List of modern armoured fighting vehicles (Tyran)

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This is a list of tanks manufactured in Tyran.


Main Battle Tanks

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Strv 102 Strv102.jpg  Acrea 1950 7,116
Strv 104 Lynx Strv1042.jpg  Acrea 1965 approx. 15,000
Strv 124 Pantera Strv124C2.jpg  Acrea 1980 approx. 11,200
Strv 126 Pantera II Strv126A.jpg  Acrea 2017 440
Strv 131 Strv131.jpg  Acrea 2019 24

Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. of Units Notes

Armoured Fighting Vehicles

Strf 70 SPzKeiler.jpg  Acrea 1970 7,124 produced
Strf 9540 Strf90.jpg  Acrea
1995 1,094 produced
Strf 219 Strf219.jpg  Acrea 2019 24 produced. Undergoing evaluation and testing.
Strf 10 SPzPuma.jpg  Acrea 2010 2,683 produced

Armoured Personnel Carriers

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes
Strf 08 SPzServal.jpg  Acrea 2008 2,866 produced

Tank Destroyers

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes
Strf 05105 Strf05105.jpg  Acrea
2005 23 produced. Produced for evaluation and testing.
Strf 91120 Strf91120.jpg  Acrea 1991 872 produced
Strf 90105 Strf90105.jpg  Acrea 1990 48 produced Intended to compete with the Strf 91105. Further production cancelled in 1991.


Main Battle Tanks

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Ariete ArieteMBTType3.jpg  Cacerta 1983
Tuono TuonoMBT.jpg  Cacerta 1998

Light Tanks

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Coniglio ConiglioLT.jpg  Cacerta 2015 200


Main Battle Tanks

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Beithíoch Japanese - Type 74 tank - 1.jpg  Ossoria 1963 ~2,750
Mactíre 1 Challenger 1MBT Mk 3 (7527916878).jpg  Ossoria 1985 ~1,200
Mactíre 2 Reservists Training to be Challenger Tank Crew MOD 45156273.jpg  Ossoria 2000 ~1,000
Mactíre 3  Ossoria 2019 ~20

Armoured Fighting Vehicles

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Tarbh AAV-australia.jpg  Ossoria 1977
Sionnach Pansarterrängbil 360 Revinge 2015-7.jpg  Ossoria 2004


Main Battle Tanks

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
KH2 Ghost KH2MainBattleTank.png  Ruvelka 1971
KH3 Medve I Strv124MR1.jpg  Acrea 2008
KH3 Medve II Strv124MR2.jpg  Acrea 2009

Light Tanks

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
KT2 Lancer KT2LancerLightTank.png  Ruvelka 1951
KT3 Konnik KT3KonnikLightTank.png  Ruvelka 1984
TSPJ1 Uhlan TSPJ1UhlanLightTank.png  Ruvelka 1991

Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
TSPJ1 Uhlan TSPJ1UhlanIFV.png  Ruvelka 1991
TSPJ2 Hakkapelit ARCV95.png  Acrea

Armoured Personnel Carriers

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
MTPJ3 6×6 MTPJ36×6APC.png  Ruvelka 1983
LHJ1 Protected Crawler LHJ1ProtectedCrawler.png  Ruvelka 1990
LHJ2 Armored Crawler LHJ2APC.png  Ruvelka 2003
MTPJ4 8×8 MTPJ48×8APC.png  Ruvelka 2008


Main Battle Tanks

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
T-101 Vežimas MK3 T-101 MK3.jpg  Silua 1989 6,570+
T-101 Vežimas MK4 T-101 MK4.png  Silua 2004 4,950+

Medium tanks

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
KTP-190 Kardas KTP-190 Kardas.jpg  Silua 2015 ~1,500

Infantry fighting vehicles

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Lūšis Heavy APC Trophy on NAMER AFV.jpg  Silua 2008

Infantry fighting vehicle

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Sutaršyti Heavy IFV Trophy on NAMER IFV.jpg  Silua 2010



Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Myrmeke Myrmeke.jpg  Syara 1950 ~6,000
Manticore Manticore.jpg  Syara 1964 ~4,000
Minotaur Minotaur.jpg  Syara 1974 ~4,500
Myrmidon Myrmidon.jpg  Syara 1998 ~3,500
Hetairos Hetairos.jpg  Syara 2015 ~650

Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Aethon Aethon.jpg  Syara 1980 ~9,500
Balius Balius.jpg  Syara 1973 ~6,000


Main Battle Tanks

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Sundarji Sundarji 1.jpg  Tennai 1988 ~3,500
Sundarji 2 Sundarji 2 MBT.jpg  Tennai ~2000 Sundarji 2 is Tennaiite designation of the Tennai-Mansuriyyah MBT

Infantry fighing vehicles

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Kavari AFV I/II Bionix AFV 1.jpg  Tennai 1997 2,700
Richa AFV Hunter AFV of the Singapore Army.jpg  Tennai 2019 ~300

Armored personnel carriers

Name Image Origin Entered Service No. Built Notes
Erumai ICV NDP2010 CR3 Terrex ICV 1.JPG  Tennai 2006 ~3,550