Resolution for the Control of Nuclear Arms (Vasarden)

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Resolution for the Control of Nuclear Arms
Decretum Temperiēī Armōrum Nūcleārium
Nuke pic.jpg
LocationBerbest, Lairea
Signatories Legatia
 Vierz Empire/Vierzland
And others
LanguagesVierz, Legatian

The Resolution for the Control of Nuclear Arms is a nuclear arms treaty initially signed by the Vierz Empire and Legatia in order to stop the proliferation of nuclear arms. The treaty was soon expanded to include Vonzumier, then the only other nuclear state. The treaty was then further expanded to gradually include the majority of the world's nations, though a notable few rejected the treaty or ignored its terms. In 1989, the treaty notably allowed Aemperya, then the fourth official nuclear-armed state, to accede to the treaty as an official nuclear-armed nation.

The treaty has now been signed by nearly every country in the world, with the notable exceptions of Bhasar, Luepola, Zaihan, and Hevatia. Luepola and Bhasar are nuclear-armed and refuse to sign the treaty without recognition within the treaty's terms as nuclear-armed states; Zaihan has rejected the treaty as part of its policy of official nuclear ambiguity; and Hevatia is believed to be pursuing nuclear technology.