Seanad Glaíteann

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Seanad Glítteann
41st Seanad
Coat of arms or logo
Upper House
of the Tionól
Seanad Composition.png
Political groups
Government (23)
  •   Social Democrats (23)

Opposition (18)

Other (20)

Length of term
5 years
Last election
26 May 2016
Next election
26 May 2021
Meeting place
Seanad Chamber
Carrowdun Palace, Spálgleann

Seanad Glítteann (Senate of Glytter) is the upper house of the Tionól, which also comprises the Comhthionól Náisiúnta (the lower house). It is commonly called the Seanad or Senate and its members senators (seanadóirí in Ghaillish, singular: seanadóir). Unlikethe Comhthionól, it is only partially directly elected. More than half of its members are chosen through various methods, typically rooted in appointment. Its powers are considerably more limited than those of the Comhthionól and it can only delay laws with which it disagrees, rather than veto them outright. It has been located, since its establishment, in Carrowdun Palace.


The Seanad has a total of sixty members, of which only twenty five are elected, with each county of Glytter electing one senator. Fifteen of the senators are directly appointed by the Taoiseach and serve at his or her pleasure. Nine of the senators, known as the Lairds Spiritual, were all previously bishops from the Church of Glytter. However, the Instrument for Governance of 1965 saw the Goeldonic bishops retain six of the seats while the three Solarian Catholic bishops were allotted the remaining three seats. The Lairds Academia are a representative from Glytter's four ancient universities (the University of Spálgleann, the University of Gayneva, the University of Invertwinc, and St Cuchulain's University) as well as the Roryian universities (King's University Bulfawst and Snarksburg University), typically a former rector. Three Lairds Commercial are appointed by the Glytteronian Chamber of Commerce and two Lairds Agricultural from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The Lairds Academia, Commercial, And Agricultural all sit as independents.

Members of the 41st Seanad

Party/Group Senators
Social Democrats 23
Liberty 12
Centre 4
Free Marketers 2
Lairds Spiritual 9
Lairds Academia 6
Lairds Commercial 3
Lairds Agricultural 2
Total 60



The chairperson, or presiding member, of Seanad Glítteann is the Cathaoirleach (Ghaillish for "chairperson"). The Cathaoirleach is chosen from among the 25 elected seanadóirí but is expected to observe strict impartiality. Despite this, the government will usually try to select one of its own for the position, if its numbers allow. Unlike the Ceann Comhairle of the lower house, the Cathaoirleach stands for reelection. The Cathaoirleach votes as any member of the Seanad would. The current serving Cathaoirleach is Liberty Senator Shannon O'Brien.

Name Period Seanad
Shannon O'Brien (Liberty) 26 May 2011 - 27 February 2019 40th, 41st
Úna Ní Muilleoir (SDs) 27 February - present 41st



Historical Origins

Chamber of Lairds