Foreign Policy of The North American Socialist Commonwealth

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The North American Socialist Commonwealth's Foreign Policy is laid out either by the Constitution of the Commonwealth or else deliberated upon by Parliament and the President. It is enacted and enforced predominantly through the Foreign Affairs Ministry, though elements are the jurisdiction of the War Ministry, the State Security Ministry, or the Aero-Space Affairs Ministry. The Commonwealth is largely multilateralist in foreign relations, firmly supporting the establishment of a security and economic network of many nations for the greater benefit and security of all nations involved.

Foreign Policy Goals

The Commonwealth's primary objective in foreign affairs is to maintain the security of the citizenry and state of the Commonwealth from foreign threats. Secondarily it seeks to create an engine for international prosperity through trade with foreign nations, as well as through aiding those in need. Additionally, the Commonwealth seeks to use its international influence to put a stop to tyranny in as much a capacity as it able. Generally, the Commonwealth will try diplomatic means to achieve this aim, though it has sometimes used military might, or the threat of it to achieve this aim. In terms of foreign affairs, the Commonwealth does not have a strong stance with the economics of another nation so long as it appears that the nation in question is prospering. In terms of Government, the Commonwealth has a strong preference to establish strong ties with republics and constitutional monarchies, and generally oppose absolutist and undemocratic systems, though some exceptions have been made for non-hostile and clearly beneficial dictatorships and monarchies.

The World Assembly

Symbol of the WA

The Commonwealth is a member of the World Assembly, and is to be considered an active member of it. Generally, the citizenry of the Commonwealth could be said to support Commonwealth Membership, though there are several pockets of isolationists that are fearful of the World Assembly, or those that have disdain for the intellectuality of the WA. The Commonwealth is one of the few nations of the Mist Continent, and the only "Prime" Earth nation to have a seat in the WA, and has in fact served intermittently as the Mystrian Delegate to the WA. The Commonwealth champions Sapient Rights, for the most part, though its lack of experience with having nonhuman citizens has resulted in quite a decent amount of buffoonery in this respect. As a result it supports the civil and political liberties promoting resolutions, as well as those that protect the environment, and some economic regulations/developments. Generally speaking the Commonwealth is neutral on the matter of resolutions regarding the military, or moral decency dealing with the resolutions on a case by case basis. The Commonwealth is opposed to regulations on information exchange on principle, and those resolutions which are obviously rights restricting on weak grounds.

Multilateral Organization

Name Membership Envoy
The Meridonian Economic Union Signatory None
The Worker's International Defense Commissioner Eugene Estus
The Multispecies Union (MSU) Member Unknown

The Commonwealth is generally cautious when it comes to signing into Multilateral Agreements. While it appreciates these, and views them as the best way of doing things, it has dealt with the negative consequences of multilateral organizations in the past, and is less than enthused by the possibility of organizational usurpation. Given the Commonwealth's relatively newness to the international stage it has, as of yet not founded any international organizations, though it has been considered a senior member in at least one functional organization. Currently, the Commonwealth is party to three organizations though this is due mostly due many of said organizations collapsing.

The Commonwealth has a strict policy regarding signing on to existing multilateral agreements, especially military ones. Before officially signing into a multilateral organization, the Parliament, and the Congress of Soviets must both agree on whether or not to ratify memberships. In the event that an organization is usurped or otherwise turned against the originating values for why the Commonwealth signed, the Legislature may then take another vote to leave the organization, and if approved will exit.

The Commonwealth is generally known to follow the laws created by Organizations to which it is a party. If a national would conflict with an international law, then the national law would generally be repealed or not be passed to begin with. This prioritization has however been broken in the past.

The NASC tends to be very generous when it comes to international aid, and has a substantial part of any surplus to be used in this manner. The Commonwealth almost exclusively donates to economic, educational, or scientific developments, as Commonwealth law forbids most forms of military aid. It is a major donor to the cause of Compassion Cruises.

Bilateral Relations

General Bilateral Policy

The Commonwealth is less cautious with regards to bilateral relations. It very often has free(ish) trade with those nations that are willing, and cannot be deemed as hostile to the Commonwealth or its interests. The Commonwealth, in the interest of its security and prosperity, is attempting to create a strong network of nations that support and are supported by the Commonwealth in the form of many trading partners and allies. However, in ten years it has not accomplished what it hopes to accomplish.

The Commonwealth generally holds favorable opinions of democratic nations, generally republics, with strong civil rights records. In contrast, absolute monarchies and dictatorships are viewed poorly, especially if they are not benevolent in nature. The Commonwealth abhors those states with long and unapologetic records of sapient rights abuses, slavery, and state sponsored terrorism, and will almost certainly refuse to recognize the sovereignty of nations that do perpetrate these crimes against humanity. The Commonwealth is neutral in respect to religious states, regarding on a case by case basis whether or not the state religion is a clear benefit to the nation, or is used as an engine of oppression.

Standing Bilateral Relations

A list of nations with bilateral relations with the Commonwealth is below. It should be noted that this list is far from exhaustive.

Flag Name Current Agreements Commonwealth perception of nation
Flag of spires.jpg The Beastling States of Crystal Spires Embassy Exchange. Other Pacts are likely to occur, but are currently being deliberated. The Commonwealth views The Beastling States very favorably, it sees in Spires a strong potential ally, and as the other half of an Anti-Imerian power bloc. The Spirean government is one with a strong democratic and leftist tradition, and is one that the Commonwealth would be glad to call comrades in arms.
File:Cantalvia flag.jpg The Mostly Sublime Republic of Cantalvia Embassy Exchange. The Commonwealth has pledged to protect Cantalvia, though it has not likely been reciprocated. The Commonwealth holds the Cantalviani in a high regard. It sees the people of Cantalvia as those worth protecting from the attacks of its more aggressive neighbors in Altea. As a result it has pledged to protect Cantavlia and has offered a Guarantee of Independence.
United Pony States Flag.png The United Pony States of Legokiller Embassy Exchange The Commonwealth is cautiously optimistic about relations with Legokiller. On the one hand it shares many of the same values, and is a democratic state. On the other hand it is a ponyist nation, insofar as the Commonwealth's government can tell. Having heard that Pony nations tendency to anti-communism, and having nearly been invaded by a pony state the Commonwealth maintains a respectful distance from Legokiller.
File:Imerian flag.png The absolute royal federation of Imeriata and her realms No Formal Relations The Commonwealth holds the Imerian State at arms length. The Imerian's record of slaving, as well as its status as a potentially oppressive, and almost certainly expansionist absolute monarchy has given cause for the Commonwealth to consider the Imerians an opponent on the international stage. The sole reason why the Commonwealth has not simply declared the Imerians a non-state and declared war is that the Commonwealth recognizes that a war between it and Imeriata would be an economic and political disaster.
File:Capisarian Flag.png The United Socialist Republic of Capisaria Embassy Exchange, Economic Union (through Meridonian Economic Union), Comrades in Arms through the Worker's International, Free Trade Agreement, Intelligence Exchange, and Emergency Aid Agreement The Commonwealth generally views the Capisarians as allies, and comrades in arms. Their values, and governmental systems and the Commonwealth's go hand in hand, and the Commonwealth sees the Capisarians as comrades in arms.
File:Finorskian Flag.png The United Nations of Finorskia Embassy Exchange, Economic Union (through the Meridonian economic Union), Free Trade Agreement, Mutual Defense Pact, Cultural and Information Exchange, Intelligence Exchange, and Emergency Aid Agreement Currently, the Commonwealth views Finorskia as its closest ally in the Multiverse. Consistent friendly relations, many common shared values, and a long history of mutual military aid, as well as economic union (through the Meridonian Union) have fostered a bond of national brotherhood between the Commonwealth and the United Nations. The Commonwealth is glad to count the United Nations among its comrades in arms.
NASCFlag.pngThe North American Socialist CommonwealthNASCFlag.png
Geography Politics Society & Culture

GeographyDistrictsThe Veiled IsleIsla VerdeClimateProtected areasFaunaFlora

HistoryUS History to 2014Eve of RevolutionRevolution and Provisional GovernmentThe Hermit CommonwealthThe OpeningEnd of IsolationismContemporary HistoryVerdean HistoryVeiled Isle History

EconomyMeridonian Trade AgreementNational bankEducationEnergyTourismTransportCooperativesNASC National Health ServiceMining and Refineries in The NASCManufacturing in The NASCAgriculture in The NASCRetail in The NASC

PoliticsConstitutionParliamentCongress of SovietsSupreme CourtThe President (List)Prime Minister (List)The MinistriesElectionsForeign relationsPolitical parties

Foreign Affairs & Defence

Foreign PolicyThe Commonwealth Defense ForceMilitary HistoryThe Proletarian GuardAir ForceNaval ForcesCIDFORSpace ForcesWeapons of Mass DestructionIntelligence

Justice in the Commonwealth

Commonwealth LawConstitutionParliamentThe Ministry of State SecurityCourtsLocal & District Police CorpsSTIGCyber DefenseCorrectional servicesNationality lawCrime

CultureArchitectureArt (Artists) Cinema (Actors, Directors, Screenwriters)Music (Composers, Singers and Performers) • CuisineLiterature (Writers, Poets) • EducationMediaSportsSubculturesSocial IssuesNASC Cultural Landmarks

Symbols of The Socialist Commonwealth
SymbolsNational FlagFlagsEmblemAnthemNameThe National AnimalThe National TreeThe National Flower
Commonwealther Demographics

DemographicsAdministrative divisionsLanguagesReligionImmigrationList of Famous Commonwealthers