Timeline of major events in Septentrion

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Prehistory (up to 1500 BCE)

Era characteristics: the introduction of agriculture, metallurgy, the wheel.

Ancient history (1500-500 BCE)

Era characteristics: writing; Iron age; coinage.

Classical history (500 BCE-500 CE)

Era characteristics: limited inter-regional trade over long distances.

  • 1st Century: Themiclesia initially settled by Mengheans.
  • 265: first centralized government, the Tsiehnh Dynasty, in Themiclesia.
  • 420: the Tsiehnh falls, replaced by Sungh.
  • 478: the Sungh falls, replaced by Dzeei.

Medieval era (500-1500 CE)

Era characteristics: religious stabilisation of minotheist religions.

  • 502 — in Themiclesia, the Dzeei is replaced by the Liang Dynasty; the royal house of the Chonro-based Menghean dynasty flees to Themiclesia and merges with the ruling clan there, causing the Themiclesian monarch to adopt the title of Emperor.
  • 600s — early exploration of the Columbian east coast; commercial activity with native societies.
  • 700s
  • 1056-1061War of Sylvan Succession breaks out when the heir apparent Prince Diederik usurps the throne from his father, Leo XV. The resulting conflict lasts twenty years and ends only after the death of Leo XV on the field of battle and his replacement by William III, who gives his brother control of modern-day Aemen.
  • 15th centuryMinilovan explorer Sloboda Tepeș proposes an expedition to western Casaterra to the Sylvan king, but he is refused. Tepeș then proposes the same idea to NATION who goes on to discover CONTINENT. But Tepeș does not receive any credit and is forgotten.
  • 1439-1442 – The War of the Purifier breaks out between Aemen and Sylva after King Baudouin the Pure launches a campaign of ethnic cleansing against his Sylvan neighbours. Ends in Sylvan victory after Baudouin passes away from wounds he sustained in combat and is replaced by his son.

Early modern era (1500-1750 CE)

Era characteristics: inter-continental discoveries; introduction of gunpowder; printing press; mercenary armies.

Modern era (1750-1900)

Era characteristics: industrial revolution; Republican nations; steam engines; coal mining; the emergence of modern nation-states; prohibition of slavery; military conscription.

20th Century (1901-2000)

Era characteristics: colonialism; military innovations; advanced farming; aviation; space exploration; idea of total war.

21st Century (2001-now)

Era characteristics: globalisation; terrorism; mobile technology.

