Pilak (Seibalath)

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Tyurigin (Blinkspeak dialect)

Original Article

The Pilaks are a race of robotic warriors that rebelled from the Sacrath Imperya yi Seibalathiyum during the early 1900s, forming the Revolutionary Mechanical States of Eleutheria. They are notorious for unleashing Melkira's Curse upon Eleutheria, causing the lands to forever be poisoned by the taint of magic, and killing nearly the entirety of the Seibalathian States. They have since then rallied upon the banners of the Socialist Republic, and the remnants of the Eclipsean Guard under Lord-Regent Chaldris S. Nijuuyon.


They were constructed by the Republic of Ceolan, a client-state of the Imperya that once existed around the late 1800s. The Pilaks AI cores were conceived through the pinnacle of both magical and bio-engineering sciences, that were able to be grown through an artificial species of fungus instead of through chip manufacturing facilities. Although they had been traditionally fueled by miniature fission reactors, budget constraints forced their dependence instead upon alcohol.


Pilaks' true appearances are merely metallic endo-skeletons connected together through wiring, and numerous mechanisms. It has became customary for Pilaks nowadays to attach a skinsuit to their chassis, looking identical as an expressionless human being unblemished by any physical ailments or deformities, a tell-tale sign of a Pilak.


Relics of Another Age

Pilaks are biomechanical constructs that use a biological AI core made out of fungi, and are powered by alcoholic beverages, such marvels of imperfect engineering astound modern roboticists up until the present day, but any attempts to deviate from the original design always results in catastrophic failure.

Any modification to the original design must be minimal or cosmetic at best, although Pilaks can subsist from drinking merely alcohol as a source of fuel, the lessened about of power has resulted in them downgrading their processing power to the level of human beings. They cannot as well benefit from any external sources of power due to their delicate designs.