
Revision as of 23:24, 25 April 2019 by Tyrone (talk | contribs)
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Motto: Unrivaled
Anthem: Anthem of the Confederation
and largest city
Strana Mechty
Official languagesLatvian, Lithuanian, Estonian
Ethnic groups
Goravna (58%) Emtora (28%) Nesed (20%)
GovernmentFederal presidential parliamentary democracy
• Archon
Jaan Kask
LegislatureFederal Council
• 2018 census
CurrencyJedorian Credit (JCR)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy CE
Driving sideright
Calling code+301
ISO 3166 codeJED
Internet TLD.jc

Jedoria , officially known as the Federated Combine of Jedoria (Latvian: Federatīvās Kombināts no Jedori), is a sovereign state located in Vinya. It is bordered by Mozria to the north, Kolodiya to the west, Vyzhva to the south-west, and Andor to the south. It shares a disputed territory with Aversgard on it's eastern border. Jedoria's total population is 103,360,740 and covers a landmass of 1,336,453 square kilometers. The northern half of the country straddles the line between temperate climate latitudes and the frigid zone.

Modern Jedoria was established in 1843 at the conclusion of the Third Succession War, as a democratic republic which endured until 1953. Although Jedoria avoided devastation during the Pan-Septentrion War, the political fallout that followed resulted in the Jedorian Revolution, which overthrew the free market, democratic republic and replaced it with an authoritarian socialist regime, with close ties to the Federation of Soviet Republics and Polvokia. The Socialist Republic instituted many changes, including forced collectivization, industrialization, and implemented a centrally planned command economy. Although the average quality of life improved at first for the Jedorian people as access to healthcare and public education increased, over time the Socialist Republic broke ties with the FSR and began pursuing a quasi-isolationist path in international relations. Border conflicts with much of Jedoria's neighbors defined it's status as somewhat of an international pariah, which contributed to economic decline. Starting in the 1990s the Socialist Republic's economy began to rapidly stagnate and entered into a depression, followed by food shortages and labor riots. Demands by the populace for reform were met by increased crackdowns and restrictions on civil liberties, which further inflamed tensions until open rebellion broke out in October 2004, sparking the Jedorian Civil War. After four years the rebelling forces, known collective as the Combine, succeeded in defeating the Socialists and established the Federated Combine. Since then the nation has struggled with consistence economic growth and rebuilding the nation's infrastructure and labor force.

Jedoria is a representative parliamentary democracy and a federation composed of 17 subdivisions, which are 15 states and 2 administered territories. Jedoria's ethnic groups include the Balto-Slavic Gorvana and Etmora, and the Uralic Nesed. Due to the repression of religion by the Socialist Republic, the majority of the Jedorian populace is not religious, although Letnev Orthodox Christianity is commonly found in some parts of the country and form roughly a quarter of the population. It's capital and largest city is Strana Mechty.


Ancient Jedoria was home primarily to the Turkic Avernahkii who established a vast empire across southern Jedoria. Beginning in 500 BCE Norse colonists from Aversgard slowly began colonizing western Jedoria, coming into contact with the Avernahkii shortly thereafter. Around 500 CE the Avernahkii entered into a period of decline and began to slowly recede eastward into Vyzvha, although their influence remained in some areas as evident by the still remaining name of Tukayyid. The decline of the Avernahkii allowed major Norse Kingdoms to rise, particularly in Rasalhague and Radstadt. Starting in the 11th century Slavic migrants from Letnev began trickling down into Jedoria, establishing settlements in the north of the country. Over the course of the next centuries these rose into powerful Slavic kingdoms, establishing a strong Slavic cultural influence in the north which expanded across Jedoria.

The conflict between the various Jedorian Kingdoms prevented the rise of any central government. For many centuries Jedoria was consumed by internal conflict known as the Succession Wars. In 1843 the Jedorian states and Kingdoms finally unified with the Treaty of Taurach, which established the Confederation of Jedoria. Despite the unification the Jedorian states retained much of their own power and rarely colluded with one another except in the face of foreign aggression, such as the Jedorian-Letnevian War. The Confederation slowly and unevenly industrialized and modernized, leaving it generally weak and lacking in influence. Because of this Jedoria avoided involvement in the Pan-Septentrion War. The rise of international communism however took hold in Jedoria, especially in the heavily industrialized Bessarabia which had a large working-class owing to an oil boom in the 1940s. In 1954 the Jedorian Communist Party together with the Bessarabian People's Militia seized control in northern Jedoria, and then defeated the Royal Confederate Army in Radstadt and Tukayyid to establish the Socialist Republic of Jedoria.

Aleksis Kraulis became the General Secretary of Jedoria and it's de facto dictator, embarking the country on a major industrialization and modernization campaign with support from Polvokia and the Federation of Soviet Republics. Jedoria's infrastructure and economy boomed, but it's foreign relations were dominated by border conflicts with it's neighbors, resulting in a number of major wars. Some of these, like the Vinyan War, saw Jedorian gains in territory in Zavijava and Nesedana, but others like the Jedorian-Kolodiyan Border War resulted in a severance of relations between Socialist Republic and the FSR. The most devestating of these was the Jedorian-Mozrian War, which ended in a decisive defeat for Jedoria at the hands of the Able Vigil Accords. The death of Kraulis during the last days of the war, on top of the financial burden of the defeat, marked a period of significant decline for the Socialist regime due to a failing economy and international isolation. Protests broke out starting in 2003 which was met with a harsh crackdown by the government, which in turn triggered further protests and the defection of thousands of military personnel, sparking the Uprising. The next year civil war broke out, which lasted for four years and ended with the dissolution of the Socialist Republic in 2008. Following the war Jedoria transitioned into a representative democracy known officially as the Federated Combine.

Jedoria joined the AVA in 2011 and since the civil war remained largely quiet on the international stage with most of the country's focus on recovering from the civil war, which is expected to last until 2038.


Jedoria features a wide variety of geographic features due it's size and it's service as a 'bridge' (along with Mozria between Casterra and Vinya. Splitting the country roughly in two is the Vortish Channel, which leads to the man-made Luminovian Canal east into the Bay of Jedoria, and in the west to Lake Vytaras. The interior of the country is divided into large plains, forests, with mountains and rivers serving as boundaries. The Savelijs Mountain Range in Bessarabia and Talithia contains Jedoria's highest peak, Mount Relaji. Much of the north of the country is dominated by mountains and valleys carved through by large rivers. The center of the country is dominated by lighter terrain, the Khalkhin hills form a large steppe which transfer from the Bessarabian Plains into the North Eastern Plain through Erewhon and Nathaculor. In the south Mount Zarins serves as the boundary between the sporadic forested areas of the Rasalhague Fields and the wide open Celovas Fields. Further south the Satalice Plains are bounded by the Sakele Ridge and Jomantas Highlands, which run further west into the Vastargyis Hills of Arstotzka and Tikinov. In the east Mount Visvaris serves as a causeway between the wide open fields of Zavijava and the coastal areas of Tukayyid and Nesedana. Mountains and rivers largely define Jedoria's borders.


Jedoria straddles the latitudes between what is considered the frigid zone and the cooler temperate zone. Jedoria experiences cold winters and warm summers, and eastern coastal areas experience large amounts of rain during the summer. In the far south of Zavijava and Nesedana summers can be noticeably hotter than the rest of Jedoria while the winters are less frigid, and as a result the area forms a major part of the Jedorian breadbasket.

Government & Politics

Jedoria is a representative democracy with the head of state and government known as the Archon, a position currently held by Jaan Kask. The Archon leads the Executive Branch. In Jedoria, the Executive Branch is tasked with enforcing the laws of the land and the governance of the state. Execution of law falls to the Executive Branch, and is led by the Archon. Other prominent members of the Executive Branch include the Director of National Defense, the Director of Internal Security, the Director of International Relations, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Justice. The Legislative Branch consists of the bicameral parliament, which is composed of the Federal Assembly and the National Council. The National Council is directly appointed by the State Governors, while the Federal Assembly is appointed through representative democratic elections held in each state. While the job of the Federal Assembly is to pass laws and enact budgets, the National Council signs treaties, elects the Archon, and reviews appointments to the Supreme Tribunal. The National Council also approves Ministry and Bureau appointments. The Supreme Tribunal is the primary force within the Judicial Branch. The Tribunal is responsible for interpreting the Jedori Constitution and examining laws passed by the Legislative Branch. The Tribunal is the ultimate legal authority within the Federated Combine, and can be called upon to take legal cases and issue a final resolution. In these landmark cases, the Supreme Tribunal may set the standard for the entire nation and establish legal precedent that all lower courts must follow.

Jedoria is subdivided into 15 states (Tukayyid, Rasalhague, Radstadt, Satalice, Zavijava, Arstotzka, Tikinov, Khalkhin, Talitha, Bessarabia, Erewhon, Nathaculor, Denebola, Procyon, Nesedana) and two administered territories (Tamar and Turkina). Each State and Territory is led by an Administrator.


Jedoria has a middle income mixed economy with abundant natural resources, in particular oil, lumber, coal, and iron ore. Since the end of the civil war Jedoria's economy has seen steadily upward if uneven growth, with a GDP per capita (nominal) of 8,538 and an overall GDP of $882 billion. Jedoria has an overall low level of income inequality, though wages have only barely kept up with inflation over the past decade, which has risen steadily. Approximately 10 million Jedorians live beneath the poverty line. Jedoria has a small service sector mainly centered around shipping, tourism, and telecommunications. The primary and secondary sectors constitute the majority of the country's economy and employ 95% of the workforce. Although the country has a simplified and progressive tax rate, much of the government's budget goes into reconstruction efforts which have been slow to provide a return on investment.














Typical dishes



National symbols