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The Confederate Union of Narva
Unión Confederada dei Narva
Flag of Narva
Motto: "Per L'Unión!"
Narva in Argis
Official languagesIverican, Narvic
Recognised national languagesCommon (Anglish), Iverican, various Narvic dialects
GovernmentConfederated Republic
• Primo
Uano Nicolas Sbal
• Prime Minister
Isabela Saxifraxa
• Chief Justice
Andone Kutzixta
LegislatureUnion Assembly
Clan-Canton Assembly
      General Assembly
• Northern Blood Compact
• Union of 12 Kingdoms
• Republican Reformation
139,886 km2 (54,010 sq mi)
• 2019 census
• Density
63.63/km2 (164.8/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyNarvic Velle (Ꞥ)
Driving sideright
Calling code+89
Internet TLD.nar

The Confederate Union of Narva, known officially in Iverican as Unión Confederada dei Narva, concisely as the Confederation of Narva and informally as Narva, is a sovereign country lying on continental western Argis. The Confederation shares borders with the Free State of Vasqqa and the Republic of Galicia. Apart from these land borders, the Confederation's western border is surrounded by the Narvic Sea, within which it shares maritime borders with both Vasqqa and the Republic of Iverica.

The Confederation has a total land area of 139,886 square kilometres (sq mi) with more than 8 million inhabitants as of 2019. The state is a confederated republic which derives its legitimacy from the 1780 signing of the Union of 12 Kingdoms. The current elected head of state, or "Primo", is Uano Nicolas Sbal, who has held office since 2017. The Confederation's capital and largest city is Mannarsto, a cultural and commercial, and industrial centre with an urban area population of 1.9 million. Other major urban areas include Laccos, Salaccos, and Hamundor.

Narva has 12 constituent cantons: Saxkunino, Eitxesto, Inguesto, Inxeikunein, Mannarkunino, Saxasto, Zurbruko, Eixstasto, Sinneirkunein, Brukovassa, Heixervassa, and Zurkovassa. All of the 12 have a relatively high degree of autonomy and jurisdiction over their local government. Each canton is allowed to maintain their respective constabularies and have much independence in deciding educational policy and infrastructure projects. The role of the confederate government is mostly relegated to maintaining national defence, a common justice system, critical public works like highways and power plants, and regulating international commerce.

The unions between Narvic enclaves and the First Republic of Iverica in the 1650's A.D laid the groundwork for Narvic-Iberic relations in the continent proper. Not long after, Ibero-Narvic frontiersmen began a general repopulation of continental Argis, which brought them into further proximity with local petty kingdoms. Most of these kingdoms had already been suffering declining populations because of the Narvic in preceding decades and a series of famines brought about by crop infestation. Many of these kingdoms entered into farming cooperative agreements with the creole frontiersmen, who provided service and food produce in exchange for settlement rights. Within a matter of decades, the frontier populations had begun co-habiting in small hamlets and settlements in once-abandoned Narvic sites. A loose union was formed and in 1661, an assembly was formed composed of representatives from the local 12 kingdoms with the goal of settling trade and land disputes diplomatically. In the later 18th century, this assembly expanded its responsibilities to regulating exports and proposing common tariff laws. In 1770's, the assembly faced issues of being eclipsed by the more decisive and more quickly executed national policies of their neighbours. As nationalism and centralised governments were becoming more common in Mediargic states, the assemblies constituent kingdoms held a special session in 1775 to propose a process of uniting the kingdoms under a constitution--giving the assembly the power to pass national legislation, formalise laws across localities, and form a national militia under the authority of separate constitutional monarchies. In 1780, all 12 kingdoms signed the constitution--establishing the Union Assembly as the de jure governing body. This system would remain in effect with some minor changes until the 20th century, during which the union constitution was abolished by the Narvic Nationalist Front. Narva would remain under autocratic one-party governance from 1960 to 1973. Notably, the Nationalist Front's governance of the Union led to its entry into the Central Argic Powers--which brought it into conflict with the Republic of Iverica in the Second Argic War. This period also saw the collapse of the Narvic monarchial families, which had been waning in influence due to popular pressure since the early 1900s. In 1973, a popular uprising saw the nationalist government deposed and the union reinstated. At this point, the monarchial presence in Narva had been so decimated that the Union Assembly resorted to introducing a presidential system to replace the function of the confederate monarchy. Though a demographic estate of Hidalgos is still maintained and constitutionally recognised, the office of the head of state is no longer relegated solely to their members.

The Confederation is rated as a developing country. It has a medium-to-low-income economy and has a medium Human Development Index rating. Despite remaining a mostly agriculture-dependent and fishing-dependent economy in the industrial era, the Confederation managed to rapidly industrialise during the mid-nineteenth century. It now boasts well-developed mining, natural gas extraction, and oiling industry with major contributions from raw material production, and metal smelting. In addition, the Confederation also maintains its position as a regional leader in the export of fish-based foodstuffs and fish-derived products like fish oil.

The Confederation has been a permanent member of the Association of Iberic Nations since its founding in 1918.