Caniderians, also known as Western Canedalusians or Hothirians are an indigenous species that are native to the planet of Canedalusia, and are in the same genus as the Canidiums. They are an officially recognized specie member of the Imperial Confederation. They make up the 87.6% of the population of the Canedalusian continent of Hothiria, and 21.1% of the continent of Beszmorthia. They consist 59.7% of the entire population of the planet of Canedalusia. Within the Imperial Confederation, they are considered to be the second most populous species, behind the Apregians. The Caniderians are often referred to as Hothirians by Canidiums, and before their official inclusion in the Imperial Confederation were interstellarly referred to as West Canedalusians.
The Caniderians before their inclusion into the Imperial Confederation were governed by kingdoms, and at the zenith of their power when they were included within the Imperial Confederation were ruled under the House of Moi under the Hothirian Empire that spanned the entire continent of Hothiria. The Hothirian Empire sought out a centralized government to foster a singular language and culture. Many smaller Caniderian languages, numbering in over 100 different languages, have gone extinct. There are only two major dialects that remain, Northern Hothirian and Southern Hothirian.
The Caniderians and the Canidiums have had issues for over three millennia since the War of the Cariszan Archipelago.