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Bhormakaro is a country in Astyria that has no access to the sea. It is ruled by a harsh and strict dictator who focuses on building a strong military. It views ViZion, its southern neighbor, as its archenemy.

Bhormakaro lost the Great ViZion-Bhormakaro War, which lasted from 1396 to 1502 and was fought against ViZion.

Bhormakaro became landlocked after losing several wars with ViZion between the 300s and 600s AD. It lost its blue water coastal territory and its access to the Medactl Strait.


Located in Lorecia, the smallest of the five continents of Astyria.

It has a long coastal border along The Dull lake to its west, and is bordered by Earent to the southwest, ViZion to its direct south, Scanonia to its north, and Aquitayne to its east.

Bhorm-Earent Rail System

While Bhormakaro is land-locked, it has built an alliance with one neighbor, Earent. The two have worked together on the Bhorm-Earent Rail System, connecting Earent coastal cities and ports to The Dull and across the inland throughout the two nations. This allows for travel and - more importantly for Bhormakaro - trade, as this gives the nation access through their neighbor to the open waters it otherwise has no access to.