King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII's 1997 visit to Hưng Yên

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King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, his wife Queen Aulea Lucis Caelum, and their youngest son, Noctis, the Duke of Herrenhausen (later, the future Prince of Lucis), made a state visit of Hưng Yên, from 10 July to 17 July 1997, at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Quenmin, Nguyễn-Thạch Sĩ Chiến and Chief Minister Phạm Ánh Nguyệt.

It was the first state visit by a Lucian monarch to the area that is now the Special Administrative Region of Hưng Yên since the 1990 visit of King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII when the region was still a Lucian colony under Lucian Hưng Yên.

The visit was seen as symbolic as it settled and officiated the provisions made by both the 1980 Lucio-Quenminese Joint Declaration and the 1990 Cao Khoát Agreement. Arrangements for the visit included the largest military operation in history as the Royal Quenminese Army deployed troops to the Lorican border and security was strengthened with the deployment of several Lucian and Quenminese security personal.

During the visit, the King and his family visited several sites in Hưng Yên such as the Lucian High Commission of Hưng Yên, Elizabeth Harbour, Elizabeth Peak, the King's College of Hưng Yên, and the Hưng Yên Battle Memorial, dedicated to the lives lost in the defence of Hưng Yên during the War of Lorican Aggression. He delivered a widely praised speech on the history of relations between Quenmin and the United Kingdom, as well as Hưng Yên being the source of economic growth for the two countries.

The crowd greeted the Royal Family with waving both the Lucis Jack and the Lucian Hưng Yên Ensign. While it was deemed illegal to wave the Lucian Hưng Yên Ensign based on the 1990 Cao Khoát Agreement, the Hưng Yên Flag Act of 1997 was enacted in 16 July 1997, removing the restriction on waving the former colonial flag and it was allowed to be waved alongside several Lucian institutions beside the Lucis Jack and the present flag of Hưng Yên. However, the colonial flag as a whole still has no status. In recent trends since 2010, the Hưng Yên Colonial Flag gained popularity as a meme.

In June 2005, Emperor Lanh Chinh reciprocated the King's visit when he made a state visit to the UK, taking along his family with him.

Visit announced

