Internet (Averius)
The Internet was first created in the Year 780 to connect various computers.
Historic Networks
Imperial Military Security and Operations Community (IMSOC) IMSOC is a military internet network that was built to allow easy transmission of data between military servers.
Commercial Organization Multiplicity System Exchange Community (COMSEC) COMSEC is a commercial internet network that was built to provide data transfer between various sales, commercial, and industrial businesses.
Modern Internet
Modern Internet Principals (TCP/IP)
End-to-End Principal The modern internet uses an end-to-end principal, with computers communicating to each other, using routers to connect to the internet
Robustness The Modern internet is designed so that a sending computer will be conservative when sending data, but the receiving computer would be liberal in accepting data. Typically, accepting copies of the same data and filtering out errors.
Encapsulation The protocol suite will be divided into layers.
Application Layer The Application Layer contains the data and processes being sent/received.
Transport Layer The Transport Layer contains computer-to-computer communications. It includes a Transport Control Protocol (TCP) to provide data flow control, connection establishment, and reliable data transmission.
Internet Layer The Internet Layer transmits the data and lower layers. It contains the IP dataset to direct the transfer of data. This layer adds the IP Header to the transmitted data.
Link Layer The Link Layer defines the networking methods, allowing ethernet, satellite, and electromagnetic transmission of the data.
Basis The Framework of IPx64 is a 64-bitlength address. There are sixteen hexadecimal digits in an IPx64 address, split up into sets of 4 digits. Each set can have 65,536 different combinations. The network, itself, determines the IP address, not the individual computer, though the network will report the designated IP to the computer, itself.
First Set The first set is to determine the network the computer is on.
Second Set The second set is to determine the sub-network the computer is on.
Third Set The third set is to determine the junction the computer is on.
Fourth Set The fourth set is to determine the computer designation on a specific junction.
IPx64 Notable/Reserved set digits
Digits | Use |
0001 | Imperial Central District Government Network |
0002 | Imperial Central District Ministry Network |
0003 | Imperial Central District Foreign Affairs Network |
0004 | Imperial Central District Foreign Embassy Network |
0005 | Imperial Central District Private Network for the Nobility |
0006 | Imperial Central District Private Network for the Imperial Palace |
0007 | Imperial Central District Public Network |
0008 | Imperial Central District Security Network |
0009 | Imperial Military Communications Network |
000a | Imperial Emergency Communications Network |
000b | Imperial National Radar Network |
000c | Imperial National Weather Service Network |
000d | Imperial Central District Security Network |
000e | Imperial Emergency Wartime Network |
000f | SCADA Network |
0011 | Imperial Aircraft Communications Network |
0012 | Imperial Oceanic Communications Network |
0013 | Imperial Railway Communications Network |
0014 | Imperial Highway Communications Network |
0015 | Imperial Radio Communications Network |
0016 | Imperial Army Communications Network |
0017 | Imperial Navy Communications Network |
0018 | Imperial Coast Guard Communications Network |
0019 | Imperial Military Communications Network |
001a | Imperial Air Force Communications Network |
001b | Imperial Monarchists' Line Communications Network |
001c | Imperial Magnumare Line Communications Network |
001d | Imperial Atlantian Line Communications Network |
001e | Imperial Spine Communications Network |
001f | Imperial Air Defense Network |
0021 | National Air Traffic Control Network |
0022 | National Port Authority Network |
0023 | National Border Patrol Network |
0024 | National Police Database Network |
0025 | National Court Database Network |
0026 | National Parliament Database Network |
0027 | National Archives Network |
0028 | National Telecommunications Network |
0029 | National Ministries Network |
002a | Secure Banking Interface Networking System (SBINS) |
002b | Television Broadcasting Network |
002c | Television Broadcasting Archive Network |
002d | Radio Broadcasting Network |
002e | Radio Broadcasting Archive Network |
002f | Social Media Network |
0031 | Westphalia Residential Network |
0032 | Haven Residential Network |
0033 | Centralia Residential Network |
0034 | Foxia Regional Residential Network |
0035 | Foxia Commercial Network |
0036 | Foxia Industrial Management Network |
0037 | Foxia Local Governance Network |
0038 | Foxia Non-profit Network |
0039 | Imperial Pantheon Network |
003a | National Cellphone Network |
003b | National Library Network |
003c | National Online Gaming Network |
003d | Foreign Website Localization Network |
003e | Foreign Language Network |
003f | National Utilities Management System (NUMS) |
0041 | Castlevania Residential Network |
0042 | Astral Heights Residential Network |
0043 | Cavernholm Residential Network |
0044 | Wolvenia Regional Residential Network |
0045 | Wolvenia Commercial Network |
0046 | Wolvenia Industrial Management Network |
0047 | Wolvenia Local Governance Network |
0048 | Wolvenia Non-profit Network |
0049 | National Castle Communications Network |
004a | National Secure Communications Network |
004b | National Census Network |
004c | National Research Database Network |
004d | National School Network |
004e | National Sports Network |
004f | National Organizations Network |
0051 | Atlantis Residential Network |
0052 | Vancouver Residential Network |
0053 | Portland Residential Network |
0054 | Aquarius Regional Residential Network |
0055 | Aquarius Commercial Network |
0056 | Aquarius Industrial Management Network |
0057 | Aquarius Local Governance Network |
0058 | Aquarius Non-profit Network |
0059 | National Commercial Network |
005a | National Industrial Management Network |
005b | National Non-profit Network |
005c | National Shipbuilders' Network |
005d | National Aerospace Builders' Network |
005e | Averius Space Program (ASP) Network |
005f | National Inter-hospital Medical Interface Network (NIMIN) |
0061 | Londinium Residential Network |
0062 | Farmington Residential Network |
0063 | Liverpool Residential Network |
0064 | Vale Regional Residential Network |
0065 | Vale Commercial Network |
0066 | Vale Industrial Management Network |
0067 | Vale Local Governance Network |
0068 | Vale Non-profit Network |
0069 | Foreign Companies Network |
006a | Foreign Banking Interface Network |
006b | FOREX Network |
006c | National Automobile Manufacturers' Network |
006d | National Electronics Manufacturers' Network |
006e | National Agricultural Industrial Network |
006f | National Public Transportation Network |
0071 | Ardentia Residential Network |
0072 | RESERVED Residential Network |
0073 | RESERVED Residential Network |
0074 | Borderlands Regional Residential Network |
0075 | Borderlands Commercial Network |
0076 | Borderlands Industrial Management Network |
0077 | Borderlands Local Governance Network |
0078 | Borderlands Non-profit Network |
0079 | National Residency Database Network |
007a | National Employment Database Network |
007b | SECSAT Secure Communications Network |
007c | SPYSAT Secure Communications Network |
007d | Minuteman Database Network |
007e | CIC System Network |
007f | National Emergency Alert Network |