History of Peninsular Iverica

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Before Christ

  • 4500-4000 Arrival of the Paleo-Erouthi in the northern regions of the Iverican Peninsula.
  • 2000-1800 Apparent decline of Erouthi culture activity in the peninsula.
  • 1500-1000 Soluk and Indiense settlement of the southern coasts of the peninsula.
  • 1000-0800 Narvic migrants begin populating and aggressively expanding across the the peninsula.

Anno Domini

  • 1380 First Narvic Plague
  • 1478 Second Narvic Plague
  • 1591 Third Narvic Plague
  • 1620 Arrival of of the first Iberics.
  • 1645 Blood Compact with surviving Narvic kingdoms. Many Iberics take Narvic wives and beget a Mestisso demographic, now a majority.
  • 1650 Establishment of the First Iverican Republic
  • 1708 Colonisation of Altaria

Peninsular Prehistory

The Iverican Peninsular is believed to be among the last regions of Arigs to have been settled by nomadic populations during the Paelolithic settlement of Argis by Pseudo-Buranian tribes originally from Northern Europa. Buranian Paleolithic hunter-gatherers entered Argis from the North Adlantic land bridges, which had formed between northeastern Argis and Occidental Europa due to the lowering of sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum. These populations expanded south of an Ice Sheet and spread steadily throughout Argis; Eastern and Southern Argis being the most quickly settled regions somewhere between 20,000 years BP and 15,000 years BP. Around 14,000-10,000 years BP, the Buranian Argics (of which there were many already consoldiated splinter cultures of) spread across Western Argis. Celtic, Early Nordic, Proto-Slavic and Proto-Germanic had somewhat consolidated in Europa prior to the trans-Adlantic migration, but began to develop greater differences and regional insularities during the settlement period. By 10,000 years BP, Celtic offshoot populations began to enter the Peninsula, presumably via the Vasqqan Isthmus. The earliest populations in the Peninsula, thought to settle around 10,000 years ago, are known formally as the Paleo-Erouthi but are also referred to in many sources as Sindragente.

First Populations

Sindragente ring fort, near Vargo, Vasqqa D'Oeste

The earliest archaeological evidence of Pre-Iveric inhabitants come from the excavated remains of Neolithic settlements preserved in layers volcanic ash. These Neolithic inhabitants were named "Sindragente" or "ash people" by the Ivericans who had learned of the people's existence from the Narvic oral traditions. This ancient group purportedly utilised the volcanic ash found surrounding the mountains for pottery and crude masonry. In old Narvic, the group is called "Erouthixonein" another word that also translates to "ash people"

The tribes are noted to have originated from the continent proper of Argis. The common theory being that they migrated via the thin north-eastern isthmus in waves from a period between 4500-4000 B.C. Currently, this land-migration theory is the most widely accepted on the basis of the volume of archaeological evidence. Maritime migrations are largely speculative as evidence of such activity in that period has yet to be discovered.

A series of volcanic eruptions seem to have deterred the growth of the Neolithic tribes from periods between 2000-1800 B.C. After this period, archaeological evidence of human activity decreases dramatically. There is a general consensus among Archaeologists that this event signalled the downfall of the Sindragente.

A period of inactivity is known to have followed the downfall of Iverican Neolithic peoples. According to geological data, much of the surface of the land is known to have been covered in volcanic ash, resulting in the death of most of the crops left behind by the Neolithic people.

Early Peninsular History

Though the Narvic settlement of the Peninsula is popularly known, smaller demographic groups had also been present in the Peninusula. Archeological digs around northern coastal settlements show evidence of Canamonic settlement as far back as as 3500 years before present. Other groups in the south such as the Alharun-Thalassan Soluk peoples and Indes were found to have settled parts of what is now Nou Argon, Altaria, and Nou Stille. Though these populations were many times assimilated or removed by adjacent Narvic kingdoms.

During this period, the historical record is largely known thorugh findings of clay tablets and sometimes papyrus records of Soluk origin. As the Soluk and Marrakish were literate in an Azanian-derived language and writing system, their accounts and trading records survive to detail their experiences with Narvics (most of whom were illiterate, or did not keep writeen records outside of glyph and rune carving).

Between 1,000 BC and 800 BC, the Narvic tribes, a collection of Celtic Argics had settled the peninsula, effectively becoming the majority population from the coasts of what is now Providencia to the western coasts of Argis proper.

Narvic History

As early as 1200 BC, waves of the varying Narvic nomadic subgroups began to settle the western coasts of Narva, the Vasqqan Isthmus, and the northern coasts of the Iverican Peninsula. It wasn't until the 8th and 9th centuries BC that the Narva would come en masse. Groups from those centuries onwards grew noticeably larger. Archaeologists consider the 9th century as the start of the migration in earnest, excavations of the previous waves' settlements appearing to be mainly exploratory or too small in number to consider in earnest.

The Narva originated from Northwestern Argis and sailed south-west down the coast in wooden longships. As a loose collection of nomadic tribes from continental Argis the loose collection of tribes known as the Narva were likely seeking new and fertile lands to settle in the south. This period in time coincides with the expansion of the Canamo Nordic petty kingdoms and their conflict with the Proto-Slavic and Argic Celtic groups in northern and central Argis. Historical consensus largely agrees on the resource scarcity and turbulent nature of northern Argis as the important factors prompting a migration to the southwest. That the Narva sailed to the Iverican Peninsula on single-masted, square-rigged longships is known by many wrecks carried by ice floes to shallower waters where some of their parts lay preserved. Others were unearthed in burial mounds that dot the Narvic and northern Iverican coasts.

Pottery and megalithic patters togther with carbon dating and genetic testing traces the origins of the Narvic ethnogroup to the valleys and coasts west of the Canamo Sea. It is speculated that like the Argic Proto-Nordics and Proto-Slavics, the early Narva diverged as a descendant of the waves of varied Buranian tribes migrating from Northern Europa. The earliest sites that bear resemblance to the pre-peninsular Narva are dated at around 1800 BC, though differently from the Nordic and Slavic ancestor groups, the Narva appear to have retained a language much more phonetically similar to the Celtophone Buranians. Given that the Narva had been the furthest west among all of the migrating Buranian tribes, their conservation of Buranian Celtic phonemes is likely a result of longer isolation. It was not until 1200 BC or 1000 BC that the Narva would enter a somewhat subordinate vassal relationship with the expanding Slavs and Nords. Information on the Buranian Celtic and Narvic was learned through Ibero-Narvic expeditions to isolated tribes whom, in 1870 AD, were still living west of the Canamo. Scholars from the Ibero-Narvic Conservation Society embarked on expeditions to visit these tribes in 1870 and discovered that their language had experienced little change. The scholars had proven this by contrasting the tribal language with both an index of known Prymontian, Russian, and central Argic loan words. Further evidence referred to the wealth of manuscripts documenting their western neighbours' language and customs. Fortunately, the manuscripts were written in old Canastotan which itself is well documented by Prymontian scholars.

Peninsular Settlement
By around the mid 8th century B.C, the Narva had established a small number of frontier settlements in the Vasqqan isthmus, which prompted later expeditions, and eventual settlement in Iverica proper in the 9th century B.C. Within the next 5 centuries, the Narva would settle the peninsula and its adjacent regions thoroughly. By around 800 BC, the first wave of Narvic settlers constructed a settlement in what is now the outer city-limits of Intreimor. Much of this settlement's palisade and forge is preserved and on display today. The establishment of a fortified coastal town in the Southwest of the peninsula caused the Narva to come into contact with the Soluk settlements. Just as the Soluk had annexed Indiense settlements, many unearthed battlefield and early settlement sites show signs of razed dwellings and small-scale battles. Soluk records confirm later archaeological finds, showing that by the 10th and 11th century BC, the Narvic tribal alliances had all but pushed out the Soluk from the southern peninsula, save for a few strongly walled and defended towns in what is now Nou Argon. The Narva would continue to occupy most of their occupied settlement sites until the coming of the Iberics in the mid-17th century. Though some sights had first shown signs of the Soluk retaking a handful of these settlements, the dates of these occurrences matching the dates of the Narvic plague.

Many of today's population centres being built over or around the historic Narvic originals, of which many of the southern ones were built atop the remains of the Soluk and Indiense predecessors. Wealthier settlement on the coasts tended to favour naturally sheltered harbours and hills adjacent to river mouths and deltas (as was strategically favourable) and so were desired positions that warranted building-over rather than abandoning. The Narvic sites revealed evidence of sophisticated knowledge of fortifications, the evidence of bronze, and later iron tools similar to those from the continent proper. These technologies presumably putting them technologically on-par with the Soluk soldiery.

Society and Culture
It should be noted that despite the Narva's society and culture was drastically changed by their settling of the peninsula. Where they had been tribal and almost completely illiterate before, their new conquests brought the need to adopt new structures and social technology. Glyphs and runes became taught to the upper classes and druid circles (though the Narva remained mostly illiterate and did not adopt the use of papyrus from the Soluk very much). The Narva developed a socio-political structure centred around a monarch and began to formalise their animist religions with rune-inscribed monuments to codify some rituals or serve as memorials for certain heroes revered as demi-gods. The wealth and resource abundance brought about by their mastery of the peninsula developed their tribal structures of small lords into structures of early feudalism. Their culture, on the other hand, remained focused on ancestral worship, pantheistic animism, and oral tradition despite having come into contact with Islam from Alharun traders. By the time the Iberics had their first encounters with them, the Narva had gone through several stages of near-unification, civil conflict, and a major linguistic shift. Their system of petty kingdoms and clans, their celtophone descended language, and their druidic religion had evolved substantially from the early Buranian-offshoot culture that their ancestors in northwestern Argis had possessed.

Much of Iverica between the 10th and 17th century BC was divided into petty kingdoms which were constantly at odds fighting over rich hunting ground, arable land, and bountiful fishing sites. This status quo persisted until their eventual capitulation to the Iveric emigrants. Likely the only forces keeping the related but divided kingdoms from total civil strife were the constant attempts of the Soluk to contest the Narva of the south and the attempts of some Slavic and Nordic expeditions to conquer the north. In those cases, the Narva had always consolidated as a confederation of kingdoms and their martial ferocity and spirited resistance have been of much note in Nordic and Soluk accounts.

Narvic Plague

An epidemic of what can be described by a few written accounts as a highly contagious, and aggressive influenza struck the Narvic kingdoms repeatedly over the years of 1380, 1478, and 1591 AD, resulting in a total death toll of over two-hundred thousand Narva. These lead to periods where the Narvic supremacy in the peninsula waned, allowing the Soluk to reclaim some of their former holdings. Some historians also refer to the plague as the main factor that prevented Narvic consolidation. King Argeider of the Western Vaskunin, was a notable victim of the 3rd plague in 1591. Argeider was attempting a marital union with Elixane of the Plekunin, one of the dominant kingdoms of the Leon river valley. When Argeider was killed, the union was not pursued by the Plekunin, despite Argeider's son by his first (by then deceased) wife, Vasjuin, proposing to take his father's place. Had it taken place, the Vaskunin would have had the resources and manpower to defeat their adjacent rivals, thereby creating the largest Narvic kingdom in their history.

Historians point out that worst outbreaks coincided with the large population growth in Narvic cities during this age. It is likely that the cramped conditions and poor infrastructure of cities at the time had aided in the spread of the virus.

As a result of this, the Narva had largely abandoned many of their largest cities by the start of the 17th century.

Iberic Colonisation

During the year 1620 A.D, Tacolic priest and historian Lemuel Urquijo documented the conflict between Iveric and Narvic Kingdoms. The account holds that Iveric Admiral, Esteban Deiargon, attempted to settle the inlets and bays around the western coasts but was turned back by constant raids by Narvic warriors. The Iverics, also called Iberics, were newly arrived from the event known as the Gran Viatge or the "Great Voyage".

The Gran Viatge was a mass exodus of ships fleeing a radical peasant's revolution destroying the Iberic Empire, in Southern Europa. It encompassed more than 16 separate waves of refugees, embarking in different numbers at different times. The first and longest exodus journey took place between 1593 to 1620 and involved a starting population of approximately 70,000--it was known as Deiargon's fleet, after Almirante Esteban Deiargon who lead it. The routes vary between exodite waves, but the most storied and infamous route was Cross-Oriental route, which claimed the lives of more than half the fleet's population. Constant storms, illnesses, and pirate raids would slowly reduce Iveric numbers until a population of 28,000 would make landfall in 1620.

Hostilities with the Narvics began when Iveric settlers made camp in a river delta in what is now Providencia. The site was purportedly uninhabited, although the large Narvic Kingdom of Narstun (Narvic: Narstunein), based up-coast to the north had apparent religious interests in the area. It is speculated that this was unknown to the settlers at that time. Regardless, they were attacked in the night and subsequently slaughtered or taken as captives. Deiargon, who was aboard his flagship at that time, moored miles further off due to the receding tide only learned of the settler's fate in the morning. He quickly dispatched messengers to his subordinate captains most of whom were away mapping the coastline.

Deiargon's orders were to mount a counterattack to liberate the captive settlers. Fierce skirmishing ensued around the coastal hills and river plains. The Iverics had the advantage of arquebus and pike weaponry and tactics, which they employed to great effect against Narstunic cavalry armed with short spears. Eventually, with the help of artillery from the newly arrived Iveric ships, Deiargon was able to successfully lay siege to and occupy the Narstunic kingdom's walled capital. Today, the ruin sits atop the Elector's hill in Intreimor, which overlooks the later-built fortifications of the city's bay-inlets.

Colonialism in Vasqqa

Though the Iberic fleets of Alimirante Deiargon arrived in Western Iverica proper first, their rapid expansion and settlement of former Narvic lands gradually put the Iberic peoples--formalised in 1650 as the "First Republic"--into close contact with the dominant Narvic kingdoms in Vasqqa. These two kingdoms were the Vaskunin of the southern coast and the Raga of the mountainous northern coast. Both kingdoms held tense often hostile relations with each other and neither could respond to the initial Iberic invasion of the peninsula proper, for fear that any committed forces would weaken their core security.

In 1645, the Narvic kingdoms in Iverica proper capitulated and formed blood compacts with the Iberics, providing no further resistance to an eastward expansion to the marches between the isthmus and the peninsula. As they had done in Iverica proper, the Iberic Republic followed its tried and tested doctrine for pacification. Trade missions and diplomatic missions were sent to the Vaskunin in the year 1652--offering many favourable resource exchanges. As a result, the Iberics were given more access to Vask ports and had even been allowed to establish a formal embassy in the Vask capital of Vilvau (then known as "Veilva" by the Vask) by 1653. In the following years, the Republic volunteered to oversee projects which it fulfilled with minimal payment from the Vaskunin king. Sewage systems were dug and ports deepened for larger trade ships, which increased the number of Iberic merchants and dignitaries in the city. Increased Iberic presence lead to churches being established and much of the Vask population being baptised within the decade. By 1659, the two parties had established a blood compact which allowed intermarriage between the Vask peoples and the Iberics. Owing to their low numbers from the desolation left by the plagues, intermarriage was not met with much reserve as church records show. This would lay the groundwork for the dominance of the creole Vasqqans--who came to be the mixed-race majority by

In the north, the Iberics had begun similar missions, but had been met with suspicion. In many instances, friars and missionaries attempted to convert the Raga, who met their coastal settlements with warnings and occasional violence. Evidently, the church persisted and in 1652, several mission houses and churches were burned. Attempted gift-giving by the Republic was rejected by the Ragan lords, who held a distinct suspicion of all non-Ragans and shunned even the most persistent diplomatic overtures. The only progress the Iberics had made in the area was in a solitary non-Ragan clan of Arma, located in the more western part of the kingdom. The Armani were deeply inclined towards spirituality and superstition as missionary accounts tell. They believed that their animal sacrifice, pagan rites, and animist beliefs had brought on the plague and were thus inclined to hear of the absolution and non-animism practised by the Tacolics. Conversion was swift, and a religious alliance was established by 1658.

The Colonial Era

First Republic and The Peninsular Renaissance

In 1650, Deiargon was elected as Primo or "First Citizen", and given temporary dictatorial powers for the period of 5 years until his predetermined retirement from national leadership. However, Deiargon would not live to finish his term. Though still purportedly healthy and active, he died in 1653, at 73 years of age- remarkably old for a survivor of the Viatge. At this time, a unicameral legislature had officially been formed to draft the first constitution declaring Iverica as fully independent from their former homeland of the Iberic Empire.

Several expeditions were undertaken by the Revolutionary Iberic Army to occupy Iverica, but many of these met afoul of stormy weather. Of the three expeditions that did arrive, two were defeated and taken prisoner, while one defected to the Iverican Republic.

Illustration of a Renaissance Academy

The Legislative Chamber, the Cámra Nasional, made several amendments over the years, laying the groundwork for the current system of an independent judiciary, but a subordinate executive office.

The Renacimiento Peninsulares, known in Anglish as the "Peninsular Renaissance", followed shortly after the charter of the First Republic and was a period marked by the flourishing of colonial literature, art, theatre, architecture, and technology. Agreed by most Iverican scholars to have begun in 1650, with the first establishment of the Academia Peninsulares in the province of Providencia, it would continue in successive decades until the later portion of the 18th century. In general, the period is a notable step in the progression from individual and guild-based production to academic and later industrial concepts of progress.

The Renaissance saw a broadening of Iverican cultral perspectives, spurred by the rapid exchange of artistic works and printed communication. Iberic Solidarity as a concept is many times said to have been "born from the ink of the Tacalan printing presses". Encouraged by the example of Deiargon and his efforts to unite the Narvic and Iberic races, the general poplance, by this time mestisso by majority, further entrenched the Peninsular pragmatist and Solidaridad values.

Iverican Colonialism

Colonisation of Soluk Territories
Throughout the conflicts with the Narvics, the Iberics had encountered the Soluk, whose capital was the many-fortressed island of Altaria (Old Soluk: Djabol Taruk | Low Soluk: Djaltarya) and who had in their servitude, the Indiense races of the coast known to the Iberics as Costa Indica or the Indic Coast. While initially, the Iberics and the Soluk established a trade relationship out of the Iberic necessity for gunpowder, ship tar, and sail canvas, the Soluk-Iberic relations post Blood Compact began to sour after Iberic explorer Alberto Marquess visited the Indic coast and learned of the Indiense dissatisfaction and slavery to the Soluk. While the historical record mainly notes the Iberic response as indignant at the chattel abuse of the Indiense, many partially-substantiated theories assert the Iberic opportunism to secure their dominance over the Altaria Straits.

in 1704, the Duke Iago Sant-Cristoval de Sevilla-Borbon, ancestor of the current Duke of Verde Gian Borbon IV and the wealthiest of the remaining Hidalgo class, proposed to lead a diplomatic mission to persuade the Soluk to outlaw slavery. Ruled as an "Amerate" by an Amer, Altaria was a hegemonic city-state that presided over a collection of lesser nobles who each lorded over a county-sized type of fief. The Amer of Altaria was effectively the most powerful among this collection of nobles and the executive of the Soluk aristocracy. Then-Amer, Muruk Umya Al-Taruk was wary of the Iberics quick dominion of the peninsula and was noted by his scribes to find the proposal ludicrous. Slavery was almost enshrined as part of Andlo custom and to mandate their better treatment would incur extra costs that would, in turn, could great dissatisfaction among his less-wealthy vassals. When massed, the lesser lords had overthrown Amers before, a fact that Al-Taruk was likely wary of.

The Soluk refused the mission's terms and in 1705, tensions were raised when the Andlo in Indic Coast put down an Indiense revolt in the city of Baclus-Alud and executed the families of the dissidents. In the process, 7 Stillians of a surveying team that were seeking transit to the Paran Desert were killed, allegedly during the rioting and by crossfire from Andlo gunners. Tensions further escalated when Borbon, against the advice of the First Republic's ministry, unilaterally demanded that the Amer pay-in-full reparation to the families of the survey team and allow Iberic observers to note the situation in the Indic Coast. Amer Al-Taruk stated that he would accept all terms except for the demand to embed observers. Borbon was notably unhappy with this proposal and denounced the Amer, though whether Al-Taruk had heard of this is unknown.

In 1707, the Andlo authorities seized all Iberic trade goods, holdings, ships and properties within their territories of Altaria Island, Kislat, and the Indic Coast. Amer Al-Taruk accused the Iberics of arming Indiense rebels and aiding in the ferment of treason against the Amerate. The Iverican Ministry denied the accusation and instead demanded that the seized articles and any Iberic prisoners taken during the process be released at once. The Ivericans wished a bilateral investigation to be launched before any judgement, to which the Andlo did not agree to. After 11 days, the Iberic Armada dispatched a fleet of 3 Men-of-War, 12 Ships-of-the-Line, 15 Frigates, 8 Brigantines, and 16 Sloops-of-War to confront any opposition and blockade Altaria Island. The Iverican national Chamber or Parliament had approved a declaration of war if the blockade was opposed. On June 28th of 1707, the Iberic fleet encountered an assembled 52 Altarian ships in the Northern Strait of Altaria. Andlo ships, while of good sailing quality, were not as stoutly built as Armada warships. Their guns were also of substantially lower calibre, were of lower metal quality, and shorter in the length of their barrels- seriously disadvantaging them at range. The Andlo fleet had a benefit of initiative and at dawn, having used the cover of morning darkness, intercepted the naval picket of sloops at close-quarters. The Iberic sloop formation was badly battered, with 3 sunk and 9 of the sloops in various states of damage. Capitan Diosdado Martiness Villaneuva commanded his formation of sloops to disengage and route. Emboldened, the Andlo formation pursued, but in poor order. They were unable to form a line of battle and in the fog drawn up by the canon exchange, had not seen the distant formation of Iverican Frigates closing on their position. While the Andlo had sighted the Frigates on the horizon mid-battle, it is theorised that the Andlo leadership had not been able to coordinate a response and also underestimated the number of the Iverican formation on the horizon. The Iverican formation had formed a line-ahead, with following ships obscured by the lead ship of the column. In actuality, what appeared to be 5-8 ships on the horizon was 10 Frigates, 6 of the newer and faster Ships-of-the-Line, and 6 of the Brigantines. The Iberic ships had a strong tailwind with them and closed with the disarrayed Andlo fleet in good order and time. Using their range, they bombarded the Andlo outside the Andlo gun range- sinking 18 and seriously damaging more than half the remaining ships. The Andlo formation faced confusion, as a number of ships had collided and had become stuck in a manoeuvre to engage the Iverican reinforcement. Furthermore, the remaining sloops had recovered from their route and returned to harass stragglers or crippled ships of the Andlo formation, sinking 2, crippling 5, and boarding and taking 3 a prize. By noon, the Andlo formation was surrounded and the heavier 120-gun Men-of-War had caught up. Surrounded and in great disarray, the remaining Andlo ships hoisted a flag of surrender.

Having taken minimal loses, the Iverican fleet proceeded to blockade Altaria, meeting little resistance. Tercio regiments were deployed in the surrounding countryside to ensure that the fortress city was not resupplied. After almost 8 months of starving the city, the Iverican Tercio Grenadiers committed to launches and stormed the city with naval gunfire support. Starved and demoralised, the Altarian defenders were overwhelmed with the citadel taken within the day. Al-Taruk allegedly committed suicide, with his body buried at the bottom of a salt-pit.

Occupying the city in 1708, the Ivericans promptly instated a colonial government and made efforts to repopulate the city with mestisso immigrants from the Iverican peninsula. Of the Altarian Andlo population of 110,000, 5,000 were killed in the fighting, coastal raiding, and 6-month siege. In the next decade, 60,000 Andlo were deported to the north Alharun coasts, mostly adult men. As a policy, Women and children were allowed to remain and integrate with Iberic society.

Early-Modern History

The Second Republic and the Decades of Civil Strife

In 1740, tensions between the regional governments of Nou Stille and Nou Tacalonia created a political dichotomy. Furthered by the unexpected death of the then Primo, Manuel Bascon, party influencers from the Partes Peninsulares and Partes Stille attempted to position candidates to fill the position of Secundo. Normally, the position was given by the sitting Primo and kept confidential, the ceremony only being witnessed by the Cabinet Chiefs of the Executive Ministry. As the investigation was inconclusive, Parliament was forced to convene in order to establish the grounds for a snap election. This would prove disastrous as the subsequent campaign and elections were marred by foul-play and illicit campaigning actions. Eventually, growing political tensions gave way to a radical takeover, enacted by the Partes Stille in the form of a coup. The coup failed to achieve many of objectives and urban conflict escalated when the riots in Toledo, Manille, and Intreimor were met in force by Partes Peninsulares supporters. Eventually, the Guardia Civil was activated and stepped in after the Camrá declared martial law. This would backfire as the ensuing gendarmerie takeover resulted in an ad-hoc junta of Guardia Civil and Guardia Peninsulares officers. In the proceeding decades, civil conflicts between region-loyal regiments would be sparked by a succession of party leaders from both the Peninsulares and Stille trying to gain the support of ambitious junta figures. This was known as the Tacalonian-Stillian conflict.

The Third of May, 1747
Francisco Goyo, Oil on Canvas

In 1746, the conflict came to a close when a demagogue known as Maximo Olivar took power through another ad-hoc party of citizens turned fascist mob. He declared himself dictator in 1747, dissolving the Camrá Nasional which had been too fractured to respond effectively. In the same year, Olivar launched a period of political cleansing, leading to the execution and murder of many of his opponents most notably resulting in the razing of several Barrios around rural Nou Tacalonia. The regime's imperialistic military policies also led to unrest and eventually revolution in the colony of Mauridiviah.

The regime was overthrown in 1765 when dissatisfaction and war-weariness reached a boiling point. The Palá dei Primo was stormed by counter-revolutionary elements of the Peninsular Guard's elite Horse Grenadiers in March of 1765, where they arrested several cabinet members and Oliveros himself. Oliveros and his most loyal supporters were put on trial in July of the same year, tried by the formerly exiled members of the Judicial Presidio and a popular jury. Oliveros and over 299 of his supporters including governors, cabinet officials, Members of the Chamber, university masters, guild leaders, and Guards officers were sentenced to death by firing squad--the capital punishment reserved only for deserters, spies, and traitors to the Republic. They were executed in the Campo dei Marso, a square just outside of Intreimor, with executions lasting an entire week.

In the following months, the Camrá was reinstated, new members and Ministers were elected and the charter of the Second Republic was drafted. This would mark the single largest series of reforms since the Republic's first charter. Notably, the most significant changes included the amendments to the Executive Ministry's delegation of power and its check and balance the Camrá Nasional, the re-organisation of provincial government power, and the restructuring of the Guardia Civil's subordinacy to the Camrá. The ensuing momentum of political activity would also pave the way for rapid industrialisation and commercialisation with new government's renewed interest in the reordering of its economic institutions.

Modern History