of Reference recognized under the treaty system
        1. If some seats remain undistributed, the undistributed seats are given to the regions with bigger population
      5. Members are elected by a joint plenary session of legislatures of the adminisrtative divisions encompassing each Region of Reference
        1. If an administrative region is not fully located within the Region of Reference, only members of the local legislature having permanent residency within the Region of Reference are eligible to vote in the elections
      6. Candidates to the Tribune must be members of their local legislatures or administrative
      7. The election method is a single ballot with approval voting, with the number of most successful candidates progressing into the assembly
      8. If a Region of Reference is to elect less than 3 deputies, the number of elected deputies is increased to elect at least 3 deputies
      9. Elections in each Region of Reference must take place at least once every 6 years
    3. Chapter 04aβ: Organization
      1. The Sekidean Tribune has 300 members by default
        1. The convocation can have more than 300 members as defined in the electoral law, having at least 3 deputies from each Region of Reference
        2. If the convocation has more than 300 members and a member resigns, dies or is unable to carry the duties required from them, no replacement is selected
        3. If the convocation has 300 members or less, and a member resigns, dies or is unable to carry the duties required from them, the first unsuccessful candidate from their electoral ballot is sworn in as their replacement in the Tribune
      2. A proposed legislation can be proposed by at least 20 members of the Tribune and be passed to the Sekidean Assembly
      3. Sekidean Tribune can be assembled on request of the President
      4. Sekidean Tribune must meet at least once in two months
      5. Sekidean Tribune elects a specified number of members to the Sekidean Council, which is equal to 1/4 of all Sekidean Council members
      6. Sekidean Tribune has the right to make statements regarding legislature, which are then documented
      7. Sekidean Tribune can be invited to to advise with the legislative process by the Sekidean Assembly or the Sekidean Council
    4. Chapter 04aγ: Leadership
      1. The leadership of the Sekidean Tribune consists of 1 Assembly Chairman and between 4 Vice Chairmen
      2. The Chairman and Vice Chairmen are elected from among the Council's once every 6 months
      3. The Chairman sets the order in which people are allowed to give speeches and has the right to interject to retain order in the house
      4. If the Chairman can not be present, one of the Vice Chairmen takes over and serves as the Chairman
      5. Session of the Tribune can take place only when at least one member of the leadership is present
      6. The leadership has the right to make statements regarding legislature, which are then documented
      7. The leadership can be invited to to advise with the legislative process by the Sekidean Assembly or the Sekidean Council
  2. Chapter 04b: Sekidean Corps
    2. Chapter 04bα: Elections to the Sekidean Corps
      1. Sekidean Corps is assembled on the Joint Session on which the State of Defence has been declared
      2. Members are elected using approval voting from improvized candidature through a non-secret voting using raising of hands
      3. Any member of the Parliament present on the Joint Session can announced their candidature, joining the improvized ballot
      4. A total of 40 members is elected
      5. If no Joint Session can be held, the Corps is assembled of the Assembly leadership and Council leadership, until the meeting can take place
    3. Chapter 04bβ: Organization
      1. The term of the Corps is not defined, but should end 28 days after the State of Defence has ended
      2. The Corps has 40 members, if there are less members, the vacant spots must be elected on a Joint Session of the Parliament
        1. If a Joint Session of the Parliament is not possible, the Corps has the right to temporarily coöpt a member, which must be approved on a Joint Session of the Parliament once such session is possible
      3. Members of the corps can legally be replaced through a positive vote of no confidence by a simple majority of the Parliament
      4. The Corps must meet at least once a week
      5. Sekidean Corps is disbanded once the State of Defence ends and is not reinstated in the next 28 days
    4. Chapter 04bγ: Legislative process
      1. Legislation passed by the Corps is referred to as a "Legislative decision"
      2. Legislative decision are passed, if at least 3/5 of the Corps vote in favor
      3. Legislative decisions can not be vetoed by the President, only by a Joint Session of the Parliament
      4. Legislative decisions can not effect subjects, that would require a an absolute or a qualified majority in the regular legislative process
    5. Chapter 04bδ: Leadership
      1. The leadership of the Sekidean Corps consists of 1 Assembly Chairman and between 4 Vice Chairmen
      2. If the Chairman can not be present, one of the Vice Chairmen takes over and serves as the Chairman
      3. Session of the Corps can take place only when at least one member of the leadership is present

Trade amendment


Climate amendment


Agreement regarding the Sekinar Monetary policy and financial budgeting of the organs of the Inner Sekidean Union