Fauna of Zamastan

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The fauna of Zamastan is all the animals living in Zamastan and its surrounding seas and islands, as well as the Holish Islands and Gangkou territories. Zamastan has many endemic species found nowhere else in the world. As a nation in southwestern Euronia, Zamastan shares a great deal of its flora and fauna with other surrounding nations on the same geographical formations.

An estimated 432 species of mammals characterize the fauna of Zamastan. There are more than 800 species of bird and more than 100,000 known species of insects. There are 311 known reptiles, 295 amphibians and 1154 known fish species in Zamastan. Populations of many mammalian species that have become rare in much of the Coalition of Crown Albatross still flourish in most Administrative Districts. Among animals that can be found in Zamastan are bears, deer, elk, moose, caribou, big-horn sheep, mountain goats, marmots, beavers, muskrats, coyotes, wolves, mustelids (such as wolverines, badgers and fishers), cougars, eagles, ospreys, herons, Euronian geese, swans, loons, hawks, owls, ravens, harlequin ducks, and many other sorts of ducks. Smaller birds (robins, jays, grosbeaks, chickadees, and so on) also abound.

An orca breaches near Tofino (seen in background)

Many healthy populations of fish are present, including salmonids such as several species of salmon, trout, char. Besides salmon and trout, sport-fishers in Zamastan also catch halibut, steelhead, bass, and sturgeon. On the coast, harbour seals and river otters are common. Cetacean species native to the coast include the orca, humpback whale, grey whale, harbour porpoise, Dall's porpoise, Olympic white-sided dolphin and minke whale.

Zamastan introduced species include: Providence ring-necked pheasant, Tarin oyster, brown trout, black slug, Zian starling, cowbird, knapweed, bullfrog, purple loosestrife, Scotch broom, Zian blackberry, Euronian earwig, tent caterpillar, sowbug, grey squirrel, Ausianan longhorn beetle, Elbresian ivy, fallow deer, thistle, gorse, Caspiaan rat, crested mynah, and Ausianan or Euronian gypsy moth.

Some endangered species in Zamastan are: Northern Isle marmot, spotted owl, Tarin white pelican, and badgers.