Aerial warfare of the Zemplen War

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An AFASF-12 Drago Air Superiority Fighter (top) and Zephyr fighter (bottom), the primary fighter aircraft of Ruvelka and Syara respectively during the war.

Aerial warfare of the Zemplen War was a major part of the Zemplen War, with airpower playing a role in every major operation. Both the Ruvelkan Imperial Air Force and the Commonality Air Force fielded large air forces with modern aircraft, producing intense aerial combat the resulted in over 3,000 aircraft destroyed over the course of the conflict. Syara entered into the war with more fixed wing aircraft than Ruvelka but fewer fighters, allowing Ruvelka to absorb the initial air campaign and respond in kind, leveraging superiority in numbers to limit Syara's ability to influence the war in the air. Syara's large fleet of fixed wing attack aircraft, as part of the intended role of the CAF as a primarily tactical air force, proved to be very vulnerable to Ruvelkan air defense systems and ground fire which led to heavy losses. Ruvelka began a strategic bombing campaign in mid-2009 known as Operation Eclipse, which targeted Syara's industrial production. Neither side was able to establish air superiority, but the RIAF's edge in numbers and more balanced organization allowed it to maintain an advantage over the CAF. As attrition set in both sides saw a significant decrease in sortie rates, peaking in May 2009 at nearly 2,600 per day before declining to just a thousand by spring 2010. The Zemplen War remains a major source of study for modern air forces across Tyran, and produced several aces on each side.

Pre-war planning

The Commonality Air Force and the Ruvelkan Imperial Air Force both featured significantly different mindsets in the years leading up to the Zemplen War. Having studied the performance of the Syaran Army Air Corps during the Siduri War, the CAF determined that the Republic's medium bombers had failed in their role to provide a strategic bombing capability and considered such an effort a waste of resources. As a result, the Syaran Commonality Armed Forces Central Command outlined the primary role of the CAF as providing support for the Syaran National Army, primarily through close air support and air interdiction to prevent an enemy air force from gaining control of the skies. By emphasizing that any war would ultimately be determined by ground forces, the CAF was oriented towards the role of a tactical air force, lacking strategic bombers or interceptors in favor of multi-role fighters and attack aircraft.

The Imperial Ruvelkan Air Force by comparison pursued a more balanced approach, purchasing a large number of airframes and designs from Cacerta including strategic bombers and fighter aircraft. The IRAF felt that in the event of a war it needed the ability to contest all over the battlefield and beyond, and thus acquiring the AFSB-2 Spettro Strategic Bomber, which would later play a role in the war. Unlike the CAF, the IRAF primarily saw close air support as the role of its fleet of helicopter gunships, which proved to be better suited to the task than Syara's fixed wing attack aircraft. Prior to the war, much of Ruvelka's air command and control function was done primarily through ground control guidance, a design that was interwoven with airborne command and control in the months after the war began.

Fighter aircraft

Both Ruvelka and Syara fielded hundreds of fighter aircraft during the war. Syara's primary fighter was the Ossorian T-35 Séideán, which had been acquired by Syara in the 1990s. The CAF designated the aircraft the Zephyr, intended to compliment the domestically designed Ceyx, which had been inspired by the T-35. Both aircraft were cropped delta-canard configurations, although the Ceyx was smaller and powered by a single engine. The Ceyx also lacked the same level of stealth and advanced avionics of the Zephyr but was slightly faster at lower altitudes. During the war the Ceyx gradually fell out of favor and was supplemented by the Zephyr, which was seen as the superior aircraft.

Cacerta also fielded two fighter aircraft at the onset of the war, the older AFASF-10 Donnola Air Superiority Fighter, and the newer more advanced AFASF-12 Drago Air Superiority Fighter. While the Donnola had been slated to be retired, the outbreak of the war forced it back into service. Because of its limited role against Syaran fighters, the Donnola often acted as a ground attack, surveillance, or electronic warfare aircraft for the RIAF. The Drago by comparison was a superior dog fighter, while also capable of serving as ground attack the Ruvelkans preferred it for air superiority roles, and as such was the primary opponent of the CAF in the skies over western Ruvelka.

At the start of the war Ruvelka fielded approximately 800 fighters against Syara's 600. While this deficiency had been noted by the Syarans prior to the start of the war, efforts to rectify it were still underway when fighting broke out in the summer of 2008, giving the Ruvelkans a numerical edge that they would maintain for the duration of the conflict. Direct combat initially favored the Syara; the Ceyx and Zephyr were both superior to the Donnola, and while the Drago could outclass the Ceyx in most engagements, the Zephyr held a number of advantages over its Cacertian designed counterpart. The Zephyr had a lower radar-cross section, making it more difficult to detect, while it's close cropped canards gave it significant maneuverability, especially at lower altitudes. Superior sensor infusion and situational awareness often allowed Zephyr pilots to outmaneuver Dragos in one-on-one combat, giving the Syarans an edge.

However, Drago pilots had a number of tricks to employ. Built as a dogfighter, the Drago remained exceptionally dangerous within visual range, a frequent occurrence in the ECM heavy environments in the Zemplen War. Faster than both the Ceyx and the Zephyr, Ruvelkan pilots could also make extensive use of "boom and zoom" tactics to outfly their Syaran adversaries. Additionally, Ruvelkan superiority in numbers often allowed Ruvelkan pilots to avoid one-on-one engagements. Ruvelkan Dragos would often employ "kürt fészek" (hornet nest) tactics, usually involving 2-4 Dragos flying together, with one operating an ECM/EW pod while the other aircraft closed in and engaged Syaran aircraft at short range. While the Zephyrs maintained a positive kill-ratio over Ruvelkan fighters throughout the war, Ruvelkan tactics are widely considered to have mitigated Syaran advantages in aircraft design.

Beginning in mid-2009 Ruvelka began acquiring the EF 135 LuH from Acrea to supplement the IRAF. A total of 24 aircraft in two squadrons were purchased and saw extensive service during the war. Designed exclusively as an air superiority fighter, the EF 135 could match and defeat the Zephyr, especially at high altitudes where the Acrean design was at home. After losing nearly a dozen fighters to the EF 135, Syaran pilots began responding to encountering the aircraft by rapidly diving to lower altitudes, where the EF 135 was less capable than the Zephyr. This had the added danger of exposing the EF 135 to Syaran air defense systems, which resulting in the shoot-down of three EF 135s in late 2009 and serious damage to another. As sortie rates on both sides decline, the CAF continued to emphasize low level flights, which saw the EF 135 transfer primarily to the role of overwatch for other Ruvelkan aircraft. Because it was also a delta-canard aircraft, the EF 135 was the cause for several friendly fire incidents on both sides of the war.

Despite the frequency in which air-to-air combat occurred, actual losses from these enagements was usually low. The CAF estimated that in fighter-on-fighter engagements, confirmed kills occurred in less than 20% of all dogfights, a conclusion the Ruvelkans also found once factoring out their kills on Syaran attack aircraft, which were slower and more vulnerable.

Strategic bombing

Lacking any kind of strategic bomber, the CAF did not attempt to initiate a strategic bombing campaign of Ruvelka during the war. Ruvelka, on the other hand, fielded several AFSB-2 Spettro Strategic Bombers. During the initial stages of the war they saw only limited usage, primarily as close air support for the Ruvelkan Imperial Army. Following losses in Operation Harpe and the Battle of Sagerejo, Debrecen authorized the IRAF to begin a strategic bombing campaign designed to inhibit Syara's war making ability. Known as Operation Eclipse, Ruvelkan Sprettros sortied out to hit targets within Syara, mainly known supply depots and manufacturing centers.

Eclipse proved controversial for a number of reasons. The decision to attack targets in Syara itself dampened international support for Ruvelka somewhat, as Syara had attacked Ruvelkan industrial centers behind the front lines prior. Ruvelka defended the decision as a necessary strategic decision given recent developments. More controversy revolved around the choice of targets, which were primarily civilian sites. Over 100 Syaran civilians were killed in the bombing raids, which led the Government of Syara to denounce the campaign as "terror bombing". Syara further declared it would prosecute the crews it had captured as war criminals, although no action was ever taken and the crews were exchanged along with all other prisoners after the war.

Apart from the controversy of the bombings themselves, contention remains over the effectiveness of Eclipse. Most analysts conclude that Eclipse did not significantly impact Syara's industrial output, nor did it noticeably hamper Syaran supply efforts. Ruvelka nonetheless concludes the campaign was partially successful, as it drew away Syaran resources, air defense systems, and aircraft away from the front. Eclipse began on 22 July 2009 and concluded on 14 November the same year. Ruvelka carried out a total of six air raids, hitting targets across eastern Syara. Three Spettros were shot down, with another two damaged, killing six crew with another five captured. 147 Syarans were killed in the raids, with 312 wounded.

Close air support

Both Syara and Ruvelka approached close air support with different mindsets and doctrine. The CAF viewed air support as best being carried out by fixed wing attack aircraft, which were relatively cheap and could be armed with a variety of weapons. The Republic of Syara had produced two domestic light attack aircraft, the Corvus and the Strix, for the purpose of carrying out close air support for the Syaran Army. In 2004 Syara also purchased 48 AFGSF-5 Tartaruga Ground Strike Fighters after evaluation and testing. As fighting broke out across the border multiple squadrons of attack aircraft were called up to support the Syaran ground forces as they advanced into Ruvelka and continued to play a major role in all Syaran operations.

Syara's attack aircraft however proved exceptionally vulnerable to Ruvelkan air defenses, with the Corvus and Strix especially threatened by ground fire. Syaran attack aircraft quickly piled up heavy losses, in many cases strike packages suffered losses in excess of 50%. The decimation of Syara's attack aircraft fleet led the CAF to repeatedly attempt to pull them from front line service, but the Syaran National Army, desperate for air support, insisted on their continued operation. The SNA's insistence won out, forcing the CAF to commit its attack aircraft in spite of appalling losses. Of the 525 fixed wing armed aircraft the Syarans lost, 339 of them were attack aircraft. The heavy losses suffered by Syaran attack aircraft led to the CAF halting production of both aircraft after the war and declined to purchase more Tartarugas. As the war progressed the role of CAS in Syaran doctrine became increasingly focused on helicopter gunships and drones, which were more survivable in contested airspace due to their versatility.

Ruvelka comparison had long held the role of CAS was to fulfilled by helicopters, a decision that was largely validated by their experience in the Zemplen War. Close air support was occasionally provided by Dragos and Donnolas, but Ruvelkan commanders often expressed a preference for helicopter support, which they considered more reliable and accurate. Ruvelka also made use of UAVs for air support, though to a lesser degree than the Syarans.

Helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles

Helicopters formed the cornerstone of Ruvelkan tactical doctrine, with heliborne forces being an essential aspect of many Ruvelkan operations. As detailed above, helicopters also formed the primary means of close air support for Ruvelkan ground forces, a task they were well suited to due to Ruvelka's oft rugged and mountainous terrain where the ability to hover was paramount. Ruvelka fielded three primary attack helicopters, the HH1 Helicopter Gunship, the HH2 Attack Helicopter, and the HH3 Attack Helicopter. The HH1 Halászsas was the most common attack helicopter fielded by the Ruvelkans, prized for its ability to function both as an attack helicopter and a troop transport. It was heavily employed by the Ruvelkan Imperial Fusiliers, operating as transportation for infiltration teams targeting Syaran forces behind the lines, especially artillery and staging depots. While prized by Ruvelkan commanders for its tactical utility, its reputation among pilots was somewhat more mixed due to the aircraft’s lackluster agility and maneuverability compared to other attack helicopters, rendering it more vulnerable to Syaran air defenses. With 343 destroyed during the war, it suffered the highest losses of Ruvelkan helicopters.

The HH2 Sólyom enjoyed a more positive reputation and was feared by Syaran troops for its usage as a stealth and infiltrator gunship, often flying at low levels to sneak through Syaran lines and striking against supply lines. Usage of the Sólyom was more restricted however as the single-seat helicopter asked a lot of its pilot, requiring stringent and vigorous training standards. The Sólyom was thus used more sparingly than the HH1, and often directed towards more high priority targets. A total of 37 were shot down or destroyed during the war.

The HH3 Lódarázs was the most basic of the three designs, being a more generalized attack helicopter. It remained however a very functional aircraft, with more advanced sensors and avionics than the HH1 while being crewed by two rather than the demanding single-pilot HH2. Although it did not have a specific function, it performed its role well and provided fire support for Ruvelkan forces throughout every major operation of the war. The most direct Syaran counterpart was the Philomela, which had been jointly produced with Tennai before the war. The Philomela originally had a minor role in Syaran airpower, but after the decline of Syara's attack aircraft the Philomela came to be a vital source of CAS for Syara.

Both sides utilized unmanned aerial vehicles extensively. Ruvelka employed a wide variety of designs, from small handheld drones for supporting Fusilier infiltration teams, to larger armed variants for fire support. Syara fielded larger numbers of drones and larger drones in general, often using them for artillery spotting, battlefield surveillance, and a number of UCAVs for fire support, which along with attack helicopters gradually supplamented attack aircraft as the primary source of CAS.

Both sides lost hundreds of UAVs and helicopters. Syara recorded the loss of 286 helicopters and 678 UAVs during the war, while Ruvelka lost 722 helicopters and 259 UAVs, with their respective losses reflective of their doctrinal emphasis within each nation's doctrine.