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'''Hantei''' (''Magian:判定''), otherwise known as the '''Sonohoka of Judgement'''; said to be the youngest sister of the Ōrumaiti. Unlike the other Sonohaka, Hantei is seen most often and appears to harness her own magical girl contract system which she uses to create her own [[Magical Girl (Sparkalia)#Sono Shoujo|magical girls]]. However, the powers of the Sono Shoujo do not draw off of Hantei like they do from the Ōrumaiti with Mahou Shoujo, and instead draw off the users life-force itself. Hantei is often referred to as the Sonohoka of Judgement as she believes those who form contracts with her, by signing a contract with death, rule them against the mortal world and therefor it is she who decides who gets exempt with this "gift".
'''Hantei''' (''Magian:判定''), otherwise known as the '''Sonohoka of Judgement'''; said to be the youngest sister of the Ōrumaiti. Hantei a unique member of the Sonohoka pantheon. Unlike the other Sonohoka, she is known to directly interact with humans and magical girls, offering them a twisted version of the magical girl contract to make her own [[Magical Girl (Sparkalia)#Sono Shoujo|magical girls]]. However, Hantei's true nature is one of darkness and cruelty. She uses her powers to manipulate and control those who have signed her contract, and her judgement is often harsh and unforgiving. the powers of the Sono Shoujo do not draw off of Hantei like they do from the Ōrumaiti with Mahou Shoujo, and instead draw off the users life-force itself. Hantei is often referred to as the Sonohoka of Judgement as she believes those who form contracts with her, by signing a contract with death, rule them against the mortal world and therefor it is she who decides who gets exempt with this "gift".
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Revision as of 14:04, 28 March 2023

Guardian of Magia Regnum and magical girls.
An artist's interpretation of the Ōrumaiti
Other namesTengoku no Sonzai (天国の存在)
Purotekutā (保護者)
Ban'nō (万能)
AffiliationMagia Regnum
Personal information

The Ōrumaiti, also sometimes referred to as the Tengoku no Sonzai or Heavenly Being, is an ancient, almighty being that watches over Magia Regnum and which the Magians revere as their deity. Not much is known of the Ōrumaiti however she is the primary source of magical girl power which exists in Magia Regnum. Magian society is built around her influence and all magical girls within Magia Regnum sign a contract with her to receive their power. Her name, image, and age are seldom revealed to anyone and little is known by even the highest echelons of the Kotoba.

Despite the unknowns surrounding the Ōrumaiti, her influence on the world of Sparkalia cannot be ignored. The magical girls of Magia Regnum have played a crucial role in the ongoing conflicts within the world, and their power has been instrumental in the battles against the various threats that have arisen. Some speculate it remains to be seen what the true intentions of the Ōrumaiti are, and what her ultimate goals may be.


Very little is known of the Ōrumaiti outside the fact that she existed before the Era of Ruin within Magia. The Ōrumaiti is typically described as female in appearance and wears pink or white robes. Her body is said to be partially corrupted and appears to be incomplete and those that have known it rarely have the words to describe this phenomenon. However, no exact description is known to most. The Ōrumaiti has indicated sisterhood with other magical girls which many speculate she could be a magical girl from before the ruin, however little to nothing is known of the magical girls before the Era of Ruin.

It is believed the Ōrumaiti was in fact not the only being of her kin and that she survived the ruin with a mix of others. However, due to the corruption and long years of isolation these beings, except for the Ōrumaiti, eventually lost their minds. This caused the Ōrumaiti to flee from these other beings and find sanctuary within the Dacia continent. There the Ōrumaiti met with a civilization in which she made a promise that if they were to protect her then she would grant them power; the divine right to be a magical girl.

The Ōrumaiti signed a contract with the founders of what would become Magia Regnum thus creating some of the first of a new breed of magical girls of the Era of Blemish.

Role in Magia Society

The Shinseina-ro

It is said that the Ōrumaiti is responsible for maintaining the balance of power within Magia Regnum, and that she has the ability to grant or revoke magical girl powers as she sees fit. It is also believed that she has the power to manipulate time and space, and that she has been known to use this power to intervene in the affairs of the magical girls of Magia Regnum. Magian society is built around her influence and all magical girls within Magia Regnum sign a contract with her to receive their power. She has survived for thousands of years in part to Magian faith. While the Ōrumaiti takes no direct role in the every day life of Magia Regnum and mostly slumbers within the halls of the Shinseina-ro (Magian:神聖な炉, Sacred Hearth), she regularly communicates with those within the Gaidansu that have the aptitude as magical girls as well as the ability to hear her.

All magical girls sign a contract directly with her to receive their powers therefore this is the only time when she it physically present. However, she does not reveal herself to anyone but the contract signer during this time. The contract obligates the magical girl to protect her and also provide her with a source of life force in exchange for granting them power which they may use to their own devices. As is an embodiment of purity, justice, and beauty drawing upon her grants the user the same thus the creation of the magical girl. The Ōrumaiti has the ability to communicate with a very select few of the magical girls of Magia Regnum telepathically, and that she often uses this ability to guide and counsel them. Her guidance is said to be wise and insightful, and many magical girls rely on her wisdom passed down from the Kotoba.

However the Ōrumaiti herself, like her kin, also suffers and is inflicted with corruption. As pure acts draw upon pure power, corrupt acts draw upon corrupt power making an unstable power source. Magical girls who do not uphold the contract and draw from this corruption can suffer the same curse from which the Ōrumaiti and those like her have suffered that Magians refer to as "Hoka Fever". While the Hoka Fever does not kill, it is harmful to the body the longer it persists until the corrupted magical girl is effectively torn a apart in mind and spirit. If they do not perish to their own devices, cursed magical girls are often eliminated per instructions from the Ōrumaiti. The curse of Hoka Fever is a serious threat to the magical girls of Magia Regnum, and many of them live in fear of falling victim to it. The Ōrumaiti's role in identifying and eliminating cursed magical girls is seen as a necessary evil by some, but others question the morality of such actions, however to do so publically is taboo within Magian society.

The "Sonohoka"

The Sonohoka Shi

The Sonohoka (Magia:その他, "Others") are a group of malevolent lifeforms that the Ōrumaiti originated from before fleeing due to their insanity. Like the Ōrumaiti herself, little is known of the Sonohoka before the Era of Ruin. They are believed to be ancient magical girls before the ruin, however this is mostly speculation due to their relation with the Ōrumaiti. Unlike the Ōrumaiti, these beings are hostile towards sentient life and are often described as "cleansers" of mortal life. While the Sonohoka do not seem to be discriminate with who they target it has been noted that due to the association that magical girls and their magic are high attraction targets. The Sonohoka are said to have powerful magical abilities and are capable of causing widespread destruction if left unchecked. They are also known to be incredibly elusive and difficult to track, often disappearing without a trace after carrying out their attacks.

The Kotoba regularly monitors and reports attacks that originate from the Sonohoka. While the Sonohoka do not directly attack, their magic as well as conjurations are regularly fought off by the Seigi Kaikan, a group of magical girls dedicated to protecting Magia Regnum from all threats.


The appearance of the Sonohoka is a subject of fear and fascination among Magians. While they are rarely seen by mortals, those who have encountered them describe them as horrifying and otherworldly beings, with twisted and distorted features that seem to reflect their cruel and destructive natures. According to accounts from survivors and the Ōrumaiti, most of the Sonohoka have a ghastly appearance, with coarse hair, sallow faces, sunken or even empty sockets for eyes, and crusted lips. Their teeth are often stained, broken, and rotten, and their joints may appear wasted while their limbs may be swollen. Their skin may be ashen, and they may have an excess of saliva at the mouth, with other bodily fluids oozing from orifices.

This terrifying appearance reflects the destructive and malevolent nature of the Sonohoka, who are seen as forces of chaos and destruction. While they may have different areas of influence, they are united in their desire to sow discord and cause suffering, and their appearance serves as a warning of the dangers of crossing their paths.

Known Sonohoka


Shi (Magian:死), otherwise known as the Sonohoka of Death appears to be the leader of the pantheon and is said to be the eldest sister of the Ōrumaiti. Shi is seldom seen but her influence is felt across the magical realm. She is known as the Sonohoka of Death for her widespread use of destruction and her position with the group as the issuer of the judgement of death upon mortal life. Shi is one that the Ōrumaiti speaks of frequently and it appears that the other Sonohoka heed Shi's commands recognizing her as their leader and the most powerful of their number.

The Sonohoka Hantei


Ekibyō (Magian:疫病), otherwise known as the Sonohoka of Pestilence; said to be an older sister to the Ōrumaiti. Ekibyō is referred as the Sonohoka of Pestilence due to her magic personifications of deadly disease. As a bringers of plague and sickness, Ekibyo is a slow and deadly killer with all walks of mortal life feeling her presence. Due to this preferred method, Ekibyō does not use direct attacks nor does she spawn manifestations to do her will. Ekibyō is considered to be one of the more highly dangerous and feared Sonohoka.


Tōsō (Magian:闘争), otherwise known as the Sonohoka of Strife; said to be an older sister to the Ōrumaiti. As a being of chaos and upheaval, she embodies the energy of rebellion, conflict, and dissent, and is seen as both a destroyer and a catalyst for change. Tōsō is considered one of the most dangerous and unpredictable of the Sonohoka, whose actions can have far-reaching consequences. Many Magians fear and respect her as she is seen as too powerful and unpredictable to be controlled.


Funsō (Magian:紛争), otherwise known as the Sonohoka of Conflict; said to be an older sister to the Ōrumaiti. Like her older sister Tōsō, Funsō embodies the energy of conflict and discord, but she is often associated with more mundane and personal disputes. Funsō is not a passive or neutral observer. She is also a force of conflict in her own right, and her presence can often exacerbate existing tensions and disagreements. Some Magians, most exclusively the Society, worship her as a necessary evil, who helps to balance out the forces of order and stability represented by the Ōrumaiti. However this worship is officially outlawed.


Kikin (Magian:飢饉), otherwise known as the Sonohoka of Famine; said to be a younger sister to the Ōrumaiti. Kikin is a powerful and malevolent beign, who delights in causing famine and starvation. She is said to be able to reduce entire regions to barren wastelands, where nothing can grow and no food can be found. Her touch is said to curse those who come into contact with her with never-ending hunger, which can drive them to madness and despair. Her overall cruel nature makes her one of the most feared of the sonohoka.


Sensō (Magian:戦争), otherwise known as the Sonohoka of War; said to be a younger sister to the Ōrumaiti. Sensō delights in the chaos and destruction of war. She is said to be able to incite conflicts and stir up violence wherever she goes, and her touch can fill magical girls with a bloodlust and ferocity that borders on madness. She is obsessed with culling the weak and promoting the strong within Magical Girls. She is not worshipped directly, but instead propitiated with offerings and prayers to avoid her wrath.


Hantei (Magian:判定), otherwise known as the Sonohoka of Judgement; said to be the youngest sister of the Ōrumaiti. Hantei a unique member of the Sonohoka pantheon. Unlike the other Sonohoka, she is known to directly interact with humans and magical girls, offering them a twisted version of the magical girl contract to make her own magical girls. However, Hantei's true nature is one of darkness and cruelty. She uses her powers to manipulate and control those who have signed her contract, and her judgement is often harsh and unforgiving. the powers of the Sono Shoujo do not draw off of Hantei like they do from the Ōrumaiti with Mahou Shoujo, and instead draw off the users life-force itself. Hantei is often referred to as the Sonohoka of Judgement as she believes those who form contracts with her, by signing a contract with death, rule them against the mortal world and therefor it is she who decides who gets exempt with this "gift".