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Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy: Difference between revisions

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|demonym = Unionist
|demonym = Unionist
|government_type = [[Socialist]] [[Monarchy]]
|government_type = [[Socialist]] [[Monarchy]]
|leader_title1 = [[Emperor | Emperor]]
|leader_title1 = President
|leader_name1 = [[Sako I]]
|leader_name1 = Heisse Korolya
|leader_title2 = [[Acting Regent | Second in command]]
|leader_title2 =  
|leader_name2 = [[Kirov Buryikal IX]]
|leader_name2 =  
|legislature = [[Winter Palace Administration]],[[Commons Parliament]]
|legislature = [[Commons Parliament]]
|sovereignty_type = Unified
|sovereignty_type = Unified
|sovereignty_note = Recognized by most nations
|sovereignty_note = Recognized by most nations
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Timiskrane's census reported a population of 64 972 061 people in 2023, of which 96.3% were citizens. The most populous region is Sudbury Metropolitan, with nearly 13 Million people, and it is also the most densely populated. Meanwhile, the least populous is The North, with only about 5 million. The median age is 34,5. First generation immigrants account for approximately 8% of Timiskrane's population, most of which live in one of the largest cities. Multi-generational households are common, with around 27% of majors (18+) living with one or both parents.
==Regional Breakdown==
==Regional Breakdown==
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The largest sources of USSM immigration were [lore not here yet]
The largest sources of USSM immigration were [lore not here yet]
Timiskranean culture is largely derived from Locotimian culture brought over during the colonization, though it has blended significantly with local traditions. Due to its geography and history, it features a very high level of regional variation. One of the biggest values present throughout Timiskrane, attributable largely to the nation's birthing at a time of protests over inequality, is that of a "just society", the belief that people and society should strive to always be as fair as possible to all the parties. Sexual liberalism is held as a pillar of Timiskranean society, and as a result, people of all gender and sexuality minorities are embraced in Timiskrane. Another core principle largely influenced by the nation's history is the philosophical harm principle, which states that it is only just for a state to intervene if one is harming others, otherwise one should be free to act as they wish. This has resulted in a culture of frequent drug use and gun ownership in Timiskrane. Timiskranean humour is frequently characterized by dry humour, satire and wordplay.
Crown RoyaL culture is largely derived from Locotimian culture brought over during colonization, but it has blended with the local traditions for only a bit. Due to it's geography and history, it features a high level of regiona variation, the mainland being mainly Timskraneian, Roko and several islands surrounding it being distinctly Unionist, and the surrounding islands either having a mix of cultures or their own distinct cultures, all with numerous local subcultures with unique traditions. Timskrane's regional power has passed onto the USSM sexual liberalism
Crown RoyaL culture is largely derived from Locotimian culture brought over during colonization, but it has blended with the local traditions for only a bit. Due to it's geography and history, it features a high level of regiona variation, the mainland being mainly Timskraneian, Roko and several islands surrounding it being distinctly Unionist, and the surrounding islands either having a mix of cultures or their own distinct cultures, all with numerous local subcultures with unique traditions. Timskrane's regional power has passed onto the USSM sexual liberlism
Traditional Agrosian/Crown Royal attire consists of wool clothing, usually tartan. It is tradition to have four colours of tartan, and rotate through them with the seasons: gold in the spring, green in the summer, red in the fall and brown in the winter. In an urban setting, the tartan has been relegated to formal and traditional settings only. It is still widely used in the frontiers
Traditional Agrosian/Crown Royal attire consists of wool clothing, usually tartan. It is tradition to have four colours of tartan, and rotate through them with the seasons: gold in the spring, green in the summer, red in the fall and brown in the winter. In an urban setting, the tartan has been relegated to formal and traditional settings only. It is still widely used in the frontiers
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==Human Rights Violations==
==Human Rights Violations==
In addition to celebrating a quarter of the traditional Locotimian holidays, Union statutory holidays include: Independence Day, officially on the seventeenth of August, [lore does not exist yet]. the USSM also typically observes, but is not given holidays for: Mother's Day, Father's Day, World Environment Day and Literacy Day.


Latest revision as of 02:17, 7 March 2024

Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy
Flag of the Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy.png
and largest city
Official languagesRussian
GovernmentSocialist Monarchy
• President
Heisse Korolya
LegislatureCommons Parliament
Recognized by most nations
• Independence declared
August 17, 2025
CurrencyUnion Rouble (UR)
Time zoneUTC-8
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+28

Union-Siberia, officially the Union-Siberian Socialist Monarchy, or the Siberian Realm, is a nation on North Laurentia, a member of the Locotimian Commonwealth and the Mynkayi-Siberian Union, and a former partner state of the Almaty Pact. It is bordered by Timiskrane to the south and the Arctic Ocean on the north, east and west. It's capital city of Vladirostok is also its most populous if the capital island Roko is included. Kerrograd has the largest industrial area. The official language of government is Pyccyn. The country terrain is filled with mountain ranges and islands, mostly mountains, and the soil is generally soft and slightly fertile, the exception several island clusters in the USSM Exclusive Bay Zone, whose soil is acidic and rocky. Operational bunkers line the mountainsides and it is still classified how many bunker complexes exist in the Crown Royal.

The USSM was once a part of a former colony of Locotimia by the name of Angrosia which fell into anarchy following Timiskrane's independence. There had previously been external attempts to unify and govern the region, but most met with failure do to the difficult geography that made it difficult to maintain unity. It is unknown how the USSM came into fruition during the small archipelago's time in anarchy, but it has to do with the emperor's father, whose stories have confused outside viewers to a large extent.

It currently stands as a hermit kingdom, self-sufficient on nearly all aspects, though a significant arms manufacturing and a unwanted tourism industry has begun to develop. The nation claims to run on a system called Socialist Monarchism, when actually it seems to run on a modern parliamentary system, with the Siberian Royal Crown acting as the parliament and the emperor acting as the 'figurehead', though holding a lot more power than usual.

On 3 August 2026, the USSM joined the Locotimian Commonwealth and left the Almaty Pact willingly. On December 2026, The USSM founded the Mynkayi-Siberian Union alongside Azeria


Timiskranean courts operate under the principles of Common Law, wherein a judges interpretation of the law must not only be based on the text of the law, but previous rulings and decisions in "precedent setting cases". This also means it is a valid legal defence in Timiskrane to argue that a law under which a person is being tried is "not in active enforcement". The highest court is the Timiskrane Supreme Court, which consists of 7 justices, who are suggested by the Prime Minister but must be approved by a majority plus one vote in the National Legislature. Justices cannot be removed by the government once appointed, as they must operate independently from the legislature and political interests. They serve for life until the mandatory retirement age of 70, though they may resign before then, if they so choose. The Timiskranean constitution contains The Act on Essential Rights and Freedoms which guarantees essential human rights and protections from the government, though it does also contain the infamous Emergency Measures Clause which allows for the government to temporarily violate these rights and protections by declaring a state of emergency. However the suspension of the act must be temporary and the emergency declaration may not last longer then 365 days. Modifying the constitution requires 70% plus one votes (155) and the measure must then be submitted to a referendum before it is accepted.


Major Industries

The Union's economy has been dominated by natural resource extraction. It's geologically rich soil has made mining companies like [null] A variety of minerals including Iron, Copper, Nickel, Titanium, Thorium, Uranium and much more are mined in the Crown Royal's interior. Tree farming also takes place, providing wood for construction both locally and aborad. Tourism is a purposefully minor economy but it's parks attract thousands of annual visitors. There are some that operate luxury ski resorts, hotels, and private homes. A variety of military companies are based in the USSM, companies like Sukhoi-Mii, Kiento Krafts, Nier Autobahn and a few others make up a significant amount of Crown Royal economy and military.


The Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy has open trade routes with a relatively low tax on ships. It currently is a trading partner with Boratstans, The Celtics and Azeria



Regional Breakdown

Region Population
Island Rova 7 653 213
Island Koin 7 532 244
Northwest Archipelago District 4 352 203
Northeast Archipelago District 3 521 352
Southeastern Archipelago District 1 153 816
Mainland Distict 6 552 243


The dominant ethnicity is the Unionist, with around 67%, of the Crown Royal's's population belonging to that group. Around 9% of the population is Locotimian, owing to the region's colonial history with Locotima, however even today, immigrants from Locotima continue to arrive. Around 2.1% belong to a group known as the Locolaurentians, created by interracial marriages between Laurentians and Locotimians during the colonial era, they have developed their own unique culture and have become a distinct ethnic identity within the USSM in their own right. The remaining 21.9% belong to other ethnic minorities, most of which immigrated in the 80s, or in the past 5 years.

The largest sources of USSM immigration were [lore not here yet]


Crown RoyaL culture is largely derived from Locotimian culture brought over during colonization, but it has blended with the local traditions for only a bit. Due to it's geography and history, it features a high level of regiona variation, the mainland being mainly Timskraneian, Roko and several islands surrounding it being distinctly Unionist, and the surrounding islands either having a mix of cultures or their own distinct cultures, all with numerous local subcultures with unique traditions. Timskrane's regional power has passed onto the USSM sexual liberalism


Traditional Agrosian/Crown Royal attire consists of wool clothing, usually tartan. It is tradition to have four colours of tartan, and rotate through them with the seasons: gold in the spring, green in the summer, red in the fall and brown in the winter. In an urban setting, the tartan has been relegated to formal and traditional settings only. It is still widely used in the frontiers


Joual and Acadan were traditionally only spoken languages, and very little written works in either language existed prior to Locotimian colonization. When Locotimian became common, so did literature. Early Agrosian authors largely continued the literary traditions of Locotima. Angrosian literature began to develop its own traditions as a unique offshoot of Locotimian literature, largely interested in tales of exploration, frontier life, and survival. As Joual and Acadan were given their own writing systems, some authors began to write stories in these languages as well. To this day, novels centring around mystery, suspense and/or survival are some of the most popular and most written in Timiskrane.

i an't editing all that shit -arcy


The Union has several broadcasters, the most prominent being Channel One and Union Daily, it is a fairly recent invention, and due to the county's largely lawless and anarchist history, it does also have a strong tradition of uncensored autonomous private media. Channel One alone operates 8 radio stations, 2 TV channels and the Union Daily operates printed newspaper, which are all provided to the Union public free of charge. There are otherwise about 3 minor private broadcasting companies operating radio and TV across the countries, but only 1 major private newspaper.


In addition to celebrating a quarter of the traditional Locotimian holidays, Union statutory holidays include: Independence Day, officially on the seventeenth of August, [lore does not exist yet]. the USSM also typically observes, but is not given holidays for: Mother's Day, Father's Day, World Environment Day and Literacy Day.

Human Rights Violations



Union-Siberia's official sport is tank jousting


The Union spends approximately 14.8% of it's governmental revenue on the the military. The desire for the Union to have a large military is still largely fueled by fear of encroachment a need to internationally assert it's sovereignty. Enlistment is optional but is still an attractive option for most young patriotic citizens. The requirements set out for the military are as follows:

  1. The person exists

The military screens all youth for their physical fitness and mental health, afterwards assigning them their placement. Persons who have severe mental or physical disabilities are not exempt for service.

Active Missions

Mission Name Location Mission Summary Start Date Set End Date
Operation [template] Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy [lore goes here] [startdate goes here] [end date goes here]

Equipment of the Crown Armed Forces

Personal Equipment

Model Origin Type Notes
Nord Outfitters Personal Protection Helmet Timiskrane Kevlar Bulletproof Helmet
Griffin Helmet with Helmet Mounted Sight Timiskrane Pilot's Helmet Included with purchase of the TF-1 Griffin
Griffin Helmet with HMS US Variant Timiskrane Pilot's Helmet It's a old version of the Griffin Helmet with Helmet Mounted Sight mass-produced for a lot of aircrafts during the warlord period, redesigned to fit the use cases of the SU planes of mountainous superiority fighter jets. A dozen more of older helmets and their respective crafts can be found in the Vladirostok Museum of War in the Aeronautics section.
Crown Royal Stahlhelm Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Helmet A old standardized helmet . Usually comes in white to blend in with the snow but decorative black helmets also were made for the Crown Royal Grenadiers (Emperor's bodyguards/ceremonial division)
Tactical Bulletproof Vest Nibelia Body Armour Various Bullet Proof Vests acquired from Nibelia over the years. In the process of being phased out
Burner-Teta Sharpshooter Assistance System Kursibar Body Armour 100 acquired via black market, includes a built-in grapple hook and nanospinner spidersilk ballistic protection
Advanced Tactical Combat Vest Oktadonia Body Armour Over 1000 ordered, with more to be delivered. Replacing the aging Nibelian equipment
Low Burden Chemical Protection Mask Nibelia Gas Mask
Burner-Teta OpTec Camouflage System Kursibar Camouflage Acquired via black market, being phased out due to bright coloration
T-PAT Camouflage Timiskrane Camouflage Design commissioned by the TDF, deliveries began in March 2023.
All Purpose Utility Tool Oktadonia Multitool
Tarjavet Blade 5 Oktadonia Combat Knife
ELTIM Simple Portable Radio Timiskrane Personal Radio
Vanguard protective suit Nibelia Bomb Suit Imported prior to the Act of Federation. No longer actively imported
Minefinder 500 Nibelia Mine Detector
Nibelia Military Free Fall Parachute Nibelia Parachute Imported prior to the Act of Federation. No longer actively imported
TPC-1 Timiskrane Parachute Replacing Nibelian Parachutes

Small Arms

Model Origin Type Caliber Notes
KKR 9m Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Pistol 9x12 A small handheld high-capacity gun used by most people as protection. used the same way as its smaller brothers in both civilian use. It Is Used in the military for handheld sidearms.
KKR 12mm Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Pistol 12x20 A medium handheld high-capacity gun used by some people, used the same way as its smaller brother in both civilian use. It is Used in the military for handheld sidearms.
KKR 20mm Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Machine Gun 20x40 A large handheld high-capacity gun used by some people, used the same way as its smaller brothers in both civilian use. It is the main handheld machine gun of the Union military.
KKR 40mm Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Machine Gun 40x80 A large high-capacity gun used by the military, usually for anti-area gunning.
Hi-Punch 12.7 Kursibar Pistol 12.7x33 Black Market Kursibari sidearms, primarily used by army officers
Rockwell Self-Deffence Sidearm Oktadonia Pistol 10x25 Modern sidearms used by certain police departments and special units
Sea Bolt Fleet of Oceans Bolt-Action Rifle 5.56x39 Fleetian bolt-action used by militias prior to the Act of Federation, grandfathered in
Tekka Rifles Forester Triple Shot Timiskrane Bolt-Action Rifle 5.56x45 Used by local militias prior to the Act of Federation, being phased out in favour of TC-1
Tekka Rifles TC-1 Timiskrane Carbine 5.56x45 Replacing the bolt action rifles previously used by Timiskrane military and militias. Though they had no previous experience in full automatic weapons, the benefit of the Tekka proposal was it's usage of the same cartridge as the old bolt actions, and many of the same parts, allowing for old surplus to be recycled. Has a progressive trigger allowing it to be fired as a semi-automatic by lightly depressing the trigger, or fully automatic by pulling it all the way back.
Tekka Rifles & ELTIM TSR-1 Timiskrane Sniper Rifle 7.62x35 Tekka and ELTIM collaborative proposal, with ELTIM designing the scope and other peripherals while Tekka designed the core of the weapon itself. It was the favoured choice due to it's usage of smaller 35mm rounds, allowing for more capacity, as well as it being better designed to resist and perform in harsh climates, which Timiskrane has many of.
Devtek TSM-1 Timiskrane Submachine Gun 10x25 TDF requested a submachine gun to be used by special forces, special police units, and as a personal defence weapon. The winning bid came from Devtek, a company more so known for making industrial equipment, but they have ventured into firearms before, and their capacity to produce a large amount at low cost, as well as the proposed units being lightweight and compact, won them the bid.
Fleet Machine Gun Fleet of Oceans Machine Gun 7.62x35 Heavy machine gun on a bipod
Dynamo & Tekka Rifles TGL-1 Timiskrane Grenade Launcher 40mm Grenade Dynamo is a subsidiary of Dynamic Earth, the launcher was designed with assistance from Tekka.
Dynamo THG-1 Timiskrane Hand Grenade Hand grenades made by Dynamic Earth's explosives department under the name Dynamo
Godhead Armaments WP Cloudmaster Kursibar Smoke Grenade White Phosphorous smoke grenades, being phased out due to a tendency to 'flame out'
Pressure Detonated Device Nibelia Anti-Personnel Mine   Have never been used, an unknown amount have been acquired and are in inventory
Nibelia Advanced Bazooka Nibelia Recoilless Rifle 60mm Portable shoulder mounted recoilless rifle
MPR-12 Single-shot Recoliless rifle Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Recoilless Rifle 80mm Portable shoulder mounted recoilless rifle
Devtek TR-1 Timiskrane Anti-Tank Guided or Unguided Rockets Guided rocket launcher on a tripod designed for anti-tank use. Range approximately 2km and reloads in 20 seconds.


Model Origin Type Caliber Range Notes
Ks191 Msta Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Self-propelled howitzer 120mm 12km
Ks193 Msta Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Self-propelled howitzer 120mm 14km A newer variant of the Ks191, with a extended barrel and a modernized targeting system
Ks195 Msta Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Self-propelled howitzer 140m 15km A newer version of the Ks193, currently in the drawing board phase.
Tekka TH-1 Timiskrane Howitzer 155mm 28 km How the ten Tekkas ended up in Union hands is still unknown. They are only used for ceremonial firings.

Missiles Rockets and Bombs

Model Origin Type Range Warhead Notes
0 Oktadonia Semi-Active Radar Missile 37km, MAR 14km 20kg High Explosive No longer being actively purchased
Dynamo & ELTIM Strike Cobra Timiskrane Infra-Red Missile 28km, MAR 9km 12kg IR Proximity
Dynamo & ELTIM Comet Timiskrane Active Radar Missile 74km, MAR 42km 22kg High Explosive with Fragmentation Datalink and target reacquiring capable
Stormfire Long Strike Nibelia Unguided Rocket 1.3km 5.4kg High Explosive Comes in pods of 18
Dynamo & ELTIM Fracture Timiskrane Laser Guided Bomb 130kg
Dynamo Rock Buster Timiskrane Unguided Bomb 150kg
Dynamo Big Boy Timiskrane Unguided Bomb 250kg
Rockwell Sea Buster Oktadonia Depth Charge 45kg
Dynamo & ELTIM Spike Timiskrane Laser Guided Missile 2km 8kg Anti-Tank Missile designed for the TR-1 Launcher

Land Vehicles

Model Origin Type Power Weapons Occupancy (Including Driver) Notes
Soyuz KLP-1573 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Utility Vehicle 90 kW   4 All-terrain all-purpose vehicle available to both military and civilians for a good price.
Soyuz KLP-1584 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Utility Vehicle 130 kW   10 Mostly all-terrain armoured transport, capable of doing all of the things the Soyuz KLP-1573 despite having 920 kilos of armour on.
Stire F-92U Timiskrane Truck 215 kW   2 Just a regular Stire F-92 but we gave it more cabin insulation. that's it. Canonically there is only one Stire F-92U in the entirety of the Siberian Royal Crown and it's job is to just be a taxi for soldiers. It has been regarded as a funny vehicle.
Kerop-5301 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Truck 230 kW 10 A pretty rugged truck, can concure most outdoor enviroments.
Kerop-5301SC Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Tracked Utility Vehicle 250 kW 8 One Kerop-5301 but it had its tyres replaced with tracks. Easy to service.
Kerop-5374 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Large Truck 470 kW 24 Essentially two Kerop-5301 chassis stuck together. it still works wonders.
Kerop-5381SC Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Large Truck 520 kW 22 Improved Kerop-5374 and tank threads taken from the T-73MU R1. It was also made wider.
T-64 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Medium Tank 960 kW 120x500 cannon, two 30x173 machine guns 3 An old war relic still in operation. Only a handful remain in war museums.
T-64R1 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Medium Tank 980 kW 120x500 cannon, two 30x173 machine guns 4 The first revision of the T-64. Generally used for defensive use. There are many in storage due to its reliability.
T-64R2 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Medium Tank 980 kW 120x500 cannon, two 30x173 machine guns 4 The second revision of the T-64, built on the chassis of the T-64 and a modernised turret.. Generally used for defensive use. Still in production, though in limited numbers.
T-73MU Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy MBT 1000 kW 120x300 cannon, two 30x173 machine guns 4 An old war relic still in operation. There are many in storage due to its reliability.
T-73MU R1 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy MBT 1240 kW 120x300 cannon, two 30x173 machine guns 4 Revision 1 of the T-73MU, currently the main battle tank.
T-234 'Mammoth' Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Superheavy MBT 45000 kW two 356x800 cannons, four 30x173 machine guns 10 A tank twice or thrice the size of a normal MBT. A estimated 240 tons with the same ground displacement of a normal car. Vehicle is based off the GDI MK1 Mammoth tank.


Model Origin Type Engine Quantity Notes
UH-11 "Donesk" Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Multirole Helicopter Twin Turbojet 40 Currently in limited service. Vehicle is based off the SA-2 Samson from Avatar(2009) and is slightly smaller than it (THE SA-2 is 15m long and 14.99m wide, while the UH-11 is 10m long and 9m wide)

A second one has been built, for more data analysis.

U-Mi-12 'Samson' Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Multirole Helicopter Twin Turbojet 1 Sovietized SA-2 Samson
U-Mi-28 'Barrel' Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Multirole Helicopter Twin Turbojet 1 A limited production superheavy helicopter based on the hull structure of the Mi-24 Hind and the trhust systems of the U-Mi 12
SU-49 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Multirole Fighter Dual Afterburning 2 Two test aircraft are currently being used for air trials under supervision of the Siberian Royal Crown and the producer Sukhoi.
SU-47 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Multirole Fighter Dual Afterburning 48 34 planes are currently in operation and another 12 more are currently under limited production. These planes are based off the aging but still useful design of the SU-46. Many improvements have been made to suit it for multirole outside the mountainous regions of the USSM.
SU-46 Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Multirole Fighter Dual Afterburning 45 the current 45 planes are currently in operation. These multirole fighters have been used by multiple warlords before the USSM was formed. As a result the fighter has a lot of features to adapt to mountainous operations.
LAF F-16 Locotima Multirole Fighter Single Afterburning 13 13 planes acquired from Locotima in order to supplement Timiskrane's air capabilities while they are still under development.
KK-120MU Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Transport Plane Twin Turbofan 12 Civilian name KK-120. Both have larger wingspans and larger engines than the K-100 and its variants.
KK-100MU Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Transport Plane Twin Turbofan 18 Civilian name KK-100
KK-90MU Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Transport Plane Twin Propeller 24 Civilian name KK-90. Usually both are used for transporting goods between isolated areas and are famed for the low fuel consumption.
KK-80MU Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Transport Plane Twin Propeller 8 Civilian name KK-80. The predecessor to the KK-90, has been used by warlords before the USSM was founded. Many people still own and fly these aging planes.
BMP & ELTIM Overlord Timiskrane AWACS Twin Turbofan 2 AWACS plane for command, radar and intelligence support

Naval Ships

Model Origin Type Quantity Notes
Nordstream-class supercarrier Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Supercarrier 1 Half of the naval fleet is being melted down to build the first Nordstream-class supercarrier. Expected launch date to be 2030.
Placeholder Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Supercarrier 1
Typhoon Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Diesel Missile Submarine 6 No.2 and 4 are being melted down to speed up the Nordstream-class P1 construction.

Foreign Relations

Boratstans: Relations are at a friendly position thanks to foreign policy.

Timiskrane Relations are rocky thanks to foreign policy but is currently at a low level of tensions.

Scorpian Federation Relations are at a neutral scale, free trade is flowing between the two countries