Uniforms of Themiclesian armed forces

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This page catalogues the uniforms of Themiclesian armed forces. Early Themiclesian military bodies rarely possessed distinctive clothing, as body armour was issued by the state and usually sufficed for identification. After body armour became obsolete, the state began to mandate certain emblems be used for this purpose, though most soldiers and sailors had to supply their own clothes. Casaterran-style uniforms were introduced in the early 19th century, and dress uniforms since have followed Casaterran social norms. In more recent times, efforts have been made to standardize battle equipment and clothing for effectiveness and economy, though dress uniforms tend to be peculiar to the unit, more so if it had a long history or distinct role.


Themiclesian armed forces use the same terminology as civilians to describe levels of formality in various uniform styles. Generally, there is only one uniform described as full dress applicable to any serviceperson, while there could be several half dresses and undresses. Note that this terminology strictly describes formality from a civilian perspective and does not describe how these forms of dress may be used for internal functions. In the 19th century, military uniforms switched to the Casaterran style and followed civilian standards of formality very strictly, creating little need to stipulate equivalencies between them; however, as they diverged at the start of the 20th, such stipulations were formalized.  

  • Full dress (具服, kjoh-bjek): literally "full dress", a chance similarity between Tyrannian and Shinasthana terms. For those with rights to attend court, it is also called court dress (朝服, n′rjaw-bjek). Full dress, by convention, is equivalent to the white tie worn by civilians. Full dress in conservative units almost always include a tail coat, waistcoat, and cravat of some kind, with shirt collars worn standing up. In more liberal ones, a full dress is simply the most formal dress code endorsed. While elaborate decorations were once common on full dress uniforms, these became uncommon by the end of Queen Catherine's reign (1837 – 1901). Austerity had become the standing order of civilian men's wear, compelling the military to conform. Today, for units that issue a full dress, they typically retain the fashion of this period, with near-black colours, though slight, non-contrasting ornamentation on the waistcoat remains acceptable.
  • Half dress (從省服, dzjong-srêng′-bjek): lit. "reduced dress". Half dress is considered equal to civilian frock coat or morning coat during day time and dinner jacket at evenings. In branches with conservative uniforms, a frock coat may remain in use and be called a frock coat (長衫, ntrjang-srem), but this is now the exception rather than the norm. The Themiclesian Air Force led the forces in recognizing the blazer as a half dress in the 1950s, since frock coats, morning coats, and dinner jackets became antiquated for informal occasions in the civilian world at this time. Formerly, a half-dress required a knee-length skirt for men and ankle-length one for women, as a rule of thumb.
  • Undress (褻衣, sngrjat-′jer): anything which does not categorize into the two above.

Land forces

After a century of Liberal reform, the Themiclesian land forces started to assumed their modern structure under the Army Acts of 1921. While fiscal and operational unity was achieved by the start of the Pan-Septentrion War, Conservatives have generally opposed attempts to consolidate the army beyond the fiscal and operational aspect, preferring to allow each component to retain a measure of administrative independence. This is most clearly reflected in the dress uniforms of the Themiclesian Army, which still vary by region, regiment, and department. Today, the army can be divided into four parts—the Consolidated Army, the Reserve Army, the Territorial Forces, and the Militias. The Consolidated Army, the main standing army, and the Reserve Army are both administered by the central government in name and in substance, and they share the same set of uniforms for the most part, e.g. an infantryman in the Consolidated Army has the same dress uniforms as one in the Reserve Army. The Territorial Forces are units raised, with parliamentary approval, by ethnic minorities groups sharing in the defence of the nation, and these possess distinct uniforms, though their activities, some statutory exceptions aside, are also co-ordinated centrally. The Militias are nominally under prefectural administration, though modern administrative rules require central permission to most local action on them. Each prefecture establishes uniforms for its militias.

Consolidated and Reserve Army

Territorial Forces


Naval forces

As with militias, Themiclesia's navy traditionally required its members to prepare their own clothing, with few regulations as to what it might look like. The navy was responsible only as far as providing the fabrics out of which sailors usually made their own clothes. The earliest Casaterran-style naval uniforms were not uniforms in the modern sense, but a dress code with fairly loose standards. In 1810, officers and men were ordered to dress in a blue tail coat, white waistcoat, and trousers; as pictorial evidence demonstrates, any blue coat with tails in the Casaterran style was acceptable, mutatis mutandi. It was evidently also acceptable to add private clothing to the ensemble, as the custom became to add a woollen jacket over the waistcoat and under the overcoat; as this article was not formally regulated, it was frequently used as a canvas for a crew to identify sartorially with their craft. A uniform appearance was not initially sought. Sailors and marines were also not formally distinguished by dress code, but due to their different working environments and sartorial inclinations, it soon took on customs of its wearers and bifurcated. Indeed, the naval dress code of 1810 was not amended until 1905, when illustrations were promulgated to standardize the appearance of naval costumes.

Consolidated Fleet

The dress code of 1810 having been adopted, sailors sought to preserve the more costly overcoat and waistcoat, it become typical only to wear the shirt, necktie, and jacket on normal duty. Though this was ostensibly against dress code, it was tacitly permitted due to the sheer expense of tailoring. Early portraits show sailors with closed collars and neatly-tied neckcloths, but by 1830 this had become uncommon. Perhaps under Casaterran influence, sailors began to fasten their neckties loosely, which allowed shirt collars to open and flap down over their shoulders. Around 1840, commentators remarked how much of a sailors could be seen unclothed, provoking the Admiralty to require sailors to fasten their neckties and wear a frock coat when publicly engaged. This ordinance evidently had little effect, since neckcloths grew only looser through the decade. By 1850, the neckcloth was similar in function to a scarf, and the bow was abandoned for a four-in-hand knot. It is not clear why sailors preferred this knot, but it is possible that loops on a bow was seen as a hazard with the rigging. In the 1905 uniform update, the obsolete tail coat was withdrawn for enlisted men, though officers were still expected to supply their own tail coats for formal functions.


For marines, the dress code of 1810 survives as the full dress uniform, used for formal functions. As their duties soiled clothing less, marines generally followed dress code more closely than sailors, resulting in a more conservative appearance. Styling of the jacket and waistcoat has also varied through the ages. In the early 1800s, the waistcoat was worn with collars up, and in the late 1800s, with collars rolled. The woollen jacket worn by sailors is shared by marines in sleeveless form; for those on ships, the jacket bears the crew's insigne, and those on land, regimental insigne. That it remain visible, the dress coat was never buttoned. In 1837, marines were ordered to wear a blue frock coat for duties on shore and drilling until 1923, when a drab uniform was mandated for the latter purpose. But for certain ceremonies, it remains proper to wear the tail coat, even during day.[1] Civilian fashions increasingly influential on military attire the late 19th century, the "blue" dress and frock coats gradually darkened in colour until almost black. Embroidery, metal buttons, medals, and insigia were purged from full dress by 1880, as the wearing of bright colours became socially unacceptable.

Aerial forces

The uniforms of the Themiclesian Air Force were revolutionary in the domestic military sphere that it was designed without direct reference to civilian propriety. Every other set of uniforms, thus far, had been designed to conform to civilian standards, since soldiers and sailors were expected to wear their uniforms to civilian functions.


The initial pattern of the Air Force dress uniforms was heavily influenced by the Tyrannian Royal Air Force, which showed influence from the Royal Army. It consisted a shirt with fold-down collars, necktie, trousers, suspenders, belt, Sam Browne belt, waistcoat, and overcoat, the latter two with standing, closed collars. The trousers were deep, greyish-blue with a bold indigo stripe on the sides, with a slight blouse where it tucked into boots. The waistcoat and overcoat were both "air force teal", a creamy teal colour so-called due to its ubiquity on Air Force uniforms. The collars on the overcoat were a slightly deeper hue of the same colours. Aviators wore black, knee-length boots, with the top two inches customarily folded down for tighter fit.

Sartorial editor M′rjang wrote that this forced the boot to hug the contours of the wearer's calf muscles, which created a sharper and "literally more muscular" appearance that was intentional. Some historians believed that early Air Force leaders were overidingly concerned with predatory War and Navy Ministries hoping to annex the Air Force, leading it to adopt an aggressive and impactful style that broadcasted its independence from either, whose uniforms were both characterized by following civilian fashions. This is evinced from the fact that the Air Force's most formal uniforms did not have tails—a rejection of civilian ideas about formality. The Sam Browne belt was worn by aviators, who carried pistols for self-defence; this became a source of envy from other services, which were ordinarily not permitted to carry any weapon off duty.

The TAF led Themiclesian forces to adopt the branch blazer as a half-dress uniform in the early 20th century. While unit characteristics, decorations, and badges had all but been purged from formal dress codes to conform to civilian sartorial norms in the late 19th century, the forces in general sought to transfer their insignia onto garments in ways that would not conflict with those. Land forces typically used embroidery or double weaving to replace the colour contrasts lost on waistcoats, which were expected to be pure white by 1880. While this was socially permissible, it was also costly and generated discontent within the ranks that were commanded to purchase them. The TAF, after encountering resistance in a more colourful dress uniform, co-opted the fashion of informal blazers that were common for clubs and sports teams of the day. In 1921, the TAF hosted the first inter-service sports tournament and commanded attending officers to appear in a uniform blazer. This idea soon spread as blazers were sufficiently informal that unit insignia and decorations could be worn in full colour without stirring social condescension. In the 50s, this blazer was then legitimated as a working uniform for the TAF.

Ground crew

Air infantry


  1. Wearing tailcoats before 6 p.m. is considered overdressed in non-royal events the civilian world.

See also