User:Tranvea/Zorasan 2

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Second Yemeti Civil War
Date30 August 2021-present
3 years, 1 month, 2 weeks and 6 days
Status Ongoing
Yemet Government of National Unity and Reconciliation
Pro-Military Government Groups:

Sotirian Groups:

Pro-Irfanic Republic of Yemet Groups:

Commanders and leaders

Yemet Ubaxle Asad

Zorasan Vahid Isfandiar
Zorasan Ashavazsar Golzadari
Zorasan Kamshad Kharimpour
Yemet 195,000 (est., inc. pro-military government militas)
Zorasan Zorasani Military Mission in Yemet
~12,425 soldiers
400-500 armoured vehicles
20-35 aircraft

Separatist groups:
~300,000 (Yemeti government estimates)

Other Opposition groups:
~65,000 (Yemeti military government estimates)
Casualties and losses
Yemet 4,000 KIA, 3,000 MIA (Est.)
Zorasan 1 killed, 3 injured

The Second Yemeti Civil War is an ongoing, multi-sided civil war between the Irfanic Republic of Yemet, led by Acting President Issa Kahsu (supported by varying foreign and domestic allies), the Yemeti Government of National Unity and Reconciliation led by President Ubaxle Asad (supported by various foreign and domestic allies, primarily Zorasan and Rwizikuru) and other forces that oppose both of the Yemeti governments and one another.

Initial unrest in Yemet broke out on August 25th, 2021 following President Retta Iskinder's announcement of an indefinite delay to elections, claiming that major corruption scandals within the Yemeti National Electoral Authority, increasing levels of violence throughout August and the inability of the PNLAY to ensure the security of the elections. Riots against the Iskinder regime in the Sotirian-majority east of the country turned violent and were suppressed by the PNLAY with at least 500 people estimated to have been killed during the suppression.

The protests escalated into an armed conflict, with rebel groups such as the Akortu National Salvation Army, Andutu Patriotic Resistance Front and others defeating the poorly-equipped and trained forces of the PNLAY, expelling the Yemeti government from much of the country's east, and threatened to push the overextended PNLAY back to Girota. Percieving the Iskinder government as weak, other militia groups such as the Iwa National Defence Army appeared to defend ethnic homelands from the advancing rebel forces. As the conflict continued, Iskinder's positioon was further weakened by the revolt of Oromo people|Gero PNLAY units to form the Emergency Committee for Reunification and National Unity on October 23rd 2021 and the Nativity Coup attempt by then Minister of Defence Nebay Azizawet with the support of ethnically Tigrayan people|Ruku units, who after the coup's failure would form the Ruku National Front.

Intervention by Zorasan in late 2021 enabled the PNLAY to decisively push back advancing rebel groups in the north, retaking Lehir by March/April 2022. On April 26th, 2022, a PNLAY coup led by Chief of Staff of the PNLAY Ubaxle Asad and reportedly backed by Zorasan, toppled the Iskinder government, after which the new Government of National Unity and Reconciliation was formed. The continuation of the Irfanic Republic of Yemet was declared on May 9th 2022 by Speaker of the Yemeti People's Congress turned Acting President Issa Kahsu with the support of Lt. Gen. Ater Deng, who was named Vice-President of Yemet.

All sides involved are believed to have committed widespread massacres against the civilian populace. The conflict has caused a refugee crisis, with between one to six million people internally displaced as a result of the conflict, with a similar number of refugees estimated to have fled to neighbouring countries. As a direct result of the conflict owing to the destruction and looting of crops and the displacement of people, a further 20 million people are estimated by the International Food Program to be at risk of starvation due to famine.

International Recognition of the Yemeti Government

Following the 2022 Coup, the newly-proclaimed Government of National Unity and Reconciliation claimed to be the de jure ruling national government of Yemet and sought international recognition as such. This was disputed by Issa Kahsu, who declared on May 9th 2022 that as per the 1997 Constitution of Yemet, he was Acting President of the Irfanic Republic of Yemet until elections could be held and therefore a continuation of the pre-coup government.

National Governments

Etruria has declared the Government of National Unity and Reconciliation 'illegitimate'.

International Organisations