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Treaty of Sigairen: Hytekojuznia

Territorial changes

  • Hytekojuznia is stripped of X square miles and X square kilometres of territory.
  • Hytekojuznia is required to renounce all claim on the lost territory immediately.
  • The entire territory of Mögland, including the delta of the River Sedin on the North Sea, is to be ceded to Mascylla.
  • The sovereignty of the province of Karsuva is to be decided by a plebiscite under obeservation of the !UN (90.8% voted in favour of Hytekojuznia)
  • The entire territory of the city of Saarow and adjacent lands is to be ceded to Mascylla.
  • The entire territory of the city of Bad Ülerst and adjacent lands is to be ceded to Mascylla.
  • Parts of the provinces of Dzukaj and the entirety of the province of Vislina (depicted on map) is to be ceded to Mascylla
  • The sovereignty of the remaining territory of Dzukaj is to be decided by a plebiscite under observation of the !UN (69.2% voted in favour of Hytekojuznia, territory split according to Article 4 of the treaty).
  • The entire territory of the Elpland (depicted on map) is to be ceded to Mascylla
  • All islands east of the center point of Lake Sigismund, with the exception of the city of Konreid, are to be ceded to Mascylla.
  • The city of Konreid and its hinterland are ceded to the !UN, establishing the Free City of Konreid. A plebiscite fiveteen years later, under the observation of the !UN, is held to decide the sovereignity of the city and the island (84.6% voted in favour of Mascylla).
  • The city of Visnevas and adjacent territories are restricted to cede the output of coalmines to Mascylla as reparations for the destruction of Mascyllary coalmines.


  • The Free City of Konreid is to be ceded to the !UN as a !UN mandate for the fiveteen years of its existence.
  • The city of Visnevas is ceded to the !UN as a !UN mandate for the time being, when the !UN decides (six years later), it will hold a plebiscite on the question of sovereignty (74.9% voted in favour of Hytekojuznia).

Military restrictions

  • Hytekojuznia is to demobilize sufficient soldiers to leave an army of no more than 350,000 men.
  • Hytekojuznia is forbidden to establish paramilitary forces for ten years after the signing of the treaty.
  • The Hytekojuznik-Mascyllary border and fivety kilometres inward are to be demilitarized completely, including all fortifications within that area.
  • The construction of new military installations within that area is to be forbidden.
  • The !UN limits the production of chemical weapons, armoured cars, military aircraft, and tanks accordingly in Hytekojuznia (after five years).
  • Hytekojuznia was to be forbidden to manufacture new naval craft and any battleships
  • Hytekojuznia was to be forbidden to manufacture new aerial craft for two years, and any pre-existing aircraft were to be handed over to Mascylla.
  • Hytekojuznia was to be forbidden to manufacture new tanks for six months, and any pre-existing tanks were to be handed over to Mascylla.


  • Hytekojuznia is required to pay an equivalent of 14 billion gold Nauda ($3.5 billion today) in gold as compensation for the war to the Eastern Powers.
  • The pay is to occur within the signing of the treaty and the 1 January 1921.

List of global cities in Gaia

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