United Socialist Federation of Khefanestan

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United Soviet Socialist Federation of Khefanestan

Flag of Khefanestan
Largest cityKachori
Official languagesNone Federally
Recognised national languagesHeyeric, Kurtulian, Kishidili, Tbeti, Nekhtic, Karasaut, Matic, Zaurataban, Uriatic, Alamysian, Orighat.
Demonym(s)official Khefanestani
unofficial Khefani
GovernmentFederal One-Party Parliamentary Socialist Republic
Khasan Taymuraz
Kaystak Ghasabyan
LegislatureAll-Union Congress of the Republics
• 2020 census
GDP (PPP)2021 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Gini (2021)44.0
HDI (2021)0.789
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Driving sideleft
Calling code+768
Internet TLD.khf

Khefanestan (Heyeric:Խեֆանեստան; Kurtulian: ხეფანესტანი; Kishidili: خئفآنهصطآن) , Officially know as the United Socialist Federation of Khefanestan, is a nation located at the boundry of !Europe and !WestAsia. It is dominated by the Greater Balkharic Mountains, and is bounded by the !EastSea to the East, WestSea, to the West, and the Omerian Federation to the South West and South. Antenkh is the Capitol as well as one of the oldest continuously inhabetted cities in the world, the largest city is Kachori.

The Greater Balkharic range was inhabeted as early as the Paleolithic age. The first recorded civilization was the Mkhor-Sarcharic Culture of the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic. Major ealy civilizatiosn in the region included the Agydarian Ropecord Culture from the early Chalcolithic to middle Bronze Age, the Horse Mound Culture of the late Chalcolithic, and the Nartic Culture, who were the earliest record agracultural societies in the region. The first recorder npolitical entity in the region was the Tepet Kingdom formed in the 6th century BC. !Christianity would spread to the region in the 1st century AD due to the work of St. Bartughimeos the Leper. !Persian conquest and subsaquent !Turkic migrations in the 8th through 11th centuries have changed the ethno-liguistic and religious character of the region of Khefanestan.

The Republic of the Mountain Dwellers proclaimed its independence in 1916 and was the first independent political entity in the region since the annexation of the Orighat Khanate in 1678. Political instability and risidual fighting from the War of Independence severly weakened the republic. In 1918 The Unified Mountain Dwellers Communist Party would launch a major strike that would eventually lead to the December Revolution in 1919. The modern state of Khefanestan formed in 1922 under the control of the Communist Party. Liberal Partisans and Ethnic Nationalist would continue to fight until 1925. Khefanestan would become a major industrial economy, utilizing large Iron, Uranium, and Oil resources to power its economy. The Khefanestani Civil War would be fought from 1991 until 1996 when Kishidili Nationalist would declare their independence, the war ended with a government victory but would be economically devestated until the late 2000's.

Khefanestan is a Federal One-Party Parliamentary Socialist Republic, is one of the founding memebers of the Workers International, Founding memeber of the International Federation for Medical Humanitarianism, Kachori Economic Group, and the Freternety of Stateless Nations. Khefanestan is also a growing regional economic and military power, with economic and Military relations globally.


Khefanestan originates from the old persian word kaufestān (𐎣𐎳𐎿𐎫𐎴) which had been a historical exonym for the region. After the decleration of the Mountain Dwellers Republic and the subsaquent revolution the name was chosen by the Supreme Revolutionary Council of the Mountain Dwellers as a politically nuetral for the new revolutionary state, which wished to create an ethnically nuetral state.



the earliest known evidence of human habitation in what is today Khefanestan dates back to roughtly 33,000 BP, when Mode VI Stone tool were discovered at an excivation cite in the northern steppe region. The first evidence of settled society is located at Arhem, where in 1971 Archeologist Alyksandr Dzaegoyty would coin the term Arhemic-Hneva Archeological Complex (AHAC Culture) to describe a trend of similar Pre-Pottery Neolithic tools spanning along a 3km long range, from Arhem in the east, to Hneva in the west, and bound by the Mgartdzor Mountains to the north and the Tzagent River to the south. Within this archeological range the city of Alaxsha would be discovered, dating the earliest case of communal urban living in the country to around 7000 BP. However the regions archeological record shows a long period of coexistance between complex agracultural societies and hunter gatherers.


Middle Ages

Early Modern Period


20th Century

Civil War

Political Standoff of Guhuz SSR
Muğsoylu Crisis

On march 3rd 1991 a mass protest organized by the Peace and Development Alliance hit the major agracultural community of Muğsoylu. Muğsoylu was at the time one of the main sources of grain inside the Quqizlözen River Basin and thus an important economic center within the Guhuz SSR. Protestors were organized because of a lack of funding from the Central Agracultural Financial Committee, with irigation infrastructure in disrepair and overall economic infrastructure subject to a single railway and Government convoys. These protests were describbed as apolitical at the time they occured, looking for increased economic support from the !Georgian and !Armenian dominated Central Government. At the time Jalal Adigozal Had staged an internal coup of standing Chairman of the Guhuz SSR Poliburo, Tokay Asadulla. Leading the Guhuz SSR to prassue a more antagonistic relationship with the Politburo and Central Committee as Adigozal sought a policy of wider autonomy. As the protests widened in scope issues such as forced conscription of young agracultural workers, and aggressive tactics from State Police Forces became central issues. Protestors also noted a lack of such aggressive policies in regions unstream of the Quqizlözen populated by !Armenians.

Director of the 13th Law Enforcement Region of Khavad, Nareh Sodoyan would order the 127th Battalion of the Special Purpose Mobility Force into the city to quell what were becoming incresingly aggressive protests. This move was promted by reports that local, Ethnic Guhuzic police were unwilling to preform protest control. the 127th Battalion was overwhelimingly !Armenian and when they arrived in the city on March 8th the crowd grew increasingly agitated. on the night of the 9th riots had broken out after the 127th declared an Unlawful Assembly and used less-than-lethal munitions to disperse the crowed. Riots initially targeted security forces, however arson and looting took place in ethnic !armenian and !georgian neighbourhoods. Prompting the authorization of lethal force against "Looters", however reports claim that this was used indiscriminetly at civilians still on the streets. the night of March 9th to 10th saw 7 people killed and 42 injuried per government counts.

On the 13th of March Citizens of organized in Revolution Square, where the city government resided. Protests were initially peaceful, but after the use of Tear Gas by security forces protestors stormed the City Hall. the 127th was not initially present at the demonstration. Commanding Officer Hovhannes Davtjan had opted to allow local SSR Police Forces to handle the protest in the ssquare. During his deposition to the People's Commissariat of Justice he would state that his reasoning to do so was to "not stoke ethnic conflict which had been brewing since the Battalions diployment." later stating he hoped that local police units would aid is deescalating the violence the area had seen.

SRSG Unit Breaching a Door During the Battle of Street 227

Protestors occupied City Hall for 14 Hours as the 127th Battalion moved in. Initially hoping to prevent further participents from entering, the unit was tasked with clearing the building of protetors using lethal force. The unit moved into Revolutionary Square, shooting at protestors while blocking off most escape routes. The Revolutionary Square Massacre killed nearly 479 people, left 1,927 injured, and led to over 4,000 arrests. many of the arrested were futher disappeared by the SUSA. Sogoyan would send in the 193rd and 89th Battalions of the Special Purpose Mobility Force to reenforce the 127th in securing the city. In the aftermath of the massacre large segments of the local police force would defect and join the protestors. by some estimates nearly 63% of the cities local police would defect, including the whole of the KhMB Special Response Unit. This would open up local police armories to looting by locals. Groups of people calling themselves "Local Saftey Committees" would arm themselves, with many police officers taking command of these autonomous bands of armed civilians. the Battle of Street 227 was a tipping point in the ongoing crisis. Saftey Committees, led by now former police officer Sadegh Najafzadeh opened fire on Special Purpose Mobility Forces patroling the Ağşam Public Housing Complex (located on Street 227). These Saftey Committees would occupy the Housing Complex made up of seven indivudial 5-story buildings. The standoff would last two weeks. Sogoyan would eventually authorize the deployment of the SRSG Derectorate "T" Unit. Derectorate T forces would conduct a days long room-to-room battle with armed civilians, clearing the facility after nearly 17 hours of fighting.

Muğsoylu would be declared "Secured" by the 27th of March. The crisis directly spawned the Guhuz Resistence Movement. with the National Liberation Front for Guhuzistan and the Islamic Resistence Brigade claiming they were founded during these events. The wider destablization of the region would culminate in a civil war as other protets would aim to recreate what those in Muğsoylu had attempted. with major riots in Muğanabad, Nurdağiqala, and Gazyurdi.

Early Insurgency
Zhala's Coup and Decleration of Independence

The low intensity insurgency that had formed from in late March of 1991 put Chairman of the Guhuz SSR Poliburo Jalal Adigozal in precarious political situation. The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Socialist Republic had been split between verious factions. Early in the crisis Autonomoist and Loyalist had dominated the discourse. After the events of Muğsoylu the climate quickly swayed to Autonomist and Sepperatists. Loyalist were ether pushed out of political discourse or resigned. Adigozal did not want to allign himself with the growing Insurgency. In May of 1991 Adigozal would authorize the Autonomous Special Mobility Troops to help State Forces conduct Anti-Insurgency operations. These operations had mixed success. While MKhMQ forces did fully cooperate with State Forces, these state forces did not trust Ethnic Guhuz Forces, believing them to have duel loyalties.

Huseyn Zhala had been a well known Autonomist and political ally of Adigozal, but by May he had possitioned himself as the head of the seperatist faction inside the Supreme Council. Zhala and Adigozal would initially attempt to reconcil the two factions, Adigozal would attempt to avoid conflict, however after the Events of May 1991, Where NerPAZ forces killed nearly 172 civilians during verious Anti-Insurgency operations in several towns within Susakhuray District, Zhala refused to continue negotiatings. Zhala would attempt to form a triumverate with Autonomous Republican Police Force Director, Zaur Agzybir, and Chairman of the Autonomous Judicial Committee, Magomed Naftalanoğlu. This group would attempt to throw out Adigozal. However the vote of confidence would narrowly fail, resulting in Adigozal Declaring Zhala, Agzybir, and Naftalanoğlu as conspiritors. Agzybir would be arrested at his home in Muğanabad by MkhMQ Forces loyal to Adigozal. Zhala and Naftalanoğlu would relocate to Khotruq. guarded by memebers of the Autonomous Republican Police Zhala and Naftalanoğlu would wither a standoff with MKhMQ troop from May 29th til june 6th. On the night of June 6th after a series of Radio speeches local civilians would aid in helping to surround and disarm the MKhMQ troops, who were then arrested by the MRP. Throughout June more protests would breakout in the capital of Muğanabad, with Protestors under the armed guard of militants, Security Forces were routinly beaten shot at during these demonstrations which coalesced around the Government Complex, which Adiigozal would hide out in. Zhala would return to Muğanabad with Naftalanoğlu staying behind in Khotruq where he would reorganize several police brigades into the first Battalion of the Guhuzestani Armed Forces. on the 30th of June Adigozal would surrender to the crowed, taken prisoner by members of the Islamic Liberation Army. Zhala would stage a vote to declare himself Chairman of the Politburo. on July 2nd he won the vote. on July 7th He formally Declared the Guhuz Autonomous Socialist Republic to be independent, renaming the the Democratic People's Republic of Guhuzestan

Dzherokhabl Offensive
Federal Soldier in the Nverdzhi Pocket
Hovhannes Mkrtchyan in 1993

After the collapse of the front and the near canpture of the Capital of Dzherokhabl (save for the Nverdzhi Pocket) the government reconvined at Kachori. General Secretary Zurab Kapanadze initially help an emergency security council. The council would be headed by Lev Eesho, Dauyt Zandzhiaty, and Hovannes Mkrtchyan. The Emergency Council would draft plans for a military solution to the conflict, eventually formulating Plan 13. This plan would reorganize the military around Armor Units, believing that heavy fire power and the use of combined ground arms would help to dislodge rebel forces. This plan was not supported by Mkrtchyan, however it would be put to a vote and win support within the Politburo.

Plan 13 was implamented within the 3rd and 8th Mobile Infantry Divisions, fusing them with elements from the 26th Armored Division. these forces would be the spearhead for Operation Vorot in March of 1993. Forces from these divisions would attempt to surround the Norkori Salient just 15km west of Dzherokhabl. The newly formed 15th, 12th, and 8th All-Union Combined Arms Brigades would attack the City of Tskigari from the south, while the 10th, 14th, and 4th All-Union Combined Arms Brigades would assault the countryside to the north. While Zandzhiaty would accompany the troops to the staging area, Mkrtchyan would return to his home town of Yeghadzor. Mkrtchyan would meet with Hagop Azatjan and Narek Darbinyan. Azatjan was the Chairman of the Yeghadzor City-Level Law Enforcement Committee, Darbinyan was the Manager of F.C. Spartak Yeghadzor and rumored to be a leading member of the Heyeric Mafia an organizer of football hooligans in the city. Mkrtchyan would help finance a new paramilitary unit called the Hamardzaknery. Azatjan and Mkrtchyan agreed upon Yeznik Hrachyan as the commander of the force. Previously being a member of the cities VHAB Special Police Unit. These units would organize youth groups and football assosiations. Many of the members being recruited from local Under-20 football leagues. Form May to November of 1993 the three men would organize throughout the Hereyic Autononomous Socialist Republic to build up the Hamardzaknery's membership.

Yeznik Hrachyan, 1992

On June 4th 1993 Operation Vorot was scheduled to take place. Zandzhiaty felt that it was "not time" and forced Gndapet Elioz Alpezadze to delay the operation til June 9th. The Army of Pan-Islamic Brotherhood, Zaurataban Liberation Army, and the Guhuzestani People's Army Take up possitions inside the city of Tskigari. Large mine fields were set in the northern fields, and large urban defenses were set up in the city proper. With intigrated trenches streching from 5km outside the city well into the city center. Elements of the 8th All-Union Combined Arms Brigade would attack GPA possition near the small village of Bodzokhi

remnents of the 8th All-Union Combined Arms Brigade attempting to retreat from Bodzokhi

The Northern attack was conducted earlier then expected by leadership of the southern assult group, reportedly due to a failur to update time charts. the fighting in the northern sector quickly bogged down, units belonging to the Mücahidler opened fire on advacing forces with heavy machine guns, AH-107 Recoilless Rifles, and even a few HIH-23 SPAAGs in key entrenched possitions. The initial collumn of soldiers from the 4th AUCAB were subject to a complex ambush along the Shighvilli Road, the units lead ST-60D was struck in the turret by a 4.11 kg BK-881M HEAT munition. This caused an houres long ambush, initially with the 4th AUCAB going around and attempting to fight through the ambush but eventually attempting to retreat after riding into a mine field. the 10th AUCAB would face stiff opposition in the small farming hamlet of Tsitebishkari, however after an hours long fire fight the unit was able to move and capture the town. the 14th would faace no major opposition, but would be dramatically slowed while attempting to navigate a large mine field on both sides of the Bzhushki River.

The Southern Attack was rushed forward to keep up with the north, with the 15th AUCAB leading the assault into the city. Unlike the stiff fighting occuring in the north, the south did not see any combat for the first 14 hours of operations. the GPA had left the first several layers of defensive trenches unoccupied. even leaving fake messages saying that GPA forces had volunterialy left the Norkori Salient to take up defenses around the fictional viliage of Gibisholo. Many soldiers and Commanders took this as genuine. As elements of the 15th AUCAB entered Tskigari, many cheering and celebrating on top their tanks and APCs, other even planted a flag on an old administrative building. As they entered the city proper the large web of defensives opened up on the Federal Troops. GPA Ovçu-Qatil units armed with SDQ-40 rocket propelled grenades would attack from the roofs of apartment blocks as well as from the basement windows of said apartment buildings, destroying much of the units armor and in many cases killing whole units unable to dismount from their poorly armored APCs. Infantry would be pinned down by snipers and machine gun nests, while teams armed with UBGL's or mortars would take up possitions and assault the pinned troops. The Serçe Briqadaları, a unit of highly mobile, ex-special police and army forces would manuever and cut off the M15 Highway leaving the 15th, 12th, and 8th AUCA's encircled. while some units retreated the abandoned defenses they'd passed earlier, it became clear that they were not constructed to defend from both sides, called "Ditch Graves" by the soldiers upon this realization. the 15th AUCAB would remain in the city, unable to manuever in the city, the unit would be completely lost, all of the brigades 74 armored vehicles would be destroyed, nearly all of the 5,000 soldiers of the brigade would be killed. with a handful captured by the Mücahidler would be forced to convert to Islam, of the 47 men captured, 21 would convert, the remaining men would be killed and thrown into a mass grave outside of Kesheuli.

Operation Dznabuk-33
Liberation of Dzherokhabl
North Quqizlözen Offensive
Mountain War
Battle of Nurdağiqala
Para Offensive
Winter Offensive
Battle of Muğanabad




Khefanestan is a Socialist Federal Republic made up of 32 Autonomous Socialist Republics. the Constitution of 1922 proclaimes that the nation is "Guided by the spirit of revolution, and by the desires of a free and dignified working people". The government is broken up into four entities. The Communist Party, The Congress of the Republics, The Republican Council, and the Politburo. The General Secritary of the United Mountain Dwellers Communist Party is tasked with heading the Politburo and acting as the nations international reprasentative. The Congress of the Republics is headed by the speaker who organizes the Congress and works to pass legislation to be sent to the Politburo. The Republican Council is chaired by the 32 Presidents of the Autonomous Socialist Republics, it is led by the Minister President, who is elected as a sitting member of the council and is proclaimed "first amongst equals". They are tasked with coordinating verious domestic policies and coordinating policy between the verious republics. The Politburo is tasked with signing or vetoing legislation passed by the Congress of the Republics, it is also exerts executive authority on areas not expressly given to the other political organs, as well as the desision making body in times of emergency.

Foreign relations


Soldiers of the Mountain Reconnaissance Rifle Brigade during the 2019 May Day Parade.

Administrative divisions


Mount Avkaz, 2009


Flora and fauna





Ethnic groups

People of Khefanestan







The Long March Home, Directed by Norayr Kazanyan won the 2021 International Workers Film Festival





See Also