This article belongs to the lore of Ajax.


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Ajax, also known as the Ajax period, is the period of human history spanning from the invention of writing around the 4th century BCE to the present day. This era follows the maturation of early civilization, the age of great empires, the formation of the nation state, and the birth of the industrial and information ages. The current age of Ajax features a variety of nations and peoples across the world's 7 continents, and is hallmarked by an unprecedented age of globalization, international cooperation, and relative peace and stability.


The term Ajax comes from the Aradian legend of Ajax the Traveler, who traveled the known world documenting all of the histories of the peoples he met, compiling them into a book of histories. While there is no evidence that Ajax ever existed, the term became widely popular in the 1790's to describe the era of recorded history.


Ajax sees three distinct eras of written history. The Classical Era from the beginning of written history c. 4,000 BCE to 500 CE, the Post-Classical Era from 500 CE to 1450 CE, and the Modern Era from 1450 CE to the present. Each era encompasses distinct characteristics of human civilization, including the emergence of writing, the proliferation of international trade, and the development of nuclear technologies.

Classical Era

Post-Classical Era

Modern Era


The current geopolitical situation of the world is primarily continental in interaction, with some global organizations like the Forum of Nations acting as bridges between these regions. The world is currently seeing an era of peace and cooperation, though there still exists major areas of conflict and tension.



Malaio is a minor but active continent of both native and colonial nations. It is connected by land to Scipia and has three notable nations: Kalakora, Onekawa-Nukanoa, and Pulau Keramat. The continent is seeing a great deal of strife and conflict due to the Kalakoran Civil War, which has been going on for 9 years. Primary resources include rhdoium, phosphorus, and maritime products.




Oxidentale is a relatively industrialized continent of native nations. It has four notable nations: Caripe, Deseret, Mutul, and Sante Reze. Through the Common Congress, the continent has managed to resolve disputes and emerge as a continent of major and minor powers. The continent's primary resources and exports include significant rare earth metal reserves, major agricultural industries, pharmaceuticals, and other industrial goods. The primary conflict is the historical hot peace between Sante Reze and Deseret that has existed since the end of the Condozi War.
