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Flag of the former Chanwan republic, commonly used by Chanwan nationalists

Chanwa (Chanwan: ချိုင့်ဝှမ်; Hkyao ng wham) is a geo-cultural region in south central Coius where the Chanwan people form a pluarity or majority of the population. Stretching across southern Zorasan, northern Xiaodong and western tbd the territory is defined by its steppe culture similar to other nations in the region. Its population predominantly speak the Chanwan language and practice a mixture of Badi, shamanism, and Satyism (particularly the Antargat sect). Chanwan nationalists often aspire for the region to become its own, unified state. The Chanwan people have historically been seen as nomadic although this tradition has been on the decline for the last five centuries.

Chanwan regions have varying levels of autonomy from a high amount in tbd, a nominally moderate but in practice restricted amount in Xiaodong and a low amount in Zorasan.




Modern status





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